Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1677: Come without indecent as well

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"Give me."

"You want to give him ..."

King Yan Luo only felt that he was going crazy. Ning Tianlin wanted to give himself such a valuable thing. This is for a super baby who never changes anything!

Being able to be the master of the universe.

The master of the universe is the ants!

He Yan Luo, I do not know how many years of struggle for this without a chance, but now, Ning Tianlin has brought this opportunity to his eyes.

"of course."

"Yan Zun, take it."

"This thing is too far away for me, and I have my own delivery. Without this, I can become the master of the universe!"

Ning Tianlin was extremely confident.

It also caused King Yan Luo's heart to move.

No wonder.

No wonder Ning Tianlin dared to give this thing to himself. It turned out that the other party didn't worry about being the master of the universe!

It takes a lot of self-confidence.

Even any genius, how dare to say such a thing, even his Master did not dare to make such a package ticket, saying that he would definitely become the master of the universe!

Ning Tianlin dared to say such a thing.

"As long as Yan Jun refines and absorbs it, it won't take long, maybe we can join hands and rescue Qin Shihuang."

Ning Tianlin proposed.

He knew why King Yan Luo valued Qin Shihuang so much, because it was his apprentice, and secondly, the true body of Qin Shihuang, but Zulong!

The ancestor of the dragon!

There is also the opportunity to become the master of the universe.

Only these years, I have been trapped, almost strangled, and stagnated.

When he has the chance, he will definitely take the shot and rescue Qin Shihuang.


Ning Tianlin really didn't know what kind of kind words to say, and wanted to say rejection, but he couldn't open up such a mouth, because if he missed it, maybe millions of years later, he might not be the master of the universe!

This is not only a question of probability, but also a question of chance.

"Yan Zun, you must refuse."

Ning Tianlin smiled and put this thing directly into the hands of King Yan Luo.

With it, King Yan Luo can be promoted to be the Lord of the Universe, and the earth has one more guardianship. He can also obtain a large amount of resources.

This thing is not what he needs urgently now.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

King Yan Luo cried out, "Since Ning Xiaoyou is not polite, what mother-in-law I still have."

"However, how can I let Ning Xiaoyou spend so much, you take these things."

With a wave of words, a large amount of resources appeared in the air, slowly floating.

Big and small, shiny but not shiny, made Ning Tianlin a little dizzy.

"These are the treasures I have treasured from ancient times to the present. They are all here. I left the star beads that my friend just gave me, and the rest belong to you. These things, I used to dash the Lord of the universe, But now that they have it, little friends can take them all away. "

King Yan Luo was so generous that he almost took out all his collection.

These things were originally used to ascend to become masters of the universe, but now it seems that they are not used.

Ning Tianlin still has to wander outside, and where he can definitely be useful, take out all his brain and give it to Ning Tianlin.


King Yan Luo was still the King Yan Luo. He would never let Ning Tianlin suffer. He originally thought he would use something. Who knew that he would take out all the contents of his space ring.

This is too rich.

And he only glanced roughly, and felt the rich energy contained in it.

The collection of those Star Warriors who are not beheaded by themselves is comparable.

After all, King Yan Luo was a living creature from the ancient times. He personally experienced the war. Ninety-nine percent of the Star Warriors only evolved slowly after the war. ratio.

The collection of the two is completely different!

Even compared to some universe masters, King Yan Luo's collection is only strong!

"Ning Xiaoyou, take it away. These things are already out of my body, and they are not very useful, but for you, they should still be useful, just not work. Change the things in the universe And it's good. "

King Yan Luo looked at Ning Tianlin's heart and smiled.

"it is good!"

"These things do work for me, too, so I'm welcome!"

Ning Tianlin gritted his teeth and stopped contrived.

Didn't he come for these things.

With a wave of his hand, he packed everything into his space ring. He didn't rush to redeem it, but thanked King Luo.

These things are estimated to be an extremely scary spirit point.

He really didn't expect that King Yan Luo was so generous and gave everything to himself.

It touched him a little.

"Thank you."

"These are just things outside of me." King Yan Luo laughed. "When I become the master of the universe, these things are really useless to me. I just want to get some work."

At the same time, the voice turned and asked Ning Tianlin with a smile, "Ning Xiaoyou, how?"

"What happened to what I said that day?"


Ning Tianlin froze, what happened?

Why doesn't he remember?

Seeing this expression, Yan Luo Wang was suddenly speechless.

You do n’t even care about such a big thing. How big is your heart?

Unable to concentrate, the light of his brows flashed, and a golden continental plate-like imprint shot out from his brows and emerged directly into the air between the two.

"this is?"

Ning Tianlin's heart shook suddenly.

A layer of marks on the Nine Runners Reincarnation Tower!

He remembered that King Yan Luo was the third-level mark, and he himself had obtained the eighth-level mark.

At the same time, he remembered what Yan Luo said to him.

That is, he gave himself the mark of the nine runners tower.

Although I do n’t know why, this was something I had said a few years ago when he was in Yincao Difu. At that time, King Yan Luo told himself to consider it, and he turned around and forgot about it.

Because this is too joke.

How can he give such a precious thing to himself.

This means that as long as this thing is in his own hands, he can control the earth's Yincao Difu!

It was incredible, so he never took it to heart.

Unexpectedly, this time, King Yan Luo raised it again, and released this mark directly, suspended in the air.

Looking at it, he really wanted to give this cosmic treasure to himself.

"This is the third-level mark of the Nine Runners Tower, which I told you last time." For fear that Ning Tianlin would not recognize such a thing, Wang Yan Luo explained with a smile.

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