Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1622: The strong are all cancer cells?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

Note: Thank you for your support. At this point, the book is estimated to be over three or four hundred thousand words, or even shorter. So these days, I have opened a new book, and there are also 100,000 words. The name is "Super Invincible Family Owner", I have never told everyone, sorry. It is also an invincible novel that has gained the family control system. I hope that my favorite book friends can search in QQ reading, bookmark it, and take a look. Thank you! !! !! Sincerely ask for your support! !! !!

"I wonder if you ever heard a word?"

"Or a legend!"

Instead of answering Ning Tianlin's question directly, Sophie asked a seemingly ethereal question.

"What is it?"

Ning Tianlin froze.

Does this have anything to do with the chance encounter?

"Have you ever thought that this universe is actually a creature in itself, and we live in the universe, but actually live in the body of this creature!"

Sophie threw a sentence.

Ning Tianlin shivered.

He has heard this, because it has always been the concept that the combat system instilled in him!

It was said when it was on Earth, it was also said when it wandered in the universe, and it was even said to itself when it was a robot family!

And this idea has been echoing in his mind, even more than once.

Because this statement is not impossible!

Billions of planets are actually cells, and our beings are actually just microorganisms living on cells. Countless cells form the universe and also form the body of a horrifying creature!

We think that the sky is vast, and the microorganisms on the cells, why do n’t we think that the human body is vast!

Even his Ning Tianlin practice at this moment is to turn all the cells of his body into a planet! Endless! Countless meridians will eventually turn into galaxies, star fields, and even countless stars!

Does the combat system finally cultivate him into such a life?

For a while, Ning Tianlin didn't dare to imagine.

"Have heard it."

Ning Tianlin swallowed and finally responded slowly.

"Since you heard it, do you think this is a reality or a legend?"

Some wonder who Ning Tianlin's master was, and even told this to him, but Sophie still dismissed the inquiry, but asked Ning Tianlin what he thought of the news.

"Reality ..."

Ning Tianlin deliberately said it had become a form of doubt and uncertainty. He didn't want to let the other party feel that he already had the answer.


"It's reality!"

"Because this is true!"

"It's all true!"

"We live in the body of a powerful being!"

"We are just one of the endless dust in him!"

Sophie's voice didn't improve a little.

She knew what kind of shock and shock she had when she got the news the first time.

They consider themselves the strongest living beings in the universe, with extremely noble bloodlines, but in the end, they are just a myriad of microbes living in powerful living beings.

What a ridiculous fact!


Ning Tianlin nodded, and his mood was a little shocked.

Because until then, he had already guessed what Sophie was going to say, which means that the commands of countless universe masters and strong men actually came from the mouth of this soul!

This creature wants them to work together to destroy the earth!

Destroy the first person in ancient times!

"You guessed it?"

Seeing Ning Tianlin's eyes turning, Sophie even laughed, "Yes, this command is spoken by this powerful Holy Spirit. He is driving his breath, which is the rule of heaven. First person!"

"Destroy the earth!"

Sophie's words made Ning Tianlin's whole body tremble again, with an unbelievable feeling, "You mean, the rules of heaven are actually the breath of this soul?"

The more I thought, Ning Tianlin's brow frowned.

The rules of heaven, he knows that there is such a thing, after all, each time Wanzulu grows and evolves, that thing will come out, and he wants to kill Wanzulu in the cradle.

But he never knew what the rules of the Tao were all about.

Why can it appear!

Who is it driven by!

Now he has the answer.

Although this answer is not true or accurate, he believed it.

The rules of this day are the breath of the other party!

"Yes, the rules of heaven are the breath of the other side!"

Now that the topic has been said, Sophie has not concealed it. She has told everything she heard in the past, and she knows, "We humans, even other creatures, even ordinary humans, have in their bodies Some antibodies. "

"Every time a virus invades and is about to get sick alive, these antibodies will eliminate these viruses."

"And the position we represent in the body of this powerful creature is a microorganism, but when our group of microorganisms is strong to a certain extent, it becomes a virus! At this time, the body of this creature cannot hold us."

"Automatically generate antibodies, use them to destroy us!"

"At this time, as far as we are concerned, there is also a heaven punishment and a rule of heaven!"

"And this antibody is all formed by the flowing breath autonomously, so we said that the rules of heaven, heaven punishment and the like are the breath of breath in this living body!"

"Even unconscious, a breath that flows according to inertia!"

Sophie's words were a little esoteric, but they were a little easy to understand, which made Ning Tianlin truly determine the fact that the various types of natural punishments formed by the rules of the Tao are actually antibodies. wipe out!

The time has passed and we have become a more powerful virus! Wait for a stronger antibody someday!

If we do n’t pass, we will disappear like a virus that has disappeared! Turned into nothingness in the body!

At this time, Sophie's words kept on, and she continued, "We are constantly becoming stronger, that is, our group of viruses is constantly evolving, and eventually we will become supremely powerful, and in contrast to the creatures we live in. Say, we actually have another name, cancer cells! "

"At this time, we have evolved to a very powerful level! A cancer cell that simply cannot kill us by virtue of the rules of heaven and antibodies alone!"

cancer cell. . . . . .

Ning Tianlin couldn't believe this description. . . . . .

They turned out to be a group of cancer cells. . . . . .

But if everything is described as such, they are indeed cancer cells in living things!

Cancer cells destined to be destroyed!

In particular, the first person in ancient times has arrogated to extremely powerful cancer cells. This creature must destroy it!

Otherwise, the first person in ancient times will not die, he will die!

If cancer cells really survive, this creature is destined to die!

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