Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1674: Advent place

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"Can this thing be exchanged?"

Ning Tianlin asked about the combat system.


The combat system nodded. "It's exchangeable, but are you sure?"

He originally thought that Ning Tianlin would keep it for his relatives or apprentices. After all, as long as he was promoted to the star barbara warrior, he could let his relatives or apprentices become the master of the universe directly.


Ning Tianlin nodded.

He knew that it would be a waste of money to do so. At that time, he estimated that it would cost ten times the price to redeem this ball of heaven and earth, but now he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

You know, countless races are about to move.

He even offended several masters of the universe, and even the master of the universe would not stand on this side.

Except him, who else can bear the burden of supporting the earth?

If at that time, as long as one of the universe's masters has discovered the orbit of the earth, the earth's creatures will be finished immediately. Although he will be okay, he cannot resist the attack of the Lord of the universe.

Although the earth is hidden and wants to find it, it looks like a haystack in billions of planets, but it is a haystack. As long as you have perseverance, human power, and weakness, you can find it by taking some time and energy!

What will the earth do then?


It was just as he was about to redeem that he was suddenly at a loss, and quickly said to the combat system, "Don't!"

"I don't redeem it."

He thought of someone.

A person who can make the most appropriate use of the spheres condensed in this world, even he thinks that the energy points obtained from the opponent may be more than that directly exchanged here in the combat system.

"it is good."

The combat system nodded, without asking Ning Tianlin why, he stopped the exchange.

In his case, there is no such term as mandatory exchange.


With a wave of his hand, he put this thing directly into his space ring.


At this time, the entire Penglai Xiandao began to shake, as if the most critical things were taken away, and the rest was nothing, the Penglai secret realm began to collapse continuously. A moment later, when it was time to approach him, Ning Tianlin's figure flickered and left here.


The next moment, it appeared directly in the void.

"what happened?"

"Why is this Penglai Xiandao shaking so much?"

at the same time.

The group of earth warriors waiting outside the mystery are all you look at me, I look at you, it is extremely incredible, because the Penglai mystery that was just fine, suddenly shakes violently, even the giant tortoise dragging the stele is the same. .

What happened?

The mystery is about to break?

But shouldn't this be?

They have been waiting here for so long, but they have never seen anyone go in. Why did they suddenly collapse? Or is the space inherently unstable?


But also at this time, the world shook, and Penglai's secret place made a loud noise and turned into nothingness.

The space it was originally in has also become a space node, just like it never existed. You left me and you look at me, I see your people.


Just when it first appeared?

It also said that non-star kings are not allowed in!

They have already become like this before they enter. If the Star King enters, then you are such a collapse method, and you are not dead yet?

Fortunately, they did not become the star king.


Ning Tianlin, the original creator, didn't have any time to manage these things. His body flickered and came directly to his own home. After showing up for a few meals with his family, he told his parents how to manage the family.

People who can't let the Ning family go on like this.

Otherwise, his hard-earned reputation would have been lost to these people.

When his father promised that he would immediately clear up the bad wind and evil spirit, Ning Tianlin's figure flickered and left Ning's house. The next moment, the place where it appeared was in a yellow mist and river water.

On the side of the road, there are all the other flowers in the color of fire.

"I feel really different this time."

Suspended in the void, looking at the countless ghosts below, Ning Tianlin only felt the impermanence of the world.

Decades ago, he was also on the shore of Huangquan, waiting for a ghost of Naihe Bridge, but now he is a warrior with seven virtual segments, and he fits into a million feet, he can even reach the star. Two paragraphs.

These countless yin spirits, in his eyes, are all just past clouds.

I don't know if some of them, after reincarnation and reincarnation, will it be possible for them to become the same as themselves.

"There will be!"

Ning Tianlin nodded.

This time may be 10,000 years, 20,000 years, or 100,000 years, millions of years, but as long as the earth is not extinguished, one day, it will become the same as itself.

"Tianlin, long time no see."

At this moment, a huge figure, from far to near, and getting smaller and smaller, when he fell beside Ning Tianlin, was already the size of an ordinary person, almost the same as Ning Tianlin. It's just a tauren, with a steel fork in his hand.

Not the legendary bull head.

"Brother Niu!"

Ning Tianlin nodded to the other side.

This is when he was in Yincaodifu, he picked himself up and got to Yincaodifu. He also has a very high status in Yincaodifu.

"Tianlin Xiaoyou, when did you return from outside the region, and how did you feel outside the region?"

Niu Tau asked Ning Tianlin with a smile, but the next moment, his face changed, and his eyes were horrified, "Xingyuan Realm!"

"Tianlin friends, they have reached the level of Xingyuan!"

"It's incredible!"

The bull's head was full of shock, and he could hardly believe his eyes.

Ning Tianlin, who has not been seen for decades, has even reached the level of Xingyuan!

You know, when he came last time, he was not even in the realm of galaxy!

But now, he has been promoted to Xing Yuan, only one realm less than him!

This. . . . . . This speed is too fast!

It's totally incredible!

It's no wonder that Yan Zun valued it so much that when he came to the prefecture, he let himself come out to welcome him.

"Brother Niu was originally a star warrior and admires it."

Ning Tianlin praised Niu Tau.

He also did not expect that Taurus was a star warrior, and in just a few steps he could be promoted to the master of the universe. Counting this, this bull is the first person with the highest combat effectiveness.

"You're welcome."

"Tianlin Xiaoyou is unparalleled in the world."

Suddenly, Tau Tau has the feeling that he is old, and the world is your young man. Compared with Ning Tianlin, his hard training for so many years is really nothing.

"Ning Xiaoyou, Yan Zun is invited, please come with me."

Said, flying forward, walking with Ning Tianlin.

Along the way, talking and laughing, but many are shocking to Ning Tianlin.

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