Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1534: Xing Zun 2nd!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the collection of the set is completed, the set attribute is activated, the attribute is the best attribute, the combat effectiveness is increased by 20%, an increase of one trillion billion, a total of six trillion billion!

With the combat system, let Ning Tianlin increase by 20%?

One trillion?

He almost forgot about this suit attribute.

But is n’t the best suit attribute 100% combat power?

It was just when he was strange that the voice of the combat system had explained, "Given the lack of physical attributes of the host, after the combat effectiveness grows, the set attributes are gradually unblocked."

"Slowly from 20% to 100%!"


In view of this, Ning Tianlin didn't think much. Well, it turned out to be inadequate.


As soon as his body moved, all these equipments were absorbed into his body and submerged in his body. At the moment, Ning Tianlin felt the energy in his body skyrocketed. Almost doubled!

The physical body is 650 trillion!

Equipment worth six trillion!

Counting this out, the entire combat effectiveness has reached 1,250 trillion!

That is a section of Star Respect!

Even Ning Tianlin himself was extremely excited.

For a period of star respect, it is a higher level than the star king, and above it, it is directly star saint!

"A ten-year covenant, and now I only have seven years!"

"In seven years, I have changed from a star warrior to a star respect. This speed is not uncomfortable."

Ning Tianlin was also a little dazed. He didn't expect that he could walk so quickly. In seven years, he had reached this point. As for the rest of the bet, the worm slumber King was killed and then he was taken To the tribe.

At that time, the mission is completed and the combat system will reward him with an energy point.

"And it's not over yet!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes flickered, "changing the third pair of thunder wing seven flame wings."

Previously, he had two pairs of wings.

Now he wants to redeem the third pair.

Just a load of essence left, enough.

The first pair of Leiguang Seven Flames can add a little combat power.

The second pair increases the combat effectiveness by 20%.

The third pair, increase 30% combat effectiveness.

And it is absolute by the equipment and the physical body, which also means that his combat effectiveness can be increased by 30%! 30% of 1,250 trillion is more than 300 trillion, nearly 4 trillion!

Counting it out, it is $ 16 trillion!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the exchange is successful, and the energy points are consumed three hundred ditch."

Instantly, the sound of the combat system sounded in Ning Tianlin's ears, while a pair of red wings appeared in front of his eyes.

It's big and wide.

The sharp blades around were the same as those cut by a knife.


As soon as Ning Tianlin waved his hand to reveal the main wings, he saw the red wings. At a very fast speed, he began to assemble and set up. A moment later, a huge object with three pairs of wings appeared in front of Ning Tianlin. .




With three colors of light.


As soon as Ning Tianlin's thoughts moved, these three-colored wings were stiffly inlaid in his flesh, controlled by his thoughts.

"In addition to the martial arts that can increase the combat effectiveness by 10%, in this way, my current combat effectiveness will soon reach two trillion trillion!"

Ning Tianlin's heart shook.

Second paragraph star respect!

Coupled with his secret skills and the like, it can be achieved.


At this time, the front foot mantra officially swallowed the flesh of a star-strength strong.

In other creatures, even if this kind of horrible body is obtained, its teeth cannot be bitten, but for Wanzuo, there is no such doubt, let alone creatures, even souls, can swallow it.



About thirty minutes later, Manzulu swallowed most of the body of the star-virtual warrior.

It was only at this time that the entire action of Wanzuyu was choked abruptly. In the huge mouth, he started to scream at first. Soon, it was a painful roar, and he saw the whole body cracking.

Pieces of meat and skin began to fall from the body.

In the blink of an eye, however, new granulations took root and sprouted, regenerating rapidly.


At this time, a large gray cloud began to condense overhead.

And the electric light flickered, and thunder thundered.

It seems that there is a tendency for black clouds to crush the city.


Ning Tianlin is not surprised, because he has seen this situation many times, which is the trend of Wanzuo to evolve.


Ning Tianlin didn't hesitate. He had already been on the road for a long time. With his right hand showing, a russet elixir appeared in his hand, and he waved it and put it in Wanzui's mouth.

Cross Erdan.

The elixir devoted to this kind of disaster.

Otherwise, Wanzuo may not be able to survive.

"Including this time, this is the sixth time."

Ning Tianlin's heart shook.

In ten years, Wan Zuyu began the sixth evolution, and this speed has really exceeded his imagination.

After all, the combat effectiveness system once told him that there are nine evolutions of the Manchurian urns, each of which is random and irregular, sometimes the time interval is short, and sometimes it can be billions of years apart.

Even its combat system cannot control this situation.

It can only be decided by Wanzui himself.

"I didn't think you were so lucky that in ten years, you could let it evolve six times!"

There was a sigh of emotion at this time in the combat system.

Because it originally thought that it would take hundreds of millions of years. In the case of this trend, maybe a hundred years, Wanzuo could completely complete nine evolutions, and the body itself will become a world!

And it is a world that can use one hundred millionth of life's fighting power inside!

At that time, it is the time for the combat effectiveness of Wanzuyu to skyrocket.

Although it is fast now, for the future growth rate, it is still just a tortoise in the tortoise and rabbit race.

"That is."

"And don't look at who this Millipede belongs to."

Ning Tianlin was showing off.

This is also one of his few pleasures.

And I can hear a praise from the combat system, but it is really difficult to reach the sky.


"Three times left!"

"Don't hope that the remaining three will cost you billions of years."

The combat system snorted and stopped talking.

It left a blow to Ning Tianlin.

Because it's not impossible, the evolution of Millipede is completely random.

However, Ning Tianlin feels that it is easier to evolve for those who are full of warriors, especially those that have a large gap between them.

"Your sister!"

"You can't say something nice!"

Ning Tianlin Gu Long said that he no longer ignored him, and all his mind fell on Wanzu.

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