Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


This monstrous hand grabbed Ning Tianlin when he could not respond.


Ning Tianlin was startled.

Master of the universe of the Mu family!

And is the strongest of the Lord of the universe!

Even before his invincible Jinguang broke out, he was firmly held in the middle by his opponent's hand.


Ning Tianlin didn't choose to blew himself up, because even if it turned into a piece of heavenly flesh, he would still be reunited, and he would also be caught by the other party. Only invincible golden body can protect him.

Turn around and stare at Mu Chen's gaze.


"Mr. Mu, can you call your full name?"

Kisawa, who has just recovered from the incomparable shock, is cursing!

This Ning Tianlin is too crazy, even dare to call the patriarch's full name!

I don't know how to write dead words!

"full name?"

Ning Tianlin snorted coldly.



Ning Tianlin sucked his mouth, his throat wriggled, and he spit thick sputum directly towards Muchen opposite.

"Kizawa, see?"

"Call your full name?"

"I even spit up my sputum. You bit me?"

Ning Tianlin doesn't care if the other party is the master of the universe. In the mech family, he almost killed a master of the universe! Spitting sputum, it's just pediatrics.

"Ning Tianlin, you will definitely die this time!"

Kisawa was scared.

This Ning Tianlin was too brave to spit at their patriarch! Although I definitely can't vomit the patriarch's body, this behavior is too bold to do it!

But he couldn't do anything.

Can only dry up.

"Go on."

But in the angry attention of Kizawa, Muchen waved his hand to signal that Muzawa could leave. It seems that he was not angry because Ning Tianlin spitted at him, but narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile, "Your master didn't tell you that you can't challenge the strong?


Ning Tianlin froze, "Do you know my master?"

Lengheng in his heart, how can he have any master?

Only combat system!

Moreover, he has been with the combat effectiveness system for so long, and he doesn't know the origin of the combat effectiveness system. Can you Muchen know?

In his mind, even reading the memory is impossible!

Besides, what happened to my provocation, you bit me?

It was long doomed to be the enemy, and he would rather be a tortoise than Ning Tianlin.

"Why don't you know."

"In this world, in addition to he can cultivate your genius, who else."

Mu Chen seems to be very confident in the origin of Ning Tianlin, as if he really knew who his master was.



Ning Tianlin snorted coldly, "Can you guess my last name!"

How could Ning Tianlin not know what the other party was thinking.

This is the first person in antiquity.

"Why don't you say that I'm the first person in antiquity? He's me, I'm him?"

This is also Ning Tianlin's doubt.

Many powerful people think that he is actually the reincarnation of the first person in ancient times.

"you are not!"

Mu Chen said, "Although you can't read your memory, your eyes can't fool people, and they are not as sharp and deep as the other party."

"There is only one possibility, he is your master!"

Muchen actually wanted to scold her.

What is this light on Ning Tianlin?

Not only can you resist your physical attacks, you can even block your mental attacks! Make him unable to forcibly read each other's memory!

But in his mind, he guessed that Ning Tianlin was able to obtain his inheritance with a 90% probability.

Otherwise, how can it be so mysterious.

"I'm still saying that, you guessed me and your last name, you didn't guess right, you are my son!"

Can't fight yet?

The combat system says that he is not, then it must not be!

Although Star Wars is sometimes unreliable, it never tells lies.


Mu Chen was angry.

He thought he was polite, but did not expect that Ning Tianlin was toasting instead of eating and drinking.

He even made himself a son!

Son of the Lord of the Universe, are you worthy?

"Hurry up, son, let Dad go!"

"Dad doesn't have much time to spend with you here."

Ning Tianlin took advantage directly with his mouth again.

It is estimated that over the past few years, only Ding Lin was the only one who dared to say so.

"Ning Tianlin, you really think you have an undead body, why can't I help you?"

Mu Chen's eyes narrowed, and there was cold light.

He didn't expect that Ning Tianlin even liked to take advantage of his mouth. Isn't it true that others don't talk much?

"If you can do nothing, you're still nonsense here?"

"Come on, make use of your feeding power and see if your dad is afraid of you, this filial son."

Ning Tianlin snorted again.


As soon as Ning Tianlin's words fell, Mu Chen's hands appeared a green light and shadow.


Stand upside down.

Much like a green seed.

This is Mu Chen's physical seeds refined over hundreds of millions of years. The essence of his entire life can be said to be contained in this kind of seed. Especially, he used this seed to smelt a holy artifact.

Sacred weapon, a weapon dedicated to the Lord of the Universe.

He was promoted to the Lord of the Universe that year, and he was promoted with this seed.


Soon after slowly suspending in Muchen's hands, he slowly flew towards Ning Tianlin's body, and after a moment, suspended above Ning Tianlin.

Then a light curtain fell, covering Ning Tianlin.




At the same time, Mu Chen's mouth began to emit the mysterious and obscure Mu language, and the more wood under the seed, at this time, appeared a secret script, like a mysterious rune similar to the law of space.



Every time Rune appeared, he blasted towards Ning Tianlin's brows.

As long as Ning Tianlin's eyebrow is broken, this kind of person will enter Ning Tianlin's mind and be smelted by him alive.

By that time, Ning Tianlin will be his other uncle! It can read all the memory inside without reservation!

Even Ning Tianlin's body is for its use!

And this **** is free to grow! It's still that kind of talent, without any influence!

A character like Ning Tianlin must be the existence of the Lord of the universe, but also the existence of the peak of the Lord of the universe!

Controlling him is equivalent to re-finding a powerful universe master for the Mu clan. His Muchen combat power will also soar! Even in the end, Ning Tianlin, the master of the universe, was completely refined. He Muchen, maybe he could take that last step!

Become the true master of this universe!

Complete the feat that year did not complete!



It only took half an hour to pass. What made him incredible was that his seeds did not break the golden light of Ning Tianlin's heart. He originally thought that he would concentrate his strength in one place and focus on the heart. This golden light would not last long.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all.

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