Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1699: I will kill you today without vain!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Ning Tianlin!"

"It's Ning Tianlin!"

When Ning Tianlin's figure appeared in the void, countless people noticed this scene and were talking about what was going on, and why Ning Tianlin didn't die.

Did n’t the Lord of the Wandering Hall just say that he was dead?

Does he also tell lies?

It ’s just that Ning Tianlin is too daring. Since he was n’t dead, he did n’t rush to run away, and he dared to show up in front of the Lord of the Wandering Hall, are n’t you afraid he will kill you?

For a time, the sentiment was turbulent, guessing all kinds of possibilities.

Even through the spy video broadcast, many people of other races discovered Ning Tianlin's figure as soon as possible.

"Fuck your mother! Is this dead?" The two Zerg gangsters really wanted to slay the Lord of the Wandering Temple!

Do you want to point your face?

Do you have to die if you do n’t die?

Just like to put gold on your face?

It hurt them for nothing.

"Not dead! Haha, not dead!"

And to be happy, it is the patriarch demon master of the mechanical clan. When he sees Ning Tianlin is not dead, he is almost happy to jump up. He does not hate Ning Tianlin, but hopes that from Ning Tianlin's hands, he will It is not too late to find out the origin of the magic crystal tree!

Otherwise, they are in danger!

In these years, among the other races looking for Ning Tianlin's whereabouts, his demon master dares to say first, and no one dares to say second!

He almost sent a large number of mechanical clan guards to find the whereabouts of Ning Tianlin in the universe.

"Not dead, Ning Tianlin really didn't die so well."

Although a disappointing member of the Mu clan was disappointed, he didn't think it was a big deal. After all, the other party is only a star-virtual warrior. Although it is difficult to kill, it is not impossible to kill. As long as he is truly trapped, then use the thunder and fire And other means to exhaust his energy.

Let him not use the golden bell jar, do not believe he will not die!


Everyone was staring at the screen, trying to see what Ning Tianlin was going to do. In particular, the two Zerg gangsters are guessing why Ning Tianlin did not leave, to know that his stealth technique is that neither of them can see.

Is it to save this beast?

But where's that ferocious beast?

Why disappeared all of a sudden, and disappeared from the hands of a master of the universe! This alone can prove the unusualness of this ferocious beast.

"Ning Tianlin!"

"You are not dead!"

The most shocking thing is that there is no delusional lord, because it is his own hands, he knows what is going on. You know, he broke all the minced meat of Ning Tianlin into different voids.

They simply cannot regroup and reunite.

How could he be resurrected?

But where does he know that Ning Tianlin's rebirth is not to continue to combine, but to use a piece of minced meat to continue to re-aggregate a piece of flesh, a piece of flesh is a flesh! As long as there is enough energy!

Coupled with the existence of invincible golden body, the void can do nothing about him.


"Do you think you can kill me?"

Ning Tianlin snorted coldly, his body was shining with gold light, and he was invincible, just like a god.

"You can't kill me, then I will kill you!"

"Today, Ning Tianlin announced that I would kill you without vain!"

"You don't die!"

Ning Tianlin held Fang Tianhua's halberd, pointed sharply at the other side's face, loudly.

The sound shook through the world, ringing in everyone's eardrum.



"He's Ning Tianlin trying to kill the Lord of the Temple without Wonder, what a joke?"

All the people below were shocked.

Some can't believe their ears.

What ’s your joke about Ning Tianlin? The master of Wudian is the master of the universe. Can you Ning Tianlin kill? According to your legend, it is just a star-virtual warrior, who can kill the universe master?

What a joke!

Even if you are promoted to the Lord of the Universe, you cannot be the opponent of the Lord of the Unintentional Hall!

According to legend, the Lord of the Wandering Palace has reached the peak of the Lord of the Universe!

Still today?

Even if you are the masters of the universe, you wo n’t necessarily see who can do what and who.

Inevitably, everyone felt that Ning Tianlin was crazy, his head was not clear, and he was talking loudly.

Even the master of the Mu universe who watched this live broadcast, and a strong one, laughed.


This Ning Tianlin is really crazy!

What do you think you are a star warrior?

Is it invincible?

Still killing the Lord of the universe? It's up to you? Give you a hundred or ten thousand years, you may not be able to do it!

"Did it?"

"Want to reincarnate the tower with nine runners?"

The mechanical patriarch Demon Lord, however, frowned and thought of a possibility.

He is the only master of countless universes, the only one who knows that Ning Tianlin has nine rounds of reincarnation towers. You know, he rushed into the reincarnation tower and entered the nether space. He was cut off by Ning Tianlin.

Space ring dropped.

He almost died there.

He guessed that Ning Tianlin had only this way to kill the Lord of the Temple without a delusion.

But is this possible?

He stumbled into the Nine Runners Tower that year. If you dare to take it out in person now, don't say that the other party will not enter the Nine Runners Tower stupidly, maybe they will take the thing and grab it!

The current nine-revolving reincarnation tower is not enough to fit the Lord of the universe at will!

Unless he ’s Ning Tianlin, has all the nine-round reincarnation towers been merged?

But is this possible?

The nine-round reincarnation tower of Tashan King alone in the holy place of the tribe is still in his hands! I haven't heard what happened to the holy place of the human race!

"Can he do anything else?"

Demon Lord guessed.

If other star-virtual warriors say these things, saying that he is a star-virtual realm, to kill the master of the universe, he will definitely laugh and put a fart to destroy the other party, but Ning Tianlin is too weird and has too many means Well, maybe you really have this ability!

Could not help but stare at the screen, want to see what Ning Tianlin can do.

Even the two remaining Zerg gangsters are the same.

They also wanted to see how Ning Tianlin accomplished what he said.

But in their hearts, they may stand in half with the impossible. After all, this Ning Tianlin is a person who can invite the Lord of the universe! Perhaps the Lord of the universe in the earth is hiding in the dark now!

Help him Ning Tianlin at any time!

In particular, they knew that Ning Tianlin was rather scary. There was a way to keep them all in a short dizziness.

Six seconds!

It may be short for others, but it has been a long time for their Lord of the Universe, enough to do too many things.

They felt that if the Lord of the universe on the earth was also present, maybe they could cooperate with Ning Tianlin and kill the master of this temple without any delusion!

This Ning Tianlin can have super stealth, maybe the other side has it too!

Maybe it's hidden in the dark at this moment, waiting for a blow!

Of course, all this is just possible, maybe it's just that he is talking big!

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