Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1520: Awesome Mountains

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Why didn't you say it earlier!"

"Twenty-three-year-old domain owner!"

Abdalon looked coldly at the Sleepless King. This matter can be big or small, and said to him that it was just a grudge between the two, and a grudge between the domain master and the star king. But to the inside, it is indeed a grudge of a superhuman genius.

What does super genius mean?

As long as he grows up, the whole universe will tremble for it!

In the tens of thousands of years, the human race has not seen such a super genius.

Such a thing, how dare you hide it!

"I ... I'm just a bit ashamed and shameless."

Sleepless King bowed his head.

He can't lie, but he will be ashamed, despised by a star warrior, how can he say it. And ten years later, he will definitely kill the other.

Whether or not this young man finds himself, he will definitely shoot!

Solved this confidant!

I just didn't expect that in just five years, there was a rumor that the other party was able to kill Xingsheng.

What a joke.

A star saint, can kill him easily!

"If this thing is true, that is to say, the other party is 28 years old, and he has the power of the Star Olympian!"

Abdalon himself took another breath.

Because if that's the case, the opponent has the power to kill him.

And he instantly realized the seriousness of the incident.

"Sleep King, now I order, by any means, in any way, to find out this Ning Tianlin."

"As for the arrest operation, I will blame it."

"You have to find out where the other party is in the shortest time!"

Abdalon ordered.


The Sleeping King obeyed.

"Go on."

"That concludes the banquet today."

When Abdalon waved his hand, he motioned for the surrounding bugs to disperse, while waiting for them to leave, he flickered and left here. The next moment, he was already in front of an extremely large bug.

He murmured a lot.

"Shun Ning Tianlin."

Soon, the Zerg began to issue official orders.

Keep spreading.

It didn't take long for all the bugs to receive this task, and even many bugs had left the Zerg area and began to search in other territories.

. . . . . .

"This League of Legends first store has actually survived."

Ning Tianlin didn't immediately go to the secret place to find the nine-round reincarnation tower.

But first came to the capital city.

Does n’t the earth have a saying, the more dangerous it is, the safer it will be.

And, with the super stealth bonus, as long as he doesn't show up, no one can spot him.

At this moment, he was standing in front of the No. 1 Store of League of Legends in the Metropolis.

However, unlike the hustle and bustle of the past few days, there are no more people in the No. 1 shop except for the White Star and the Seven Star Kings.

"See Master!"

When Ning Tianlin appeared, he still shocked White Axe.

I never thought that at this time my own master would dare to show up.

"I didn't expect you to be there."


Ning Tianlin thought that everything he had in Zhongdu City was destroyed. I really didn't expect that the first shop was still there, and even the people inside it remained unchanged.

"They didn't embarrass us."

"After all, we are all human beings, and we are all star kings."

"At this level, they will not be too implicated."

White axe said, "Maybe sometime, they will use us. And they want to get more information from our masters."

"In the past few days, a lot of people have asked about the relationship between you and the holy land of humankind."

When the White Axe saw Ning Tianlin appear, he was relieved.

They are all controlled by divine thought.

If Ning Tianlin dies, they will die completely.

Although they are in this situation, it is really a little embarrassing.

"Sir, this is a collected resource."

With that said, White Axe bowed and handed the resources collected these days to Ning Tianlin.

When Ning Tianlin left and went to the city's main house, he exchanged all the resources required by outsiders and waited for them to pay.

In these days, although Ning Tianlin was not there, he still exchanged the previous batch of goods.

He Ning Tianlin came back this time, which is why.

After all, this is not a small sum.


Ning Tianlin nodded, took the space ring, and put it into the Promise Ring.

"You leave or stay, you decide."

Ning Tianlin spoke, "Or find a quiet place to hide, and I will call you back when I come back."

"This shop can't open now."

Ning Tianlin did not expect that this shop would end in such a hurry.

This **** has no delusion, and turned black and white upside down, saying that he was the culprit in killing the capital of the capital city. Isn't this an open talk?

But he didn't want to argue, he couldn't argue, and he did it himself.

"We wait for the master to return!"

White Axe took the lead.

Whether sincere or flattery, this is no longer important.

He Ning Tianlin, one day, he will kill back!

And this time, I don't know when I can get out of that secret. Returning to redeem things within a month, can't keep up. Might as well close this shop directly.

"it is good."

"Stop it."

"If I return, I will call you together."

After Ning Tianlin finished speaking, his body flickered and was hidden in the void again. The hidden array he exchanged for elixir disappeared in half an hour.

Because at the beginning, he knew that many warriors were watching this shop.

. . . . . .

"Mo Yunhai in the Cangtian Mountains."

This is where Ning Tianlin knows from the memory of his second apprentice where the nine-round reincarnation tower is.

"Cangtian Mountain."

It took two full months before Ning Tianlin arrived here.

Appearing before him was a huge white mountain.

It is not appropriate to say that it is a mountain. It should be described as a mountain.

One after another, I know how many light years, spanning a hundred star fields. The area is so large that it can even make astral warriors lose their way here.

"Cangtian Mountain, snow all year round."

"Ice and snow will never melt."

This is the information given to him by the combat system, and even the distribution of resources in this mountain, the situation of the warrior has been said.

The most powerful is a star king.

Not a human, but a large golden vulture.

Known as the mountain eagle.

However, it only moves in the center of the mountain, and there is still a long way to go from where Ning Tianlin went this time.

If that position is still there, Ning Tianlin doesn't think he can run into each other.

"Mo Yunhai."

"In the Cangtian Mountains, a sea of ​​clouds condenses."

"Not real sea water, but sea of ​​clouds."

Ning Tianlin knows that the position of the nine-round reincarnation tower is somewhere in the sea of ​​clouds.

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