Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1639: The main shot of the universe?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Thirty-six Star Warrior warriors have been killed, and I have accumulated seven million pole energy points."

"And other levels of warriors, Xingyuan, Xingzhou, and so on, including all warriors of this puppet family, and all the wealth they have accumulated, have contributed 23 million levels of energy points to me!

"That adds up to almost 30 million poles!"

Ning Tianlin took a deep breath, and this extermination was indeed faster than the single killing of the accumulated Qi points!

It is the growth of Manzulu, which is much faster than the original one.


His body flickered, and the next moment, he left the place directly.

The disappearance of the Dai people did not cause much shock. There are too many races in the universe, thousands of them, it is normal to disappear one, and this tribe has gone through several large migrations in the past.

Maybe this time is the same as in the past, the pretense disappears, and then I don't know where to go.

The main thing is that the Dai family is just a small race, which is completely incomparable with the human race, the zerg race, and the beast race. If one of these races disappears, it is definitely a cosmic shake.

Big things can't be bigger!

If this happens, all the cosmic bureaus will undergo great changes.


"You mean, someone is hunting down the Star Warrior!"

"A lot of Star Warriors have been killed?"

Five years later.

In a narrow valley, two star-warrior warriors of the race "Lochill" are discussing recent events.


"Nothing wrong!"

"Star Warriors of many races have disappeared!"

A fat locust mound replied, "Even more races have been exterminated! All star warriors are targeted!"

"The news has spread in the universe!"

"So we have to be careful this time we go out to do business."

The fat locust mound showed solemnity.

Who is so good?

Even hunting star warrior has been!

Is it a practice?

"real or fake?"

Another slightly skinny locust road.

He didn't believe it.

In this world, in addition to the Lord of the universe, who else can kill the Star Warrior at will.

In particular, so many Star Warriors have died, how could they have not found the identity of the other party.

"Of course it is true!" Fei Feiqiu nodded, "Even the Nine Star Warrior Jiuduan was brutally killed, this time to participate in the encirclement meeting of Ning Tianlin, you must be careful on the road."

"Okay." The other side nodded. "It's just this Ning Tianlin besiege meeting. Is this necessary?"

"He's just a Star Saint or Star Olympian. Is it necessary for us?"

"I heard that the Terran called all the leaders of the close forces this time!"

This man didn't care.

Think this Terran is really nonsense!

A star and auspicious warrior can't deal with it. What kind of siege meeting is needed? Isn't this a glorious rule?


The fat man said, "What do you know!"

"Do you really think Ning Tianlin is a legendary Star Olympian?"

"I tell you, seven years ago, in the Battle of the Huangtian Grand Canyon, hundreds of races and nearly a thousand star desolate warriors gathered to catch Ning Tianlin alive, but in the end, everyone died!"

"No one is alive!"

"Not even the corpse!"

"And in the end, the Lord of the universe of all races was furious, because they discovered during the last investigation that this Huangtian Grand Canyon finally had the breath of the Lord of the universe!"

"This only shows two things. One is that the Ning Tianlin is backed by the Lord of the Universe! The second is that he is the Lord of the Universe! He has been hiding his strength and deliberately attracting people!"


Hearing the explanation from his companion, the skinny took a breath and said, "Master of the universe?"

"You mean, Ning Tianlin is likely to be the master of the universe?"

"Of course!" The fat man nodded, "So many people are wondering if Ruo Ningtian is really the Lord of the Universe, is he recently assassinating the Star Warrior! After all, if he is the Lord of the Universe and still shoots secretly, nobody Can stop him! "

"This is also the speculation of all races recently!"

Slim stunned, "Whether he's Ning Tianlin is the master of the universe, why did he kill so many star warriors?"

"His opponent should be the Lord of the universe!"

There were still many doubts in his mind.

"What do you know!" The fat man hummed. "I heard he was vengeance!"

"Revenge for the Earth incident! Destroy the foundations of all races! After all, whoever hopes to become the master of the universe is us Star Warriors, and our death means that for a long time, we will The Lord of the Universe is born! "

"For the things of the year, he would definitely be able to do it!"

Although he didn't know what happened that year, he knew the term Earth.

Although this has long been a taboo term, for people at their level, they still know one or two.

"So this tribe is responsible for this conference. Not only the tribe, but also the zerg, wood, mechanical, beast, and undead will go to the territory of the human race and participate together!" Said the fat man.

"Participate together?" Slim stunned, "You mean, Zerg, Mu, Mechanical, Orc, they are going to the Terran?"

"how can that be!"

"They aren't fighting yet!"

Slims don't believe it, because a huge part of these races are the deadly enemies, the kind who will do when they meet.

How could they travel to Terran together?

At that time, the entire human race will not become a battlefield, and blood will flow into the river?

Will Terran be so stupid?

"How impossible!"

Just the fat man sneered, "Because this time, there is also the Lord of the Universe!"

"The lord of the universe of many races will also come to the human race!"

"What?" Skinny was shocked. "You mean, the Lord of the Universe will also participate in this meeting? Will he come to Terran?"

If this is the case, this battle can be avoided.

After all, if anyone dares to do it, one universe master can completely destroy the other.

"Of course!" Said the fat man. "Do you know why?"

"Because I heard that this encirclement meeting not only discussed how to encircle Ning Tianlin, the most important point is that they, the masters of the universe, are preparing to violate the ban and are about to take action!

"They are going to void the previous ban!"

Hearing here, Slim was startled, "You mean, the Lord of the universe is going to abolish the previous agreement, they want to shoot at will!"

Skinny is not shocked that it is fake!

Because in these last few years, the Lord of the Universe hasn't shot at will, and their Star Warrior is invincible! But if the Lord of the Universe shoots, they are ants!

Any Lord of the Universe can crush them at will!

Will the agreement that has lasted for countless years be invalidated?

By that time, the tens of thousands of people who have been settled for many years will start the era of chaos?

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