Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1547: Please drink a glass of wine

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Bite you?"

"I still pump you!"


No matter how good the mood is, Ning Tianlin's words will provoke the violent upheaval, especially in Ning Tianlin's speech, it also involves the Lord of the Zerg, which is the **** in their mouth! They are willing to protect the king with their lives!

Can not help but let go of Ning Tianlin's figure, and he is not afraid of him running away through the void.



A long brown whip emerged out of thin air, just like throwing a whip, and drew heavily on Ning Tianlin's body.

However, despite making a crackling noise, Ning Tianlin's face remained unchanged, and his body was too lazy to move.

Because invincible Jin was in his hand, he wouldn't hurt a bit.

"Waste, hard!"

"You can't do it without dinner!"

"Or is the Zerg as waste as you? Not even a whip?"

Ning Tianlin cursed while holding his head up in the void.


"It's presumptuous!"

The ugly faces are almost green.

This Ning Tianlin is too shameless. What kind of means is this, and how can he let him do this.

"Sir, Ning Tianlin doesn't get into the oil and salt. I think the best way now is to detain him, slowly interrogate, and slowly induce, now it is not the way at all."

After about three minutes.

The ugly Bagua suddenly stopped and arched his claws into the void.

"grown ups?"

Ning Tianlin froze.

Isn't it?

Still strong?

There is no end!

You are all warriors at the level of Xingzhou, you also call the other adult, what level is the other?

You Zerg, really look at yourself!

Am I just here to kill a star king bug, do you need to treat me this way?


What made Ning Tianlin's scalp numb was that there was an "en" in the sky.

At the same time, the voice sounded, "No matter what kind of gold body, it consumes its own energy."

"Lock up this Ning Tianlin, for thousands of years, millions of years, billions of years, one day, his energy will be exhausted!"

"At that time, see if his mouth is so hard!"

The voice directly pointed out Ning Tianlin's weakness.

"This is a yin-yang rope."

"Made by gathering the yin and yang air in the stars."


With the sound of the sound, a long black and white rope directly appeared in the void, and even after Ning Tianlin and the ugly eight strange bugs reacted, he directly wounded Ning Tianlin.

"Yin Yang Yi Qi rope?"

Ning Tianlin looked at the rope, and he had the good fortune to urge him for the rest of his life after the disaster.

Yin Yang Yi Qi rope.

Yin and Yang breath.

And in his body, he just swallowed the yin and yang two qi, even in the cells.

If he wanted to untie the rope, he would **** all of them into his belly without sucking and opening his mouth, and forcibly refine it!

It is impossible for others to break the shackles, but to him, it is like a piece of paper.

"Bring him down."

"Strictly guarded."

"When has no golden light appeared on him, when will you tell me!"

This quiet voice said.


Ugly nodded.

"no need."

"A bunch of idiots!"

"I can break free now!"

Do a full set of play.

Ning Tianlin just wanted to show that in front of these bugs, he couldn't break the yin and yang rope. Only in this way, they might relax their vigilance.


As soon as the words fell, his flesh broke into pieces and turned into scum.

The yin and yang air ropes have no entanglement directly.

But it did not directly pull down, but was still entangled in circles, suspended. Strange energy, wrapped Ning Tianlin's broken dregs body.


What shocked Ning Tianlin was that his ground meat could not leave, but was still detained in a space formed by a yin and yang air rope.

Can't escape.


No matter how Ning Tianlin struggled.

Then the flesh rolled and turned into a human shape again.

"Good idea!"

Ning Tianlin's face was shocked and depressed, and she continued to work hard to see if she could break the yin and yang in one go.

"No more effort."

At this time, the voice quietly said, "This is my refining of yin and yang, and you can't break free without reaching my level."

The voice is extremely confident.

At the same time, they are quite satisfied with the results achieved.

"Pablo, take him down!"

"You personally arrange a layer of space, plus this yin and yang rope detention space, let alone leave, you can't move even in a large area!"

Voice in the void.


Ugly nodded.

Its name is Pablo.

"Every moment, you have to attack him so that you can consume his golden light energy as soon as possible. If not, let alone say billions of years, it is hundreds of billions of years, and he is estimated to survive!

Void voice added.

He was also right, if Ning Tianlin was not allowed to defend, he would have been **** for so long, and he could live for a hundred million years!

Only by constantly attacking can you expend energy faster.


Pablo nodded.


at the same time.

Pablo felt that the several thoughts that had been gathered here had disappeared without a trace.

He knew that the strong men agreed that he would detain Ning Tianlin. I am afraid that he had tried it in secret. At the very least, their mental attack was beyond the control of Ning Tianlin.

Otherwise, the service of Ning Tianlin's uniform would have been long overdue.

"Let's go."

"Ning Tianlin."

Pablo snorted and waved his hand, and disappeared into this long cave with Ning Tianlin.

From beginning to end, they did not inquire about the Sleepless King and the Xingxu Worm.

Their purpose is to attract Ning Tianlin.


The next moment, Ning Tianlin and this Pablo appeared in an abyss.

And keep going down.

"grown ups!"

"grown ups!"

"grown ups!"

Along the way, countless bugs worshipped Pablo. After all, this Pablo is a superpower at the level of astrology.

In the end, the two appeared in a pool of dark muddy water.

"Separate Shenshui!"

Ning Tianlin recognized at a glance what was happening to the black muddy water.

Separated by magic water!

It does n’t have much effect. It ca n’t hurt people or practice. There is only one effect.

Except for the Lord of the universe, anyone's consciousness can be cut off.

"Are you so serious?"

"Afraid that I would spread the signal and find someone to help me?"

Ning Tianlin sneered.

He walked alone, and no one could save him.


In a darker underground cave, Pablo gave Ning Tianlin's body with a wave of his hand. At the same time, his mind was spread. Numerous restraints were placed around him to make Ning Tianlin's scalp look numb.

This is the real solution to the yin and yang ropes, and this prohibition is not easy to escape.

"Is this necessary, ugly."

Ning Tianlin said mockingly.

He's all like this, are you still so cautious?

"Ha ha."

"Of course I need it."

Pablo grinned, and when he was sure that anyone could come here, he could smile, and said, "No, how can I ask the fellow to have a drink."

With a wave of his hand, a wooden table and a bottle of wine appeared in front of them.

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