Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1588: The flesh alone, the nine stars!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


Ning Tianlin, who had regained her sense of consciousness, breathed a long sigh of relief in her heart, and even looked with fear.

If Wan Zuyu hadn't just shot, he would really die on this purple spar.

Fortunately, everything can be swallowed, all visible and invisible can be swallowed, and finally all the thoughts of God are swallowed up. If not, he will really get the word this time!

"What the **** is this?"

Ning Tianlin was a little dazed.

If it is alive, how can it be exchanged for one hundred poles. Growing up to this day, he has never used a living life and has exchanged his energy points in the combat system. But how could it be dead?

He was almost killed by the other party!

"The origin of the magic crystal?"

"Are all the magic crystals coming out of this?"

The magic crystal has no thinking, he knows, but the origin, but the thinking that can absorb all his thoughts, is too scary.

"Take care of you!"

Ning Tianlin gritted his teeth and ruthlessly, "Exchange!"

"These three magic crystals have all been converted into energy points."

Ning Tianlin doesn't want to know what he has any use for. It is very likely that it is related to the mechanical clan. It may not be of much use to him, so he chose to exchange it.

And three hundred poles is really an astronomical figure for now.

Can greatly improve his combat effectiveness.


As his words fell, a force of arrogance began to flow deep in his body.




In a moment, more than a million cells matured.

Until all the cells mature, connect and converge into a galaxy-like galaxy, the total number of cells has reached an astonishing one gigabyte! The physical combat power alone has soared to Liujing!

That's 60,000 trillion!

And this is just the physical combat effectiveness. You should know that in the past, although Ning Tianlin's combat effectiveness has surpassed Xingsheng and reached the second stage of Xingsheng, it is a combination of all the fighting forces.

Including equipment, martial arts, etc.

And now, it's just the physical body!

The sixth segment of the human body, plus Manchurian, his physical combat power has soared directly to the nineth segment of the human body!

"Properly surpassed the Star Virtual Warrior!"

Ning Tianlin did not redeem some combat equipment this time, because with his strength, it was appropriate to kill Xingwu Wuzhe, but it is still difficult to deal with Xingxu, and Luo Jin in the Ninth Reincarnation Tower can still use One use.

It is still this body that beheads Xingxu.

Especially after Ning Tianlin was going to leave the Mech clan, he had to implement a big plan in other races.

Although then, it is easy to expose him to countless big brothers, but that's what. Danger and benefit are always equal, the greater the danger, the higher the benefit!

Didn't see that the most profitable method in this world has always been banned from law!

The more dangerous it is, the bigger the benefits are.

"Well, now is the time to leave this place."

After this battle, Ning Tianlin didn't think that there would be any warrior of the robot clan again. He waited here for nothing.


Divine thoughts flickered, and he left the space of the nine reincarnation towers.


It was just when he reached out and was about to turn the Nine Runners back into the tower into his own body, a gigantic hand came from the depths of the void and grabbed directly at his location.

Although it is a secret world and the surroundings are all dangerous, for the big hand, it is nothing at all.

"Devil Lord!"

"You provoke!"

"A surprise attack!"

Ning Tianlin also felt the breath of the other person in an instant, and instantly recognized the master of this big hand, but the demon master!

Half of his body was broken, the demon master who escaped from the nine runners tower!



The space was broken, and the Lord of the Spirits didn't answer at all and grabbed Ning Tianlin directly.

He is going to kill this kid!

Originally, he had escaped from the secret world of the sky, but the more he thought about it, the more wrong he was, this is this Ning Tianlin, he must die!

In the future, he was a terrestrial man, and he already had a hatred against him, especially if this Ning Tianlin knew what happened in ancient times, he would never let him go.

Second, this Ning Tianlin genius is terrible.

At the age of 30, I already have the strength of the Star Saint, especially the cosmic treasures such as the Nine Revolving Tower. In it, I almost fell. If I really let this kind of person grow up, I'm afraid I will regret it in the future. !!

Therefore, this Ning Tianlin must die!

And die early!

If you give him another few decades, maybe you do n’t even need the nine-revolver tower, the other party can contend with yourself!

Therefore, while it is now, we must resolve this Ning Tianlin.

He did not believe that the other party would always stay in the nine runners tower.

As long as these nine runners come out of the tower, he has thousands of ways to kill Ning Tianlin! And the other person must have thought that he had fled and walked out of this Cangming space, so this time is an opportunity.

I'm afraid it won't be there in the future.

Therefore, this time even before the nine-round reincarnation tower, he will kill Ning Tianlin!


Ning Tianlin's body instantly turned into a thousand flesh and blood, which also made the Demon Lord extremely satisfied.


Isn't this dead?

He didn't think of any tricks for Ning Tianlin, because under his attack, a Star Saint could not be alive, just just in the wrong position, in the nine-round reincarnation tower.

On the outside, even if there are hundreds of millions of Ning Tianlin, he cannot be his opponent.

Therefore, he did not have much doubt about Ning Tianlin's death, and thought that it should be.

Moreover, he never paid any attention to Ning Tianlin's past, and did not even know that he was immortal. After all, in the eyes of a universe master, Xingsheng was just a ant.

If Ning Tianlin were not from Earth, he would not be able to focus on Ning Tianlin this time.

"Unfortunately, the Nine Runners Reincarnation Tower has also broken."

He swept his consciousness and wanted to perceive the breath of the nine-round reincarnation tower, hoping that he was not broken, still a cosmic treasure, and walked in front of his eyes, and got it, but after observing a circle, everything did not see.

He estimated that the nine-round reincarnation tower had really been broken and turned into nothingness.

No distress, that's fake.


It was only shortly after that that he frowned, because in this flesh and blood, he didn't find his space ring!

Part of the reason why he stayed in the shadows was because of his space ring.

Especially the three magic crystals inside.

This thing, which he has worked hard to obtain, must not be lost.

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