Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1564: He wants to refine you!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"no one!"

"Can't find that human!"

What disappointed all the members of the Dai people was that no matter how they searched, they did not see the slightest shadow of Ning Tianlin. The human, as if evaporating, or had fled the Dai people.

Otherwise, their consciousness can cover most of the territory of the Dai people, but nothing is found.

Even if it's invisible, it's impossible to escape the exploration of Xingyuan's strong.

But they couldn't think of it. Ning Tianlin was standing in front of Bo Wen at the moment, but even more earnestly, sitting on a side chair and talking to Bo Wen lying on the bed.

Bo Wen did not open her eyes, but she could "see", and Ning Tianlin was watching her with a smile.

"Ning Tianlin, it looks like you haven't missed the appointment, and you still talk."

Although the other party is his or her own Lord, Bo Wen and Ning Tianlin always talk about each other. Moreover, he concluded that the other party would not be angry with this and himself.

"of course."

Ning Tianlin smiled.

Launched in super stealth, except for the Dai patriarch who was able to perceive his existence, no one else could be, Bewen. He would not be able to see Ning Tianlin if he was not in the relationship between "Holy Spirit" and "Holy Lord". of.

"No matter how ten years have passed, it's time to see how you are doing."

When Bo Wen was born, he contained his own blood, so Ning Tianlin had an inexplicable feeling to her, a little spoiled, and ignored the other's rebellion, always disrespecting himself.


"It's pretty much the same."

Bo Wen snorted and said at the same time, "I didn't expect that you could progress so fast. Now even Star Saint can be killed."

"Unlike me, I'm a star king."

Bowen was a little frustrated.

She was originally meeting this time, and her combat effectiveness will definitely exceed Ning Tianlin's abacus. After all, she is a rare race in the universe, and she is the most genius among the rare races.

But I did not expect that ten years later, I still had not caught up with him.

He is the King of Stars, and the other party is already a Star Saint!

Need it so fast?

I won't let her some.

"You are already fast."

Ning Tianlin laughed, "For another person, in ten years, it has been incredible to be a Star Warrior. You don't have to compare with me, who makes me a genius among geniuses."

"The first genius in the universe."

Ning Tianlin said jokingly.

"How are you doing these years?"

"Did they bully you?"

Ning Tianlin asked with a smile.

Looking at the attitudes of the two Xing Yuanwu soldiers to Bo Wen just now, he felt definitely not bad.

"bully me?"

"What a joke."

Bowen pouted, "I bully them almost!"

"I am their Lord!"

"I let them go to the left, they never go to the right, let them count one, they never count two."


Bo Wen talked about the treatment of these years, how happy, how not to worry about cultivation resources, how to obtain various secret skills, all told Ning Tianlin veterinarians without reservation.

"What about bullying?"

"What does it do to you?"

Only in the end, Ning Tianlin suddenly asked a question, and even his eyes narrowed.

Li Ling, the true king of the Dai people, the patriarch of the Dai people, is also the only master of the universe among the Dai people.


Bo Wen was surprised for a while, but did not expect that Ning Tianlin would even mention it, and knew his name better.

After all, this taboo hasn't been heard by many people in the Dai people.

It is only limited to a few people.

Others use the title "patriarch".

In particular, Bo Wen felt that Ning Tianlin called the Dai patriarch, instead of using the word "patriarch", he directly said his name.

Does n’t it mean that you do n’t respect it or do n’t have a good impression?

"It works well for me."

"Whatever I want, it will provide me with something, and even once, I personally confuse what I don't understand in my practice."

Bo Wen thought about it and organized the language, "It is not bad that a master of the universe can do this."

"Is it?"

Ning Tianlin hesitated. He felt that Bowen was his holy lord, and he seemed to be cold against the lord of the universe. The expression on his face seemed even more hostile.

"What's wrong?" Bo Wen was not a child, not a fool, and could not help asking Ning Tianlin.

"If I tell you, the last purpose of this ling is to use some secret method to refine you, will you believe it?" Ning Tianlin looked straight into Bo Wen's eyes and said very seriously.


"He's going to refine me!"

Bo Wen was startled. Some couldn't believe his ears, but he suddenly believed what Ning Tianlin said, knowing that it was true.

Because your Lord will never lie to yourself!

If one day in the future, the Dai and Ning Tianlin are friends and foes, and if she chooses to stand on the side, she will definitely stand on the side of Ning Tianlin.


"Why does it do it!"

I didn't ask how Ning Tianlin knew, because when she walked in the universe, she knew that she is a holy Lord. There are many hidden means, which he did not know at all.

"Break through the universe and become the true master of this universe!"

Ningtian Forest Road.

This is why he has to meet with Bo Wen this time.

Tell her the truth and prepare her.

At the very least, I know what this patriarch is, otherwise he will be sold by the other party and still help the other party count money.

The news, of course, was learned from the combat system.

"Son of a bitch!"

After hearing this, Bo Wen cursed immediately, "You should treat me this way!"

Although he has only met the patriarch on two sides, Bo Wen also feels that the other party is really good to himself, and he told him to improve his combat power, to give resources to resources, to give secret skills to secret skills

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such an idea.

"But it's not urgent yet."

Ning Tianlin originally hesitated to say this, but for fear of any trouble in the future, she could not come back to meet with Bo Wen again, so she reminded her this time.

If not, he will not regret his death if the future is truly over.

"When you become the master of the universe and enter the realm of the low-cost universe, he will start to act."

Ning Tianlin said, "After refining you, he will have the opportunity to break through the master of the universe and control the universe."

"Who makes you the most special born genius of the Dai people is the level of the master who can break through the universe."

Ning Tianlin sighed, which was also related to Bo Wen's talent.

If not, this patriarch would not be so concerned.

"it is good!"

"A really good abacus!"

Bo Wen's lungs exploded quickly, and he did not expect that the old gentleman who was gentle and tender was turned into a knife with a smile in his face.

Refining him finally!

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