Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1571: Crazy plan

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


As his words came down, the light curtain appeared, and thousands of light spots appeared on the screen.

What just made him frown is that these light spots, unlike usual, are fixed at a certain place and not move, or that only a few light spots move, and the rest stay in a fixed place to cultivate.

But now, it's almost all people moving.

None of them cultivate?

Especially looking at the trajectories of these light spots, none of them are repeated. It seems that they work according to the division of labor, but the maps add up, and the positions of these light spots are the entire layout!

The starry sky area was not missed.

"They seem to be looking for something!"

Soon, Ning Tianlin's conjecture emerged.

"Catch one and ask!"

Asked to verify the conjecture, Ning Tianlin was in a position and bet on a star virtual martial artist.

When he didn't respond at all, he emerged from the super invisibility and put it into his nine-revolver tower.


"What a bold human being, dare to predominate in our mechanical tribe!"

When the other side spoke, Ning Tianlin's name was spoken.

After all, Ning Tianlin now has Luo Jin's body.

For any star virtual warrior, remembering the name of the whole universe star virtual warrior is a basic function. After all, this number is not many, many.


"I'm all here, what else is there to dare!"

Ning Tianlin was not prepared to give him nonsense. He would solve it directly in this space, and then held the magic crystals gathered in his hand to read the memory of the other party.

"Your sister!"

"I was looking for me!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes narrowed, some were unbelievable.

The large-scale search of this mechanical family turned out to find him!


Am I so charming?

Looks like me and your mechanical clan, there is not much hatred, just killing a few of you, using all members?

What shocked him in particular was that it wasn't just the Star Virtual Warrior, but the Star Virtual Warrior and above!

Xing Yuan, Xing Zhou, and Star Warrior are all dispatched!

Even stronger are searching for his whereabouts.

"Is this necessary?"


Ning Tianlin's frown was deep, not because he killed a few Xingxu martial artists. When he came, he knew what the mechanical clan looked like, similar to humans.

But now, almost all the mech families are looking for him.

Obviously, it was the leader of the extremely high-level mechanical clan who spoke.

It's just that the star warrior just obeyed the order and didn't know the reason at all.


With a pinch of the hand, this small magic crystal turned into nothingness and became a point of essence.

"You guys really look at me! '

Ning Tianlin laughed at himself.

He is just a star, using so much movement?

Even Star Warriors were dispatched.

But if he knows, not only the mechanical clan, but also the zerg, human, wooden, elven, orc, and other masters will take him as the search target, and send a large number of masters to find him, how will he feel.

The entire high level of the universe is looking for him.

"However, I ’m not the kind of person waiting to die. You kill me, I kill you too!"

"Look who will die last!"

Ning Tianlin originally wanted to kill the Star Void Warriors, and it would not be a smooth one, because many Star Void Warriors are hidden in their specific space, and some are under the eyelids of Xingzhou Xingyuan Strong. .

Killing them is easy to detect.

At that time, it is one thing to escape.

He hunted and wandered outside, only when he was alone.

But now, the Xingxu martial arts have all come out, and those who have not led the team have moved in a large area. Then he has a great chance to kill in the dark.


Do it when you think.

Rushing towards a star-virtual warrior.

But it has always been hidden in the void, using super stealth.


When the other party didn't notice it at all, he took the other party directly into the nine-revolver tower.

Here he is God.

He is omnipotent, not to mention the Star Warrior, even the Lord of the Universe is here, and he will kill as well!




Soon, the star-virtual warrior continued to fall in his hands, and no information was transmitted.

Until the time of twenty, it did not cause much attention.

But after all, the paper can't contain the fire. After a few days, when the dead star warrior reached hundreds of figures, many people finally noticed it.

Because many of their orders were not answered, and no signal came.

"Everyone be careful, someone is lurking in the dark, hunting down the Star Void Warrior!"

All the dead masters are at the level of starvation.

Soon, the news spread very fast.

Almost a moment later, not only the star-virtual warrior, but also the star-strength strong, and the astral-strength strong also got the news.

They even started to send messages in secret, to lead this hidden hunter out.


After more than half an hour, when Ning Tianlin showed up again and put a star-virtual warrior into the Nine Runners Tower, a huge steel arm directly tore the void and grabbed him.


"I didn't expect you to be so bold and dare to so wild in our mechanical family!"

This person is a star powerhouse, and at a glance he came out of Luo Jin's identity.

Ning Tianlin ignored him at all, and directly used the supersonic wave, leaving the other party in a three-second vertigo.

Then activated the teleportation and left here directly.


"I know it all!"

This time Ning Tianlin didn't directly kill the star virtual warrior, but read his memory like the first one.

The result frowned.

These mechs have noticed him and are going to lead him out, and then take a fatal blow.

It would be difficult for me to leave without just being dizzy for three seconds.


"It's easy to expose in this hunting."

Ning Tianlin was about to abandon the plan, and he was a little dissatisfied, because he had already hunted down a lot of star power, but the accumulated energy points did not reach the result he wanted.

It is not that he has contributed less, but that he has experienced rapid growth, which is really a bit of a contempt.

Level 5!

Bo Wen gifted his resources, so that he instantly had such a large amount of energy points, but hundreds of star virtual warriors, only contributed more than 5 million years to him, not even a pole!

Not even half of a pole!

When hunting down like this, when can I get so much resources from Bowen?

And in this killing, it will be easy to expose.


Just as I frowned, a thought flashed, and I couldn't help it.

Although he knew the plan was a bit crazy, but he did know that if he did so, and succeeded, his energy points would probably soar!

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