Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1532: Bring me some people back

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"This is your space ring, and it's a return to its original owner."

Ning Tianlin gave a space ring to Luo Jin. After all, when going out to do business, you also need to use space rings to pack things, but of course the original resources inside, Ning Tianlin will certainly not let go. At the beginning, it was all Put it into your own Promise.

This is the space ring of the star-virtual strongman, and it is also the highest level of space ring he has come into contact with. He is not stupid enough to return this level of things to the original owner.

"Thank you."

Luo Jin nodded.

No matter why the contents of the space ring are gone, if such words are spoken again, he will really become an idiot.

"This is a physical dan."

"When you take it, you can have physical body, and it's exactly the same as your original, it's no different."


As he said, his eyes flashed brightly, and a golden mark flew from his forehead, directly falling into Luo Jin's mind.

Luo Jin was responsive, and even knew what the consequences would be if the golden mark was submerged in his body, but he did not dare to move. Because he knows that in this world, this young man is the master of this place!

It's the **** here!

His mind is the law!

Moreover, this golden mark really entered his body, even in the outer universe. I am afraid that he will also be bound by the other party, and he will become his slave and his slave.

The thought of this made him chill all over.

But there is no way, in order to survive, he can only do so.

And he guessed that this young man was huge, maybe at some point, he could still follow his footsteps and reach a higher level. Because at this moment, there is no golden body around, he has seen the age of Ning Tianlin.

Twenty-eight years old!

28-year-old Star Cave Warrior!

This is also a terrible and incredible existence in the holy land of humankind!

The one who claims to be the most genius has not reached such a level of horror.

In particular, it is difficult for the other party to find the physical body, which makes him even more incredible. This thing, even in the holy place of the human race, is also extremely scarce. After all, a ghost can have a physical body!

Another method is to reincarnate, but without the permission of the controller, restricted by the laws of heaven and earth, it is likely that the combat effectiveness he has cultivated for many years will be destroyed.


Sure enough, as he expected, this golden mark disappeared completely after entering his soul, and he only felt that his mind was controlled by a forceful rule.

The other party let him die, I'm afraid it was just a matter of thought.

"it is good."

At this point, Luo Jin didn't hesitate, reached out his hand, and caught the elixir.

As soon as he encountered this elixir, his physical body began to recover at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, first the palms, then the arms, the upper body, the lower body, and a moment later, one with a mustache, short hair, and full of energy The middle-aged person who had lost weight appeared in the eyes of Ning Tianlin.

"Thank you, Lord!"

The body reunited, exactly like the original, Luo Jin knelt directly to Ning Tianlin.

Having a physical body is equivalent to an extra life, and it is always good.

"Let's go."

"Come out with me."

Ning Tianlin didn't say anything. With a wave of his hand, a space vortex appeared diagonally above the two, and then Ning Tianlin jumped into shape and didn't enter. When it appeared again, it was already in the universe.

A few moments later, Luo Jin also stood here.

"What I want you to do is bring me ten Star Saints and one Star Olympian back within a week."

"Remember, I want to live!"

"Besides that, no matter if he is crazy or seriously injured, even if he is on the verge of death, whether it is a human race or a zerg race, I do n’t care, as long as he appears in front of me, there is still a breath and it is controlled by you , The kind that can't move! "

Ning Tianlin knows his shortcomings today.

With his current strength, he can at most kill the existence of the Star King, and he is still the Star King with a low combat effectiveness. If you want to be higher, it is impossible. And if you want to grow quickly in a short time, borrowing Luo Jin's strength is also a good choice.

Who made him now is already his own slave.

And a slave who can never betray!

Die yourself, he will die too!

"it is good."

Luo Jin nodded. Although he didn't know why the host did this, since he was ordered to do so.

The ten stars are not so difficult.

Star level is a bit tricky.

It is not difficult to catch, but the Star Olympian, who is already considered to be the high-level of a certain race, is mostly reclusive in the starry sky. Without a fixed position, he is also difficult to find.

It was just that Ning Tianlin seemed to know what he was thinking, and he waved his hand directly and gave him an information drawing with a red dot marked on it, "This is the Star Olympian."

"He is single now. He is the only one."

"His position has been marked, you can go there."

As soon as Luo Jin's eyes brightened, he immediately answered, "Yes!"

With this thing in, it doesn't take a week, three days, three days to get it done!

He even expressed his confidence to Ning Tianlin.

"it is good."

"Three days."

Ning Tianlin nodded. For three days, his and Wanzuan's promotion should have been completed.

"Then I'll wait for your good news."

Ning Tianlin did not give Luo Jin his position as an enemy. At that time, the owner of the capital city of the city shattered his physical existence, the Dingtianmen, and the Zerg who will be killed in ten years.

These people, he will kill them one by one!

Even if he reaches the level of starship, it will be a hundred years later, he will also personally kill the existence of the city capital in the capital city to kill them!

The answer from the combat system, that is a Star Olympian!


Luo Jin nodded and was about to leave, but Ning Tianlin's voice continued to sound, "Yes, their space ring must be brought back to me intact!"

These things are also a great way to enhance combat effectiveness.

He didn't want Luo Jin to crush the opponent's space ring with one move.


Luo Jin nodded, and after Ning Tianlin didn't continue to command, he said aloud and left, his body flickered and disappeared into the void.

For others, the void is far away, and it takes a long time even to break the space, but for the star virtual warrior who is completely free to shuttle any void, the distance is not a problem at all.

Although it is not yet possible for the Lord of the Universe to come wherever he wants to come, in one day, he can definitely walk through the human race!


When Ning Tianlin saw the other party go, with a wave of his hand, a dozen huge corpses appeared in front of him.

There are bird-like, boar-like, and more human.

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