Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1522: Goodbye soul

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"this is......"

Ning Tianlin's eyes were narrow and tight.

Unknown, panic, put a lot of pressure on him.

Especially quiet.

Extremely silent!

Not to mention that the needle drop is audible, that is, the heartbeat, which is magnified infinitely here.

"It's so bloody."

Soon, Ning Tianlin smelled a strong **** smell in this gray space, but he just got into the eyes, but he didn't have a broken arm, and his heart was tight.

Think of a possibility.

All the broken arms and broken arms that had been sucked in had been shredded into nothingness and turned into dregs.

But the **** smell, which belongs to gas, can still exist.

"Agriculture ground."

Ning Tianlin took a deep breath. If it had not been for the invincible golden body protection, he would now be transformed into this emptiness, and the immortal body is probably useless here.

All turned into nothingness!




Ning Tianlin walked slowly and nervously forward.

He didn't know where he was or where he was now. He learned from the combat system that the entrance of the nine-revolver tower was useless, but he was attracted to it by the suction there.

Ninety-nine percent of the time, he is now in the inner space of the nine-round reincarnation tower.


I don't know how long after that, Ning Tianlin paused suddenly, because in front of him there was a vanity figure floating in the air, so he stared straight at him.


Ning Tianlin instantly recognized the shape of the other party.

Or, ghost.

"Why is there such a thing."

Ning Tianlin frowned, because he knew very well that the birth of this kind of thing meant that this person had lived here for at least three days!

It takes more than three days to be given the soul by the Nine Runners Tower.

Just like his two apprentices.

It is possible to live here for three days and there are only two possibilities.

The first is that the heart of the nine-round revolving tower has not changed. Everything is the same as his apprentice who came here a hundred years ago, accidentally, but easily entered. The second is that this soul was an extremely powerful warrior before his death!

Even a star level higher than Xing'ao, or even more powerful!

Such a character is not something Ning Tianlin can provoke even after his death. Because even if it dies and becomes a soul, it still has its original combat power, but because of the lack of physical body and no load, many secret techniques cannot be performed.

Taken together, the combat effectiveness has reached 80% of the original.

But it's 80%, and it's not something he can compete with now.

"who are you!"

"How come here."

Ning Tianlin didn't speak, but the other party asked first.

"You speak first."

How could Ning Tianlin report himself, but asked instead.

What about the real star-star powerhouse? In this place, you can't die if you have invincible gold body.

"Ha ha."

"The courage is not small."

The other party laughed, and it had a sneer, "OK."

"Then let me say it first."

"I am from Jupiter and my name is Basha."

After speaking, waiting for Ning Tianlin to answer.

"Ning Tianlin."


Ning Tianlin observes the reaction of the opponent and wants to judge the opponent's strength from the reaction of the opponent. If you are a strong star, you have definitely heard the word earth.

It is very strange to the current cosmic people, but it is not a problem to the star virtual warriors who have survived from ancient times.

Ning Tianlin was relieved. The other party didn't react much, apparently not the kind of powerful existence he thought.

"Why are you still alive."

"All of them are dead!"

"I have stayed here for more than fifty years and have never seen a living person."

Basha was curious.

He already knew that there had been a big change when he first came in here, and no one could come here alive.

But he himself could not go out.

"Why can't I live?"

"You died, because you were stupid."

Ning Tianlin snorted coldly and didn't want to talk too much with this person.

He came here to control the Nine Runners Tower.

Instead of talking nonsense to this person.

Especially the other person's eyes, staring at him too aggressively, as if he would not be in his eyes at all.



Basha slaps directly and yells at Ning Tianlin's face.

A young man who was not yet thirty years old dared to speak to him like this.

Leisure life is not!

He could not see Ning Tianlin's fighting power, but he did not take Ning Tianlin at all. He lived two thousand five hundred years old and was still the Lord of Stars when he was alive. No matter how powerful a thirty-year-old young man is, he cannot be his opponent.

He wants to teach each other to be human!

Moreover, he will kill the young man in a moment to verify his ideas.

See if killing him, can you make the other person into his current state.


But as soon as his figure reached Ning Tianlin, a long knife appeared in Ning Tianlin's hands.

Shining blue.

Not a combat weapon, but a magic weapon!

Fighting weapons cannot kill or injure ghosts. The energy they contain is aura of heaven and earth, which has little effect on ghosts, except for some blades of the sun.

At that time, Ning Tianlin was outside the Internet cafes on the earth, and when he was killing ghosts, he used the Zhiyang combat dagger.

The magic weapon is made up of some elements that specifically restrain the ghost between heaven and earth, and it is even forged directly from the Yin Cao Di government to kill the ghost.

Now this long knife is a magic weapon!


As soon as it appeared, it was cut to the ghost.


Just cut off the other arm.


In the pain of the heartbreaking lungs of the other side, Ning Tianlin was not idle either, summoning a million feet, opening his mouth, and directly swallowing the other side's body into his belly. Want to read each other's memory through a million feet.

The secret technique of reading memory is only for people!

Only for living beings!

And not to the ghost!

In other words, Ning Tianlin alone cannot read the memory in the other's mind.

But Manchurian is a special one. It can not only swallow living creatures, but also the soul. When it was on Earth, it had no idea how many creatures had devoured the soul.

Even if the soul of a certain kind of creature swallows too much, it can turn into this kind of creature!

The ox demon king, the praying mantis, is the object it turned into.


A large block of memory began to flow from the mind of Wan Zuyi to his sea of ​​spiritual knowledge.

But most of his memories during his lifetime were abandoned by him.

Only the memory of the latter half of the soul, and how he became a soul, what he has done here for fifty years, and what he knows.

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