Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1703: The first person in the universe?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Ha ha."

"Since you're here to die, I'm also welcome!"


Ning Tianlin directly chose to explode, using the form of minced meat to break away from the entanglement of wooden clogs.


Although the other party responded and wanted to continue to entangle Ning Tianlin, the super sound wave was launched, which directly put Mu Zhi in a stun of six seconds.

"That's the trick again!"

"He can still use this trick!"

Watching this scene, the two lords of the Matriarch, the Demon Lord and the Zerg, have eaten Ning Tianlin's loss, and they have all fallen into dizziness in an instant. Now it ’s like this for the wooden clog. Think of something.

This Ning Tianlin still has the energy to use this trick!

Afterwards, they all thought about how to crack Ning Tianlin's compulsive dizziness, but in the end, it was inconclusive.

Seems to be stunned!


Because even if they hid in the void, the sound could quickly pass through the void, imprinted on them, completely fearless of the distance in space.


Ning Tianlin stretched out his hand, and Fang Tianhuaji appeared on his hand again.

Gaze coldly at the clog.

Since you want to die, then you are done!

Unable to wave Fang Tianhua halberd, pointed his tip at the wooden clog.


"Don't ... can he really use that trick again?"

Everyone was shocked to see Ning Tianlin posing, especially the Lord of the Universe, who looked at this scene inconceivably. Did he just continue to use Ning Tianlin?

This is too crazy.

He is the realm of astrology!

I can really use that powerful trick continuously!

That is, even the Lord of the Universe can be killed.

You do n’t need to rest?

"not good?"

Six seconds later, the wooden cricket that just woke up and saw Ning Tianlin's appearance is a big shock, because Ning Tianlin is now in a straight posture, exactly the same as the one who just slaughtered the master of Wudu Temple.


Muya will flee in an instant!

He was chilling all over the body in an instant and felt a strong breath of death.

"not good!"

"Can't move!"

It just made him feel extremely shocked and panicked. His body looks like he is fixed, he can't move at all, no matter how he struggles, he can't move at all! Arms, skull, and even fingers.

This also reminded him of the scene of the Lord of the Wandering Palace.

He was still ridiculing why the Lord of the Wandering Palace didn't leave, and stood there to let him beheaded, but now he knows what kind of horror scene was then.

Not that you do n’t want to move, but you ca n’t move at all!





At this time, Ning Tianlin's Fang Tianhua halberdine shot out, spreading all kinds of secret texts and runes, directly covering the wooden clogs, even his huge body. Under the effect of this secret text, it even started Constantly corrodes inside.


The next moment, Daoguang approached and chopped directly on Mu's body.

With the addition of the law of heaven, the huge body of Muya directly became two halves, and even the wound was covered with secret text, which could never be recovered at all.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, who has received 1,200 princes for his energy points."

It was also an instant, and Ning Tianlin exploded his energy points.


Manzulu appeared again, and began to devour the wooden mule's body frantically.

This time, Ning Tianlin also noticed more clearly that the laws of heaven spreading on the body of Muya were also swallowed by Wanzu. It means that these heavenly laws can't help but be digested by him.


"The clog is dead."

At this moment, the entire universe seems to be shocked.

If Ning Tianlin killed the Lord of the Wandering Palace, maybe it was the strangeness that they saw in the United States and Europe, or it was an overdraft of physical energy, and the endless energy was spent to kill the Lord of the Wandering Palace.

Now, he has once again proven his combat effectiveness with strength!

Another trick was to chop the wooden clog.

Even now into the belly of that fierce beast!

This is too incredible!

This does not mean that who is Ning Tianlin's opponent now in the entire universe?

Who dares to play against him?

If he used that secret technique again, who would you be his opponent? Not all have been cut directly into dregs!

"The universe is first?"

Inevitably, four words appeared in everyone's mind.

The universe is first!

He Ning Tianlin, will he have reached the top of the universe! Become the first master of the universe?

All of a sudden, everyone was talking about this incredible thing, even all the Lords of the universe just felt their faces twitching.

If Ning Tianlin aimed at them, who would be alive?

Just die!

Some people even thought of Ning Tianlin's possible true identity, and his face turned pale, because at that time in the ancient times of the earth, they had almost participated in it. Although not the main force, it also caused great harm to humans on the earth Is not it?

Even the last one was missing, and he did not know whether he died to leave the lineage or reborn.

At their level, they don't know anything about the nine-revolver tower.

"And what exactly is this ferocious beast?"

Too many people have focused their attention on Wanzu.

You know, this is the body of the Lord of the universe!

Do you think you can eat it?

It's like a stone you can eat if you want to eat it?

Not to mention whether the teeth can be bitten and the appetite can't be digested?

Even if a ferocious beast arrives, it may not be able to eat the body of the universe master!

And this horrible beast in Xingyuan Realm not only ate the body of Muya, but also devoured the two universe masters at once, and his appetite was also very good? Besides, how can you eat so much at once?

Inevitably, too many people began to wonder about the identity of Millipede.

Those who can follow Ning Tianlin really are not ordinary.


After Wanzuya had eaten all the wooden clogs, he spit out a space ring from his mouth and entered Ning Tianlin's palm.


He was thrown directly by Ning Tianlin and entered his own Promise Ring, then all turned into essence points.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, he got ninety points of energy and that was him." The combat power also burst out a specific number.


After doing all this, Ning Tianlin's figure left this side of the world directly, instead of going to devour the rest of the human race, but to the guardian of the original human race, the hall where the hall was located.

Since there is no master here, it is a land without a master!

Don't blame him for the resources here.

Although some of them are in the space ring of the master of the delusion, after all, this is where the human race manager is located, and there are still too many resources.

Especially here, Ning Tianlin also found a lot of Star Warriors who hated him!

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