Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1655: Warm anger

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Open crotch pants?"

Someone froze and asked silly, "How do you know that it was Ning Tianlin God of War's open crotch pants?"

"It won't be someone else's?"

The tour guide's face turned black. "You didn't see how big the crotch pants opened. Only people as magnificent as Ning Ares are eligible to wear such crotch pants."

In an instant, everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and nodded deeply.


Only a talented person like Ning Tianlin can wear such open crotch pants.

"Come, everyone, please note that the upper left, the enshrined thing is the first weapon used by the Ning Tianlin God of War, called the God of War dagger! This dagger is not as high as it is today, but in At that time, it was a weapon to kill the enemy! "

"According to legend, Ning War God used this dagger to kill a gray snake! He bathed in the blood of gray snake and obtained extremely high talent!"

The tour guide said.

"Come, everyone, the house on the right is the place where Ning War God fell asleep! It was because he had enough sleep in this place that he was given great energy to cultivate his combat power."

The tour guide said, "This bedroom on the left is the place where Ning Zhan God practices calligraphy! According to legend, his calligraphy is amazing, compared with Wang Xizhi and others."

"Especially in his calligraphy, they are more domineering and sharp than Wang Xizhi, and have the potential to become a generation of heroes."

The words of the tour guide made everyone nearby agree.

The Ning Tianlin God of War must have been a hardworking man since he was a child. Otherwise, how could he have the power to kill alien warriors at his age. He even heard that in the universe today, Ning God of War has also made a name for himself.

"Your sister!"

"Have I been so fierce since I was a kid!"

Ning Tianlin was hiding in the void, ashamed.

This place is a place where I lived as a kid. Even when I was in junior high school, my parents rented a house in the town for their own studies, and rarely return here.

What the **** is this crotch pants?

Also, when did I slay the gray snake to shed blood and inspire talent?

What the **** is my calligraphy?

I admit that I have practiced writing with a brush, but in the first and second grades of elementary school, I used to write with a pen and gel pen, and during the language test, the teacher said that my character was the same as dog crawling.

When is there a good word!

Fortunately, this place does not charge money as a tourist sacred place. Otherwise, Ning Tianlin thought about the need to appear and scolded these people.


"Step aside!"

"Hurry up and let me go!"

Just then, a roar came, and a short-haired man was seen, riding a giant blond golden beast, ramming in the street, without paying any attention to the people around him.

Even the small aircraft on the side or the like was directly swung from the sky by the other side.



The golden jinjing beast is very large and heavy, and it is a huge pit on the ground. However, the ground that collapsed, after the golden jinju beast left, it automatically recovers, which is obviously a metal with memory function.



"I want mother!"

Just then, a little child cried out from the front. I saw a little girl standing in the middle of the road, crying to find her mother. It was presumed to be scattered by the crowd and broke away.

At this time, the giant golden beast was rampant, and the little girl was about to step on her feet. The short-haired man sitting above didn't mean to stop at all.


At this time, the girl's mother also found this scene, screaming anxiously.

But there were too many people around her, and she didn't have much fighting power.

But if she does not rescue, her daughter will be trampled under the hooves of the golden-haired golden beast.


At the very moment of death, a man in his 20s wearing glasses flashed and reported the girl, but his sudden appearance apparently scared the blond Jin Jingshou.

The hind legs touched the ground, the forelimbs were raised, the body was inclined forty-five degrees, and the mouth drank a "哞".

"She's fine."

"Be careful later."

The man with the glasses handed the girl over to her frightened mother, and the little girl was obviously not terrified, and she didn't even know how to cry.

"Thank you."

"Thank you so much."

The girl mother thanked the man with glasses.

If it weren't for him, he would be separated from his daughter.



But at this time, the two whip fell from the air and hit directly on the man wearing glasses, while a voice cursed, "Where is the bastard, how dare to scare Laozi's golden golden beast!"

"Do you know where it came from?"

"How much is it worth?"

"Scared him, you can't even pay a hundred!"

The talking man was the short-haired man sitting on it. After closing it, a sturdy whip appeared in his hand, and then he struck his face and face towards the man with glasses.

Waving violently in his mouth while waving.


"You are going to trample the little **** your horse, and you are still talking this kind of blandish."

The man with glasses was furious and wanted to fight back, but he was just about to start, but was stopped by an old man next to him, "Don't do it!"

"He is Ning Dehao!"

"Ning family!"

"It is a relative of Ning Tianlin God of War!"

"You can't mess with it!"

Helplessness appeared on the old man's face.

"Yeah, brother, you can't afford it, you still don't have to do it."

Someone on the side advised.

Apparently, he knew Ning Dehao.

The man with glasses froze, Ning's?

Relatives of Ning Tianlin Ares?

Could not help but change his face.

When he came here to travel, his father told him that anyone can mess with him here, but he can't mess with the Ning family, they can't mess with him at all.



At this moment, the man on the blond Jin Jingshou snorted, raised the whip in his hand and waved away again, and drew it **** the man with glasses.

Although he is a segment of the galaxy, the other party is a segment of the galaxy.

But what about it?

Who made him the Ning family!

Ning Tianlin's distant nephew in God of War!

Although he could not live in the real family place of the Ning family, he thought it was quite good. No one dared to do anything about him here, the owner of the city of Jinchuan.

Who let him stand behind the great **** Ning Tianlin!

"Stand up and don't move!"

"Let me smoke a hundred to finish it!"

"Otherwise, I have to let my golden golden beast step on you!"

The short-haired man snorted, and then arrogantly pumped at the glasses man.

And the other party really didn't move, and endured the whipping!

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