Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1726: The holy land of humanity is destroyed!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"not good!"

"Look what it is!

Human holy land.

Thousands of humans are accommodated. At this moment are huge creatures staring at the sky with great horror. The other party's mouth is like a mountain, and it is fierce and rushes towards the humans below.

"Not good, that fierce beast!"

"The fierce beast raised by Ning Tianlin!"

Countless people are seeing incredible.

what happened?

Why is that fierce beast alive?

When Ning Tianlin died that day, they thought that the fierce beast died with Ning Tianlin, but they did not expect that they are still alive now, and they also appeared in the holy place of human race!

How did it come in?

Looking for Tashan King to avenge Ning Tianlin?

What a joke!

Your master Ning Tianlin is dead, and Tashan King can also compete with you?

They unknowingly attributed Ning Tianlin's death to Tashan King. After all, Tashan King finally swallowed the delusion hall, and all space was merged into the holy place of the human race. Even in these days, countless people went there On the sidelines of the hall where the delusion was located.

With such a large space to settle in the holy holy land, we can only say that their status as holy holy land will only become more and more important among the human race!

Even the other two of the three temples will not surrender before long.

The eight major families, the Colosseum and other forces are estimated to not last long in the hands of Tashan King!

They even faintly felt that it wouldn't take long for Terran forces to complete the great unification! King Tashan alone! These existences of their holy places in the human race will definitely have a great status in the future human race!


"It's just a worm and animal in the realm of Xingyuan. Without your master, do you really think you can turn the sky?"

Some of the real Star Destroyer powers did not panic, but instead showed ridicule at Wan Zuyu.

One star, they die with their fingers in minutes!

No need for Tashan King!


Even a star desolate warrior flew off the ground and rushed towards the figure of Manzulu, with his sword drawn from behind, with a smile on his lips. He wanted to make everyone remember his name in the attention.

Wang Xiao!

The existence of the starry realm!


The sword is waving, turning into glorious golden light, and beheading towards the figure of Manzulu!


It was only when his sword was waved out that he felt uneasy, because the power in his hands was obviously weaker than usual, not to mention the power of the Star Warrior, even the Xing Xu could not compare!

"What's going on!"

Suddenly there was a horror in his eyes.

Because of his sword's light, when he encountered Wanzui, he was directly endured by the opponent, not even a scale was cut off.

But how is this possible!

He is a Star Warrior!

Two realms higher than the other star's realm!

"Did I spoil ten women last night for a moment?"

Wang Xiao could only comfort himself like this, if not, how to explain the might of the sword that he just wielded out?

Weakness like this?


But the next moment, he never had a chance again, and the huge mouth was opened directly on his body, biting him into scum!

Originally he was going to swallow him into his abdomen, but in the end, Mizuchi changed his mind.

Dare to chop him, and say it again!


Wang Xiao is dead?

The powerful men below and Wang Xiao are familiar with, are all incredible.

What happened to Wang Xiao?

How can we be so weak?

The power of that move just didn't even reach Xingxu!

Is this dead?

"A waste!"

"It must have been more work last night, and was absorbed by the demon girl!"

Someone satired behind the scenes.

"Look at me"!

Another Star Warrior jumped up and rushed towards the voice of Wanzuyu, but just ready to start, as soon as Wanzuyu's tongue stretched out, he rolled up the opponent's body, and grumbled twice to smash. .

"Not Xingzhou!"

"It's not astral realm!"

"It's very likely that it has broken through the Lord of the Universe!"

At the moment, many strong people were crazy guesses.

If a Star Warrior is dead, that's all, and now he has died two in a row, not even one of his allies! The other party is definitely the main realm of the universe!

Does it lurk in this century and quietly break through and find revenge on King Tashan?


There must be some means to dare to avenge the human holy land.

"Tashan King!"

"Ask Tashan King for a shot"!

At this time, a lot of sounds became louder, and they became louder and louder.

However, Ning Tianlin, who was hiding in the air, gave a cold hum.

King Tashan?

Your Tashan King is dead!

And the reason why these star-barren warriors can't show their real strength is incomparable, because here he is rather God! The Lord who controls everything! He changed the law of heaven in a silent way, and it is quite easy to use the power of these star barbarians to the level of starvation!

All the strong men in this holy place of holy land were silenced by him!

Millipede is the highest hand here!


It was just that the Tashan King that all the warriors expected did not make a shot, and Wanzuyu landed, opened his mouth, and opened his mouth, sucked all the living beings into his belly, and then dispersed them into the hundred cities of the human race .


The next moment, Wan Zuyu's figure appeared in Yin Cao Di Fu, and did the same, sucking countless ghosts into it.

Ghosts can also attach one-billionth of their combat power to him.


After Wan Zuyu did all this, his combat power was directly promoted to the fifth stage of Xingzhou, which is three levels higher than the second stage of Xingzhou of Ning Tianlin!

"Sucking everything is indeed a big killing trick!"

The holy holy place of the human race is like a cloud, and evolution has stood at one-fourth of the human race's strength. With this breakthrough, it is not much.

"If the eight major families and the three temples are added up, I am afraid that Wanzui can directly promote Xinghuang!"

However, Ning Tianlin also knew that this could not be done now.

After all, he is only in the realm of astral universe. There are two other temples in the three major temples. Although there is no master of the universe, there are a large number of star-warrior warriors. He now has only three star-warrior warriors. Blast into **** instantly.

He can only retreat with invincible golden body.

Millipede is more unlikely to devour.

In order to do this, he Ning Tianlin must be promoted to Xinghuang Realm!

As long as he enters the realm of star desolation, he can do too much. The other two temples in the three temples, the seven families in the eight families, and the universe, some races without the Lord of the universe, can do Is the object of the full foot swallow.

At that time, the combat effectiveness of Wan Zuyu will only become stronger and stronger, even before he enters the universe master!

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