Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1605: Runaway Smoke

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"Find Ning Tianlin!"

"Let's go out and look for this Ning Tianlin. Although we are not his opponents, as long as we find his clues and report him to great people, we can also get a lot of income!"

"Much better than just staying on our planet!"

Someone's mind suddenly changed, and he dreamed of getting rich.

Although Ning Tianlin could not be killed, as long as he had his clues, he would report it to the people in the Temple of Wulei. They might not have to worry about this life, and they would be richer and richer.


"Let's go out and look for this Ning Tianlin, maybe we'll run into it!"

"Not thin at this time, but when!"

The man said that there were some elements that were emotional.

For a while, the whole teahouse was a little noisy.

It's like when a criminal was wanted on Earth, someone offered a reward, whether it was the criminal's opponent or not, there were a lot of people chasing him, just in case you run into it.

The clue alone is the price.


Only at this time, a clear female voice rose in this teahouse.

Although there are only two simple words, it contains a very ironic meaning to these people.


"Who is speaking!"

Everyone in the teahouse was suddenly stagnant, looking for the source of the sound.

For a moment, too many people's eyes focused on the woman sitting in the corner.

Nothing else, just because she is a woman in the entire teahouse!

"Did you scold someone?"

A man in a thick cloth, with a bare breasts, asked the woman.

"Why are you scolding!"

"We are discussing the matter of Ning Tianlin, what does it have to do with you! If you don't go, can't you let us go?"

Everyone focused their eyes on the women, but did not do anything.

Nothing else, just because this woman has a sword in her hand!

Just looking at the appearance, this sword is not ordinary.

Although the other party is a female stream, but also a warrior. For a moment no one could see the truth and no one dared to rush forward.


It was just that the woman didn't answer the man's question at all. She patted the table directly, the sword rose, and then the cold light flew, and a good head rose up in the tea house.

She didn't want to talk nonsense or argue with anyone.

More often, she will choose to do it.

And she is not someone else, it is Ning Tianlin's second apprentice.

This apprentice, named Bu Yunyan, is extremely talented, because her soul is the first strand of soul given by the Nine Circulation Tower, and all her talents are concentrated on her.

It was also because of her that Ning Tianlin won the nine-round reincarnation tower.

However, that day, after Ning Tianlin gifted him a star cave-level Lingjin Huayi and countless resources, she let her travel in the universe by herself.

Because Ning Tianlin feels that she has nothing to teach her when she is by her side. After all, her fighting ability grows in a different way from others. She does not have a gradual and orderly approach.

Therefore, it would be better to let her run through the universe.

Ask him what problems he has.

With resources, combat effectiveness, treasures, and even means of escape, Bu Yunyan was given. Therefore, Ning Tianlin was more assured that she was in the universe.

"No wonder the master told me that when the universe is in turmoil, don't mention to others that he is his own master."

Bu Yunyan wrinkled in his heart, "It turned out that the master knew that his enemies were everywhere, and the warriors of the entire universe were looking for his whereabouts. If he shouts here now, he is an apprentice of Ning Tianlin, I'm afraid it won't take long. They will be **** with big flowers and placed in front of the warriors in a very high state. "

Bu Yunyan also knew at this time that the master really did it for her.

And these people are here saying bad things about the master, beholding his situation, and even going out to find him, and reporting his situation to the Temple of Wandering, really killing!



Countless people exclaimed, but never expected that the woman would say nothing, and she would kill them without looking at them at all.

Could not help but stared at her tightly in order to prevent her from violently killing everyone here.

Some people have even begun to step back in case they are affected by the fighting here.


"There is not even a star field, dare to speak up!"

Bu Yunyan snorted coldly, and ignored the crowd around him, straight into the sky, and left the place.

After three years of traveling abroad, she also became a star king with her excellent talent. Originally, she thought about a few days to contact the visiting master, but now it seems that she has to help the master.

At the very least, she had to go out and see if the real universe was looking for a master. It was just that the storyteller was just talking wildly and just told a story.

If the warrior of the whole universe is really looking for a master, she will certainly help him.


When his body flickers, he is about to leave the planet.

"Women, where do you go!"

Just then, a voice sounded in her ear, and then a large hand fell from the sky, grabbing straight towards her.


"court death!"

The sword light flickered, and Bu Yunyan directly sacrificed the sword in his hand and greeted it toward the giant palm.

She didn't care at all.

She just came to this planet to rest and see if there was anything to eat or drink. In her exploration, this planet was just a low-armed planet, and most of the warriors did not have much fighting power.

The tallest seems to be just a nebula warrior.

With this existence, she could pinch to death with one hand.

So, she didn't feel the power of this sudden palm.

Even if the master of this planet comes, she can also kill with one sword!


It was only when her long sword came into contact with the giant palm that fell from the sky, her whole body seemed to be suddenly pressed down by an incomparable mountain, and fell sharply.

The long sword in his hand is like a thorn on a golden stone, and a brilliant spark erupts.

"not good!"

"It's Star Saint!"

"The master of this hand turned out to be Star Saint!"

Bu Yunyan never expected that the master of this palm turned out to be Xingsheng, a higher level of existence than him!


Even during the fall, she spit in blood.

When his face changed, he didn't even think about it. He endured the pain and flew directly down.

Penetrate the planet through a hole and fly out from the other side!

If not, she will catch up and she will only be caught by this Star Saint!


The sword in his hand flashed, stabbing straight towards the dirt below.

Wherever she went, Jin Shi opened up and made way for her.

Just wondering, in this place, how can there be a Star Saint?

This is just a very ordinary planet!

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