Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1729: Advent blood

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Human infighting?"

"Or do the Terrans want to complete the unification?"

"Or is the Qin family owner and the king of yin and yang of the human race playing a show with all races in the universe?"

Soon, some news began to spread throughout the universe with the help of people. And the fact that the human race has only two masters of the universe is released now, regardless of whether the King of Tashan has died.

As long as it is accompanied by, it also has another meaning.

That is, if the human race completes the unification, they will definitely go to war against the rest of the universe under the leadership of the universe master. With the power of the human race, few can be blocked, after all, after the reunification, the power of the human race will be unprecedentedly strong.

Although there are no three masters of the universe, there are still two!

Even if Tashan King is not dead, there are three!

It's the Lord of the Universe.

In the entire universe, there is a strong and invincible existence! After all, it is today's Zerg, and there are only two masters of the universe!

"Whether the human race is true or false, what we can do is to take the lead and destroy the human race! Otherwise, it will be us! We don't need a unified human race!" The sound reminded me secretly.

And driven by a force, it is increasingly sweeping.

"Yes! We can't look at the unity of the human race! When it happens, it will only be us!"

At first, it was just such rumors from the other small races.

After all, the human race ’s aggressiveness has been experienced and seen at the end of countless years. Wherever there is a human race, most of the resources will be occupied by them, and the remaining races will either be unavailable or only get a small part. .

But soon, the rumors grew bigger and bigger, and even the two Zerg masters of the Zerg appeared in solemn eyes.

What they worry about is not who is planning the conspiracy in the end, is the undead King of Tashan, the owner of the Qin family, or the King of Yin and Yang? But the only thing they want to know is whether the Terrans will be unified!

This is what they are most worried about.

The human race is a piece of scattered sand. The five masters of the universe are not afraid of them, because they will check and balance each other, taking away most of the human race's resources, and managing each of them. Unless the human race faces life and death, they will stand together.

Five people are a piece of scattered sand, but if one person, the human race will be a dragon!

They must not let the tribe do it alone.

If not, at that time the human race will lift up its power, I am afraid no one can stop it! Even their Zerg may not work.

Because as of now, no one knows that King Tashan is dead or not. If everything he did in secret had subdued the Qin family master and the king of yin and yang, I am afraid that an unprecedented war will be launched against all races!

Universe 1

This is not impossible, this is the wish of countless universe masters and races!

Only the Earth could do it!

Who can accomplish this glory in whom? It is definitely a matter of the Yongzai Universe Manual.

"You can't let the tribe complete the unification! The Terran must be brewing a terrible conspiracy, we must watch out!"

"There are countless resources in Terran. We should take the lead and grab all Terran's resources."

"Human races have oppressed us for so long over the years, we should defend!"

"A race enslaved by humans, is it time to rise and wake up!"

The individual speeches are spreading secretly, and they are becoming more and more powerful. However, some people believe that, of course, there are also unbelievers, but they have kept a close eye on this matter and are ready to deal with possible situations at any time.

Even the mastermind, the master of all this. Everyone knows that if they want to besiege the human race, and then there will be a universe-level war, these rumors can not move.

More are watching.

Unless there is something earth-shaking that can change the release pattern, otherwise, it will be difficult to attack the people.

But the Demon Lord also knew that this would not happen in a short period of time, and it was possible and not desirable.

What he can do is slowly plan again, and then fill in some more things in the mixed game, and stir more mixed, but if he wants to happen, it will be more difficult.

Even he himself decided that if there was no fuse in the end, their mechanical clan would serve as the last fuse!

The power of the Engine Clan is to fight with the Terrans!

Anyway, the mechanical clan will perish, so pull a few more backs.

It's just that at the last minute, he won't happen!

Wait a few years, rumors ferment, maybe there will be progress.

at the same time.

Bloodline territory.

The blood race, a race that lives on blood. Because of this, their world is a world of killing, a world of conquest.

Numerous slaves are supported in their territory. These slaves are the source of their blood.

The purer and thicker the blood they swallow, the faster they grow.

In their bodies, there will be a blood essence, which is the source of their strength and the source of their various secret methods.

In the race, there are extremely strict levels!

Now in charge of this race is a blood king named Arras!

The realm is the existence of Xinghuang Nine.

The blood race, because of the nature of bloodthirsty, has many enemies. Numerous races are trying to destroy him, so they have moved to this extremely northern place, which is relatively cold. Even to this end, the blood race has been attached to a universe master named Huang Mo, who is sheltered by him.

But even so, they are only active in this area, and rarely cross a large territory. Otherwise, offending people who should not offend is likely to destroy the tribe.

Countless members of the blood race are waiting, waiting for their Lord to break through the Nine Stars and become the Lord of the universe!

At that time, their territory will definitely be infinitely larger!

The Master of the Universe is fundamentally different from the Star Warrior.

Bloodline Icefield.

It is an ice field in the north of the territory occupied by the blood race. It has been snow and ice gathered all year round, and there is no human beings. Even the blood race members rarely live in this territory, because they will lack clothing and food, and they will not even hunt and catch biological objects.



At the moment in the snow and ice, a figure suddenly appeared.

After looking around, the figure started walking towards a certain location in front. With both feet on the ground, almost knees were drowned.

"I haven't seen such a snow scene for years."

Ning Tianlin felt the taste of snow and ice across his face, remembering the time when he was at the South Pole of the Earth. Compared with here, the wind and snow there is not too panic.


"A blood race?"

Just then, a figure appeared in front of him, and was rushing towards here.

Behind her, five or six figures followed her quickly.

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