Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1657: Ning Tianlin returns!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

Ning Tianlin still remembers that he came back to set house rules last time. If the clan wants to go out and travel, as long as they are full of galaxy realm, they can directly take a teleportation array and pass to Cuttlefish!

Then break through the universe.

Life and death conceit!

He hopes that the geniuses of the clan and even the earth can go out and make a break. Although there are various life threats, it will also increase a lot of insights and survival skills, which will be very helpful for future strengthening.

But now, the younger generation of the Ning family, is such a master who is in front of earth people?

You are oppressing, but oppressing the aliens?

Doing this here will only discourage the clan and shame the Ning family!

Especially here is the city of Jinchuan, where the former Ning family rose!

Doing so will only discredit the Ning family and ruin the reputation of the Ning family!

He chose Jinchuan for his first stop instead of where the Ning family is now. He wanted to see what the Ning family ’s prestige and influence on the earth is now. After all, he also had a selfish mind and hoped that the Ning family would always be respected. Admirable, always standing on top of the earth.

And Jinchuan City, where he lives and rises, certainly has many of his legends.

At the beginning, he was very satisfied.

Not only are his statues everywhere, celebrity paintings hanging on the wall, but also his appearance, but now, seeing the younger generation of the Ning family, they are so persevering that he almost explodes the other person's mind.

If this continues, the reputation of the Ning family will probably be lost!

There are too many examples of a rat **** that can ruin a pot of porridge.

This made Ning Tianlin sound the various family warlords of the earth at that time. Although the top level was outstanding, none of them had a good reputation in the end, and not much passed down.

So he came out of the void.

Let everyone witness that his original intention was not that of Ning Tianlin, but the members of this family were a bit useless!




Ning Tianlin was deep in the void, like walking down the stairs, coming down step by step, and even shook the surrounding heavens and earths suffocation and protective body qi, allowing everyone to see his appearance clearly.

"he is......"

Countless people who looked up looked only familiar.

Seems like this man has seen him before.

Obviously so familiar, but can't remember who it is.

"He looks like Ning Zhan Shen."

At this time, a child whispered.

"Ning Tianlin!"

"Yes! Ning Ares! He looks like Ning Ares!"

Hearing the child said his name, the people around him were all stunned, and then nodded quickly, yeah, this man looks like Ning Zhan God!

"He ... he won't be the **** of war!"

The lightning flashed across a man's head.

But then, he quickly shook his head.

how come!

I heard that Ning God of War is now in the universe. How many tens of light-years are not yet known from the earth and how can it appear here.

Moreover, I don't know how many years there have been no news of Ning Ares.

How could he be in Tsugawa!

Although this is his hometown, the Ning family has moved to Tiansheng Island. He just appeared and should be there, not here.

"You ... who are you?"

At first glance.

Ning Dehao's heart is shock.

so similar!

This young man is too much like the owner Ning Tianlin.

It's almost carved out of a mold!

If others do n’t know Ning Tianlin, how can he not know that, although he is not a child of the uncle, when he is one or two years old, he will scratch his head in front of Ning Tianlin ’s portrait.

At first glance, he felt that this man was too much like Ning Tianlin, the owner of the Ning family!

But how is this possible?

If the homeowner returns, he should have received the news long ago, and returned to see the Holy Island, where would he stay?

Although he is not a child of the family, his father will definitely take him to recognize his relatives and see the legendary patriarch.

So for a while, he was not sure.

The voice that I wanted to swear at was also abruptly stopped!

"Ning Tianlin!"

Ning Tianlin directly revealed his name.

He knew that the people in front of him had actually recognized themselves, but couldn't believe it.

"Ning Ares!"

"He is Ning Ares!"

"Ning Ares is back"!

The people below took a sip of air-conditioning, which is really the God of War!

He is back!

Everyone couldn't help but be so excited, some even screamed, and quickly urged his own information device, and began to take pictures of Ning Tianlin, and spread quickly through the information device.

Today, he saw the legendary Ning War God with his own eyes!

It really looks exactly like the picture!

And so many years have passed, it is still so young, there is no trace of change!

If there is any difference from the portrait, it is temperament!

At first glance, it's more majestic, more overbearing, and a bit tougher!

But the deeper you go, the more you feel a sense of returning to true nature.

"Clan ... Patriarch, you are back ..."

Ning Dehao shivered, scaring his legs a little bit, and made a direct thump, kneeling on the ground.

On the one hand, it was scary. Who asked him to just call and give the man who captured him a million pieces!

Second, in the clan, except for a very small number of people, the rest of them had to bow to Ning Tianlin and worship the big gift. Every New Year, they must take a serious gimmick. After all, this is the rise of the Ning family Real leader!

Must be respectful and bow down as the most respected elder!


Ning Tianlin didn't answer, but was a divine thought, directly immersed in this Ning Dehao's mind, instantly made his body straight, forcibly read his memory. But within three seconds, it had already withdrawn.

"Your grandparents are Ning Huarong."

Ning Tianlin also knows what this Ning Dehao has to do with himself.

This Ning Huarong is the third grandfather of his father.

And he Ning Dehao is the sixth generation of Ning Huarong.

Although still surnamed Ning, five servings have long since been released, and there is not much blood relationship.

At that time, the Ning family was very thin. In order to find some companions for the father and the Ning family, some closer and farther came together and lived together. And this Ning Huarong is also the only person Ning Tianlin can recognize.

As for this Ning Dehao, it is estimated that he and Ning Tianlin have only a little blood relationship.

It just didn't occur to me that it was this kind of person who corrupted the reputation of the Ning family and acted recklessly.


Ning Tianlin didn't do anything, but opened his mouth, a bright voice, shook the world, "I, Ning Tianlin, here I apologize to everyone on behalf of the Ning family. This Ning Dehao is my Ning family. Trouble. "


Said, in Dangkong, bowed to everyone.

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