Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1549: Shall we kill Zerg?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

Moreover, after the First World War, the earth shattered, but the core was still there. It took hundreds of millions of years to repair itself as before. Not only did it look like a lot, but it also moved countless voids.

The master of the universe who doesn't know the inside story may not be found!

In front of this Zerg strongman, how could he say so easily.

Emperor Qin Shihuang?

He believes that the probability is only 20%!

After all, when Qin Shihuang left the earth, the combat effectiveness was not high. At that time, King Yan Luo also told himself that if he encountered it, how could he help him? How can he help now?

A star-level powerhouse, I don't know how much higher than his combat effectiveness.

Therefore, he really doubted the authenticity of the worm's speech in front of him.

No matter how advanced, how can you become a star-level warrior!


"what a pity."

Pablo shook his head like a pity.

After thinking about it, said, "Otherwise, my friend, you see, with my strength and power now, although I can easily connect the earth, my current identity is, after all, the Zerg."

"It was a spy who broke into the Zerg, and couldn't do it directly."

"Now you send a message to someone outside you, let him connect the earth to the Internet, and then send us the address, so that I can also solve my acacia."


"It's been more than two thousand years. Widows really want everything on the planet. Although you can't see it with your own eyes, you can still do it through the Internet."

After that, I really want to see what the earth looks like now.

But having said so much, the result is nothing more than one, let Ning Tianlin network the earth, and then tell him the address!

The network address is leaked. Is the real address far away?

"I am alone, I don't know anyone outside."

Ning Tianlin smiled and shook her head.

The more the other party is like this, the less likely he is to give him the address of the earth.

He also did not believe that the other party was Qin Shihuang.

"Don't know anyone?"

"How can it be!"

"Don't you have anyone!"

"Let him do it for him."

Pablo was obviously not convinced.

How can a person travel in the universe without friends?

"That's the truth."

Ning Tianlin said, "I have always been alone, without friends, and I have no other people."

"It's such a pity." After a long time, Ning Tianlin felt that the other party was about to get angry, but he still said such a sentence.

"Yeah." Ning Tianlin nodded as if he hadn't noticed. "It's also my fault. Over the years, I have only focused on improving my combat effectiveness, and I haven't dealt with many people at all."

"My mistake."

"If not, this will also connect the earth to the world to solve the afflictions of adults."

Ning Tianlin also pretended to be helpless.

But suddenly, Ning Tianlin patted his thigh, "Yes, there is a person who might help me do it!"

The faces were all excited.


Pablo's expression of disappointment was immediately overjoyed and he asked Ning Tianlin.

"King Yan Luo!"

"If I can reach him, maybe I can really connect the earth to the Internet! And he's not far from the earth, it's easy to do!"

If Ning Tianlin had just sounded this incident, he had a look of sudden realization on his face.


"That's great."

"Then you contact him and try!"

Pablo said hastily.


"You call him King Yan Luo?"

At this point, Ning Tianlin has been 100% sure. The Pablo in front of him is definitely not Qin Shihuang!

The first reaction is, which word can he use?

But "You Ning Tianlin also knows my master Yan Luo?"

Not to mention "contact him to try!"

"But try to contact my master!"

You know, King Yan Luo can see you so importantly, and you are definitely his capable apprentice. A good apprentice, how can a master call him "he"?

Under the conditional launch, it should be "Master!"

"it is good!"

"I'll contact now!"

"You help withdraw some blocked space!"

Ning Tianlin did not poke, but continued to deliberately say.

"it is good."

Pablo was overjoyed, but his face was still solemn, "I'll revoke some of them."


With that said, part of the air restraint was released.

And Ning Tianlin's yin and yang rope, he did not move at all.

"Thank you, Lord."

Ning Tianlin thanked him and dialed an information number through the information device under the attention of the other party.




There was a constant busy tone.

This is also what Ning Tianlin let the combat system do on purpose. Of course, the opponent is not King Yan Luo, but an empty number. The beeping sound was the result of interference from the combat system.

"No one answered."

"Maybe busy."

Ning Tianlin sighed, disappointed.

"It's all right."

"Keep fighting."

"Not in a hurry."

"Not two times at a time, three times at two times, two days and three years, and I will always contact you."

Pablo Road.


Ning Tianlin snorted in his heart.

Two or three years?

Now that you've opened a mouth for the ban, Lao Tzu says he can go!

Super sonic, but can make you dizzy for three seconds!

Yin Yang and Yang Qi are completely a joke!

Others might be able to trap him, but Yin and Yang are the same as tonics.

"Then I will try again."

But Ning Tianlin didn't want to leave immediately.

Because this ugly eight weird bugs, although not Qin Shihuang, have definitely intersected with Qin Shihuang!

If not, how could you say the three words of Qin Shihuang!

The combat system is now silent about Qin Shihuang's affairs. Obviously, this matter is not something he can solve now.

From this worm's mouth, maybe some can be drawn out.




Ning Tianlin deliberately made the Tonghua sound so loud that Pablo knew that it was not that he did not fight, but that the other party was busy and had no time to answer!

At the same time, his mouth asked, "Master Shihuang, since we are fellow villagers, can you loose my rope?"

"It's uncomfortable to be tied like this."

Ning Tianlin deliberately made a request.

"This, the widow is really powerless."

Pablo shook his head. "This yin and yang rope is an adult's own arrangement. With my strength, it is impossible to untie it. Only by himself, can you loose this rope."

"In my opinion, Ning Tianlin, you might as well relax your vigilance like me, and pretend to stay with the Zerg, just like me, and then one day, find an opportunity to leave."

Pablo advised Ning Tianlin.

"How do you pretend?"

Ning Tianlin seemed to move intentionally and asked quickly.

"Just killing the Zerg. Let them do whatever they want."

"At the same time let go of your mind and let them put maggots on you!"

Pablo said, "Be assured, I have a secret method, so that this maggot will not work on us, it will be useless to us!"

"I did the same, only to survive under the Zerg eyelids!"

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