Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1626: Creatures below the Grand Canyon of Huangtian

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"Okay, okay, I said, I said."

If the ghoul is really afraid of death, he hurriedly said.

"I sealed his body, and hid it in the area to the east, where there was a large stone to mark it."

The ghoul said something like that, as if it had happened.

"Really?" Both the Scarab and the Dai people deliberately looked at each other, asking.

"Of course! It ’s truer than real gold!" The corpse ghost nodded hurriedly, "I do n’t believe you can look at my memory in this regard, I did not lie to you! '

Talking, the corpse ghost deliberately opened up a section of his own memory and let them investigate.


The scarab snorted, and then flashed his mind as the face of many people observing in the dark. He also let go of his mind and immersed himself in the mind of the ghoul.

After tens of seconds.

He came out and nodded to the Dai people. "Yes, he was right, just under a stone 30 meters high in the eastern area!"

"Let's go!"


With that said, he grabbed the body of the corpse ghoul and flew towards the inside of Huangtian Grand Canyon again.

"Take you, show us the way!"

"Relax, when we really find Ning Tianlin, we will let you go."

The Scarab flew and said.

Then in the eyes of nearly a hundred people in the dark, the disappearance should not disappear.


"Ning Tianlin has fallen and is subdued. Whoever catches him now is who he is!"

The people hiding at the exit all stared at each other in secret and made a decision.

Each quietly followed the three scarabs and followed.

Even Ning Tianlin reorganized the surrounding space to look like the Huangtian Grand Canyon for this ambush, and even prepared a large stone more than 30 meters high.

"Look, Ning Tianlin is there!"

"Really Ning Tianlin!"

There were more than 80 star-struck martial arts outside, all of them followed, and the rest were still sticking to the bottom line, ready to sit outside for the benefit of the fishermen, and there were two or three, and they doubted whether this was true or not.

But only one person scoffed at it.


"You pretend me again!"

"The inside is clearly the space of the Nine Runners Reincarnation Tower, and you deliberately let the three undead perform a show outside!"

This person is not someone else, but a member of the mech family.

He was sure at a glance that the three scarab beetles must have been controlled by Ning Tianlin!

Become his slave!

He is not someone else, it is the only Star Warrior from the mechanical clan. When he came, he was told some insider information by the demon master, knowing that there are nine runners in the tower space, and these people will follow Ning Tianlin's way.

And he will not tell these people.

The Mech clan suffered a big loss in Ning Tianlin's hands. Nearly half of the Star Warriors who were killed in battle, and even other strong men, would not let other races die. How can they be at ease?


That's it, he doesn't need to stay here.

Turned quietly, ready to return to life.

The emergence of the scarab beetle, the undead trio, means that the group of people has just become a thing in Ning Tianlin's Lang. If not, Ning Tianlin will not let them three out.

These people who will enter will certainly encounter the same.


Just when he was about to leave, a huge tentacle suddenly appeared in the Huangtian Grand Canyon below, long, soft, golden yellow, the same as the tentacles of the octopus on the earth.


The mechanical family was shocked.

Why is there anyone below?

And dare to attack him?

They are all martial arts soldiers in Xinghuang, you attacked a fart!


The sword in his hand was immediately struck out, chopped away at this huge tentacle.


Only when the two touched each other, the face of this mechanical family changed greatly, because his long sword could not cut the tentacles at all, even the opponent's body did not move, and his body was in great force. Go crazy backwards.

Pumped fiercely like a whip!


But this tentacle did not even give him the opportunity to fly backwards, and directly rolled it again, wrapping his body around, twisting like a rope, and covering his mouth tightly.

"You are not a Star Warrior!"

"You are the Lord of the universe!"

"You are the Lord of the universe!"

The eyes of the members of the mechanical clan were filled with fear and disbelief.

How could the Lord of the Universe hit him?

Isn't there a promise in the world, unless the other party takes the initiative to provoke, otherwise the Lord of the Universe can't take the shot? This will destroy the balance of the universe!

After all, the universe's active hand will definitely have countless stars burst!

Unless the real war comes, the Lord of the universe will not stop!

But now, how could the Lord of the universe shoot at him!

Moreover, here is the Terran Territory, but the opposite party is not the Lord of the universe of Terran!

what's the situation?


Just a moment later, he no longer had the thought of asking, because his entire body was directly put into the mouth by the other party, and swallowed completely.

It's just that the Lord of the Universe fired, everything was so silent.

This side of the void is also hidden by more than a dozen star level masters, and no one has been found to have disappeared.




The second, the third, the fourth, for a moment, all the Star Warriors in the surroundings were swallowed up by unknown creatures in the Grand Canyon below, and no one could struggle in the slightest.


After doing all this, a pair of huge scarlet eyes slowly raised his head from the clouds and fog below the canyon.

These eyes, tall, bulging, as raised on the face.

Somewhat ugly.

He took a deep look at Ning Tianlin's nine-round reincarnation tower space in the Huangtian Grand Canyon itself, his eyes turned and he went silent again.

If there weren't just so many star desolate warriors disappearing, no one would know that there is a master of the universe hidden in the clouds and fog below this canyon!

Even a master of the universe who will attack ordinary warriors!


"Ning Tianlin is there!"

When the horror figure disappeared for a while, more than sixty star-warrior warriors who entered the Ninth Reincarnation Tower also followed behind the Scarab, sending out Ning Tianlin's figure.

Sure enough, he was standing under a stone more than thirty meters.

Eyes closed.

Estimated to be stopped and unable to move.


"Now that Ning Tianlin has found it, whoever grabs it!"

Everyone was excited.

Then swarmed.

At this time, who can catch Ning Tianlin depends on his ability.

There are more than sixty star warriors, and there is always one who is lucky, maybe he is himself!


It was just that their figures had just emerged, and they found that the surrounding space was frozen, and even in their and incredible eyes, their figures could not move, as if settled by the rules of heaven and earth.

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