Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1517: I will resurrect them in the future

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

There aren't many five masters of the universe, but in the entire race of the universe, a single race can do this, which is actually very good.

The Zerg is just that number.

There are even only one race, some don't even have one.

There are only twenty or thirty in total.

But only those who are truly capable know that, in fact, in the age of extremely rich resources in ancient times, the Lord of the universe still had an objective number, and the total number could reach hundreds!

The single clan is not the current five, but even dozens of them!

But the Lord of the Universe will fall.

In the war of that year, it fell too much.

You know, in fact, the top ten schools, the eight families, the three temples, every school, every family, every temple, there was the Lord of the Universe before! If not, it would not be possible for the ten major schools to be juxtaposed, the eight major families are called together, and the three temples coexist.

In this way, twenty-one is reached.

Not even those solo travelers who have not formed a force.

But because of the First World War, it fell too much.

Too many Lords of the Universe fell, and the only remaining Lord of the Universe was sad and saved the original clan, called Martial.

In addition, the resources of the universe are not endless, and they are used more or less. For countless years, there are only a few people who have become the masters of the universe. Compared with that year, it is not a tiny bit.

Moreover, these were only announced to the public that year, and few people knew that when the earth still existed, there were three masters of the universe alone! Not to mention some solo travelers!

Today, the Temple of Wulei is responsible for human affairs, and the other two are just famous.

What truly dominates the fate of humanity is the superpower who has no delusion and has survived since ancient times!

However, the middle-aged people who entered the Wudang Hall did not see the owner of Wudang Hall at all, but an old man in brocade.

After listening to the middle-aged person's report, he waved his hand, "Catch Ning Tianlin."

"Give him to the Mu!"

"Today, our relationship with the Zerg has reached an extremely tense moment. We cannot anger the Mu people, let alone push the Mu people to the Zerg side. You must know that the Mu people also have a master of the universe."

"Yes!" The middle-aged man hesitated, and flew away from here.

. . . . . .



However, Ning Tianlin, who knew nothing about it, spurred the unknown number of random teleporters and cut through countless voids. After two days and two nights, after hiding for a long time, he never saw someone chasing him. He breathed out in his heart.

"That's the strength of Xing'ao!"

"Spike Star Saint!"

"If I hadn't had a supersonic wave and was able to stun invincibly for three seconds, I wouldn't know what to do this time."

Ning Tianlin was really frightened.

Especially after the opponent's spinning top is made, his face is greatly changed. If he is really loaded in by the other person, he can really be trapped forever. Although there is no way to kill himself now, if he really talks to himself Consume it, you will die!

No matter how many Jingqi points, but also the day when they run out!

At that time, his undead body of Ning Tianlin was just dregs, and he was randomly struck into another space. Without the assistance of energy points, he could never die.

In particular, he was just mad, and he was worried that the other party would find himself through the breath in the space!

Until now, he didn't know that there was a fellow Xing'ao existence who blocked his opponent, let alone knowing that the Xing'ao Wuzhe had turned his face at this moment, got the order, and the whole universe began to hunt him.

After catching, send to Mu!

Waiting for the trial of the Mu clan.


As soon as Ning Tianlin waved his hand, a green and exquisite pagoda appeared in front of him. As soon as he appeared, he exuded a strong aura and anger.

The consciousness penetrated, and I saw a hazy shadow standing quietly in the tower.


Secret urged, a light shot in the tower, the woman's erratic body appeared in front of Ning Tianlin.

Not Lin Jiayi's soul, what else can there be. that

"Jiayi, I'm sorry." Ning Tianlin apologized to the woman. "I didn't expect that there would be a star-level martial arts warrior."


With a wave of another hand, a golden elixir appeared in front of the woman. "This is a sculpting elixir. After absorbing it, you can reunite the body and be born again."

For others, the soul has come out, and this matter is over, which means that this person is dead.

But for Ning Tianlin, wanting to return to the original state is just a matter of fingertips. A shaping Dan can do everything.

Especially in this place, there is no existence of Yin Cao Di Fu.

The soul can't automatically **** into Yin Cao Difu.


"I don't blame you."

Lin Jiayi, who had only a shadow, shook her head gently. "It's all caused by me. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have killed the muddy seal, let alone such a thing."

What happened at that time was too fast, and Ning Tianlin ran for two days, Lin Jiayi had no idea what happened. Until now he thought that it would be the strong man in Dingtianmen who would take revenge for Hun.

"Where is the master? Where is she?"

"And the Lord Lord?"

Lin Jiayi was a little confused.

Since her soul is all here, what about the master and the master of the capital city?

Isn't he in the same tower as himself?

Tianlin was able to save himself at that time, and certainly could bring out the soul of both of them.

Now that there is Shaping Dan, they can reunite in the flesh.

"Your master, and the Lord of the City, they have no soul ..."

"All are dead."

Ning Tianlin said a little embarrassingly, and then told the strangeness of the earth and other planets.

Explain that the earth, the holy places of human race, etc. have Yincaodifu. Humans living in the sun can produce souls, but people on other planets do not.

"But don't worry, when I become the Lord of the universe one day, I will definitely bring them back to life!"

"The Lord of the Universe is the existence that can distort space and time!"

When Ning Tianlin saw Lin Jiayi lose her mind for a while, she promised.

This was also his first assurance that two people would be resurrected in how many years.

"Master ... I ... I'm sorry for you ..."

When Lin Jiayi heard this, she could not help crying.

These years, the master has been very good to her, although she also guessed the real intention of some masters to do so, especially in the end letting herself run north in the capital city, so that she saw Ning Tianlin.

Her intentions were fully understood at that time.

I know why she brought herself to Zhongdu City.

But what about this, she has really lived well these years, living under the master's wings.

Now that the master is gone, she is really sad.

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