Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1524: Black and white life and death book

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Ning Tianlin's brows frowned. If this body protector is in the light, he may not be in control of the judge's pen.

The cosmic treasures are all exclusive to the Lord of the universe.

"Others can't do it, but it's not a problem to say that Wuji is not."

"The Promise of Promise, there is nothing to disguise!"

At this time, the sound of the combat system sounded in Ning Tianlin's ears, making Ning Tianlin's eyes bright.


The difference of Wujijie has been taught by him long ago. The biggest difference is that it can hold living things!

In other space rings, living creatures can't fit in at all, but Wuji Ring can!


Ning Tianlin didn't hesitate. With a wave of his hand, the judge pen with the existence of the guardian **** light all fell into the Promise of Promise. But Ning Tianlin also knew that it was loaded into it, but he could not use it himself.

"A judge is there."

"There must be other treasures."

Without delay, Ning Tianlin put in his space ring and continued to fly forward.

Two days.

Five days.

Ten days.

Or a hundred days.

In this gray space barrier, I don't know how long it took. A book appeared in front of Ning Tianlin's eyes.

The book is big.

It is tall and wide.

The front is white and the back is black with two sides.

The word "life" is written on the front, and the word "death" is written on the back.

"Life and death book!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes are bright, this thing is definitely a book of life and death!


Ning Tianlin descended into the sky and wanted to open a page forcibly to see if there were any words or names in it, but unfortunately, like the judge's pen, he had not been approached yet, and was blocked by the guardian **** light.

Can't get started at all.


Just then, a violent wind came.

Then a huge figure rushed towards him with great speed.

That power is comparable to the King of Stars!

"Mountain Eagle!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes narrowed, and when he saw the person, he immediately remembered the information given to him by the combat system.

Among the mountains, the most powerful is this mountain eagle!

Have the strength of Star King.

It is a pity that he has no physical body and cannot use many methods. The comprehensive combat effectiveness should be about 80% of the original.


Ning Tianlin didn't delay. As soon as the palm of his hand was stretched out, a Fangtian painting halberd appeared in the void, not only a combat equipment, but also a magic weapon containing rich and hot elements.

For others, it is difficult to get such equipment immediately.

But for Ning Tianlin, it was just a blink of an eye.


The gods take a picture of the void, their gestures change, and when the opponent's figure arrives, they directly arrange a combat array.

Both eyes also met the golden eyes of the mountain eagle, urging the secret method, and instantly became the eyes of Medusa.

The eyes of this group can see through the void, which is not only useful for living humans, but also the ghost, but it can also play a role.


The Fangtian painting halberd rushed to the past.

Although he is still a star cave-level warrior, he has already beheaded the King of Stars, especially the mountain eagle in front of him, which is not as powerful as before. For him, he is definitely a loser.


The golden wings of the mountain carving were torn apart instantly, without being cut off, but directly turned into nothingness. Although there was no pain, the combat effectiveness dropped sharply, which greatly changed the face of the mountain eagle.

As soon as he touched it, he fluttered.

"Want to escape?"

Ning Tianlin snorted coldly, flung his hands, and a golden rope swept away towards the mountain sculpture.

It was in the ancient wooden abyss that he had been bound by a line of Qiankun, and the Earth's predecessors helped him to solve the problem. This thing fell into his hands and now it just works.




As the water snake entangled, the huge body of the mountain eagle was quickly trapped so tightly that it couldn't move and was taken to Ning Tianlin.

Ning Tianlin didn't hesitate. Fang Tianhua cut off his halberd and directly cut off his legs and the other arm. In this way, the combat effectiveness of the opponent plummeted in a short time.

Only half of the body and head were left.




Ning Tianlin still didn't stop, Fang Tian painted his halberd and waved it, and almost half-sloked it. Then he waved his hand, his mouth wide, and bit it directly at his body. For a moment, nothing was torn.

Not long after, Ning Tianlin's mind had a memory.

The memory of this mountain eagle.

"Ahead, there's baby!"

"Dangerous, not dangerous, I don't know, but there are still many powerful people here!"

Ning Tianlin did not expect that this is not the site of a mountain carving at all.

He was just the first few Tyrants who entered here.

But over the years, the changes here have also attracted many powerful people to come here. After all, these people also like to explore the secret realm. Especially, their spiritual coverage is very wide, and some horrible changes cannot escape their gods. knowledge.

As long as it feels unusual, they won't take long to explore it.

Especially here, their consciousness will be swallowed up, and they will definitely come here to investigate.

"In the memory of this mountain eagle, three strong men came here, one star respect, two star saints!"

"More powerful, he didn't know."

"Because of the treasures in front, these three people are guarding, and if they have the opportunity, they will be refined."

At this time, Ning Tianlin was also relieved in his heart.


These treasures are now unowned.

To obtain these universe-level treasures, they need to be extremely powerful. Now they are just guarding on the side, not theirs.


With a wave of her hand, Ning Tianlin put this huge black-and-white book of life and death into her space ring.

He estimated that he had control of the tower's heart on the nine-round reincarnation tower.

To be really in control.


Without delay, the figure ran forward again.

However, knowing that there are still powerful creatures in front of him, Ning Tianlin didn't make unbridled fanfare, but made a super stealth. As long as it is not an extremely drastic action, no one can find him except the Lord of the universe.



Ten days.

Twenty days.

After almost a month.

The figure of Ning Tianlin appeared in front of a huge stone.

This stone is about ten thousand feet high and has a pothole on the back, but the front is flat like a mirror, extremely smooth, especially not the gray on the back, but transparent and almost colorless.


Ning Tianlin was easily in front of this huge stone because she was invisible.

He found a middle-aged woman sitting on the edge of the stone.

The woman, with her hair in a bun and a full body, had a sword hanging above her head, as if she could split it freely at any time.

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