Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1586: Earth God of War

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Let's see what's good first."

Ning Tianlin did not immediately convert all the resources into essence. After all, there are resources of the master of the universe, and the rest are all above the star virtual martial arts.

Maybe there will be something you need.


Divine thoughts flickered, and they began to investigate one by one.

At this time, it is useless to ask the combat effectiveness system, because it will directly exchange all the resources. In its eyes, everything can be exchanged with him, and everything is useless.



Ning Tianlin's divine thoughts glanced quickly. After all, these resources are literally hundreds of millions. He can only look at it, and the most important thing is that of the star desolate warrior and the demon master.

They are the two with the highest combat effectiveness.




Nothing that looked at the Lord of the Starbard could be seen. Although it is precious, it is of little use to him. He couldn't help but let the combat system exchange all the Lord ’s who had been out of the universe into Essence.

Twenty-three poles!

Thousands of star virtual warriors, hundreds of stars, tens of stars, plus star waste, etc., a total of twenty-three elite gas points for Ning Tianlin, plus the accumulation of previous days, he is now Ning Tianlin's Essence points reached a total of thirty poles!

"Now, this demon master is left."

Ning Tianlin's mind began to glance, but with a second glance, he frowned. Is this it?

Hair, body, bones, thighs, feet.

When all appeared, it turned out to be a human body!

In particular, Ning Tianlin's side was that the body's forehead had a large black hole in the center of the forehead. At first glance, Ning Tianlin thought that the black hole was the cause of the corpse's death.

But the more you think, the more wrong.

Because this body died because the heart was broken, the golden heart split into two halves. Even if I do n’t know how many years have passed, it is still glittering at this moment. Although it has no vitality, it still jumps by .

Looking at the black hole in the forehead of the other side, Ning Tianlin's whole spirit was shocked.

Because the shape of this black hole is like an eye, an upside down eye.

The black hole on the forehead was dug out because of the inverted eyes!

"Three-eyed Protoss?"

Ning Tianlin raised a brow and thought of a race.

This is a race he once encountered while traveling in the universe.

This race was born with three eyes, and this third eye was able to see a lot of things and even attack, but soon he shook his head.

Because the three-eyed gods are similar to humans, but not humans!

They have no hands, but paws!

There is even a tail at the tailbone.

The ordinary two eyes are towering and raised, like dead fish.

They look like humans, but they can tell the difference at a glance.

But this corpse is different, he is an authentic human! Right hand and right foot, with thighs and arms, and even body shape, it is not much different from Ning Tianlin, but it is higher, about two meters.

"black hair."

"Yellow skin."

When Ning Tianlin reacted, the whole body was shocked!


Proper Earthman!

At first, he was just confused by the other three eyes, but didn't respond for a moment.

"Is it the ancient power on earth?"

Ning Tianlin had a clever mind and thought of a possibility.

He knew the patriarch of this mechanical clan. The demon Lord had participated in the Battle of the Earth. Maybe the body of this strong man was brought out of the Earth at that time.

In other words, after that stop, he killed the single earth man and placed it in the space ring.

"Just who is this Earthling?"

Ning Tianlin was a little excited, and suddenly wanted to know who the body was lying here.

Moreover, after all these years, he still has a complete body and the body is not damaged, so he must have been an extremely powerful master.

Most importantly, as far as he knows, only the Lord of the Universe can survive the physical body, even if he dies.

The rest, even Star Warrior, couldn't do this.

Million years can't decay, then in another billion years, their bodies will be transformed!

In other words, the true body of this corpse is likely to be the master of the universe!

"Star Wars, who is he?"

Seeing that the combat system did not actively respond, Ning Tianlin asked.

"It's like you can take revenge for him."

The combat system squeaked directly, making Ning Tianlin extremely depressed.

But also, with his current combat effectiveness, there is no way to avenge a warrior of this level.

Because his enemy is likely to be the demon master!

"No revenge now, does not mean that no revenge will be availed in the future. Moreover, the general body of this demon master has been cut off.

Ning Tianlin shrugged, arguing with the combat system.

He knows that the combat system is a smooth donkey. The more you sing against him, the less he will cooperate with you.

"Yang Jian."

"Ancient Earth God of War, Yang Ye!"

Sure enough, after hearing Ning Tianlin's words, the combat system doctor Lengheng hummed, but in the end, he still named the person.


"Yang Jian!"

Ning Tianlin froze, some couldn't believe his ears, "Erlang God Yang?"

At the same time, I instantly thought that Yang Ye really had three eyes, especially when I heard that the third eyebrow had infinite power.

But isn't this a myth?

How does it really exist?


The combat system nodded, "Yes, that's him!"

"Do you think myth stories are stories?"

"They are all original, but as time goes by, their prototypes, more or less, have been decorated with something."

Of course, the combat system knew what Ning Tianlin was talking about, and snorted directly.


Ning Tianlin was speechless, but the twelve ancestors in the legend were all there. He even got their essence, and as long as they had enough energy in the future, they could reunite them.

Even if you consume some of these energy points now, you can restore most of their combat power.

Since they all exist, there is nothing impossible for Yang Ming to be here.

It's just that it seems too sad now, not only the war dead, but even the proud eyes have been dug.

"What about his eyes?"

"Did the Demon Lord take it?"

Since the body is here, the eyes, 90% of the chance, are on the demon master.


The combat system nodded, "Now Yang Ye's eyes have been fused into the body of the demon master, that is, the demon master has the magical power of Yang Ye's hard-working third eye."

The combat system directly told the answer, which made Ning Tianlin's eyes shrink.

Blended by that bastard?

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