Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1732: Saint Luo Star Pen

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"This is Baltic!"

Ning Tianlin stood in a void, looking at the sea of ​​blood in front of him, without hesitation, flew straight in.

Baltic days.

It is actually a sea.

Sea and sky are connected, endless.

Even if a star warrior wants to investigate completely, it will take almost three months.

"Luo Wei's memory only knows that this Saint Luo star pen is in Boroten, but he does not know where it is. But all this is nothing in the combat system.

Ning Tianlin flew southwest of your Baltic sky.

Saint Luo star pen, right there!



The sea of ​​blood is not barren, but there are many creatures. Everything he sees is killed by his wave and turned into essence points. No one escapes.

Ten days later.

The blood race that died in his hands reached billions. But the news he entered did not pass on at all. Because when all the creatures have not reacted, they have become dust.

Three more days.

He appeared in a star hole.

This star hole, like a vortex, is constantly wandering in the sea of ​​blood, devouring all living creatures and even space around it. No one knows how it was formed, but wandered in this Baltic sky all year round.

Sometimes southwest, sometimes northeast, and sometimes in the middle.

Even the size of the vortex varies with orientation and time.

But no matter what, this suction that swallowed the world and made countless warriors linger, and dared not leap into the thunder pool halfway.

Because in these countless years, I do n’t know how many creatures have been swallowed up by this vortex, but none of them has ever come alive, let alone the star king Xingxu, that is, two warriors in the realm of astrology came here, and wanted to explore the truth of this vortex, Never came up again.


Ning Tianlin appeared beside this star cave, and tried to explore with divine knowledge. As a result, the entire mind lost contact with himself instantly, and no dregs were swallowed.

After a while, the whole body flashed golden light, turned into an invincible golden body, and jumped directly into the rotating star hole.

"False eyes!"

"Can break all falsehood!"

Although Ning Tianlin has an immortal body, he is still a little dazed in the continuous rotation of the vortex, and the blood consistency on the side seems to be more sticky, not a sea of ​​blood, like a blood clot. .

After thinking about it, I gave out false eyes.


The blood around him changed into sticky lines.

This line is thick and dense, dense and dense, swinging endlessly in this world, spinning, stirring, mixing Ning Tianlin's body with it, swirling back and forth, and sinking continuously.

Even these lines are extremely corrosive.

If Ning Tianlin had not opened the invincible golden body, I am afraid that this corrosive, even his physical body can be directly corroded into slag!



one day.

Two days.

I don't know how long after that, the blood-colored lines like the endless sky disappeared, appearing in the eyes, and turned into a pillar standing between heaven and earth.

This column, like the line, has long lost its original color, but it is extremely stout, no less than millions of feet, and it is not stationary, but it is constantly shaking, or it is regularly shaking counterclockwise!


Ning Tianlin, who was infinitely rotated, sometimes encountered this pillar, like hitting on a reinforced iron bone, so that he could not crack the slightest gap, even without the original shaking action, but he was bounced back far away.

If it weren't for the invincible golden body guard, he estimated that he would spray a lot of blood.



In this way, Ning Tianlin's body did not know how long it had sunk. In front of his eyes, a figure suddenly appeared, Gao Baizhang, holding a large knife, saw him appear, and cut directly at him.

"Star King Realm!"

Ning Tianlin snorted coldly and waved his hand directly, disintegrating it into dregs.

It only made him frown that the **** figure reunited instantly after being broken, and even the sword in his hand continued to wave and kill him.


Ning Tianlin smashed again with a blow.

But the next moment, the other party reunited again and rushed towards him with a sword.

"It's over!"

Ning Tianlin knows that the **** creature in front of him has lost his consciousness and the body is not dead. If he can't destroy the reason for his reunion, he will continue to exist so repeatedly and tirelessly.

If there is no invincible golden light bodyguard, he can summon everything to swallow it up and swallow the other side!

But at this moment, the endless blood around him is very corrosive. He didn't do this, for fear that there would be a flash loss of Wanzu, he didn't regret death.

"Your sister!"

"Just cut it!"

Ning Tianlin sneered. He has an immortality. You won't die if you cut 10,000 times, but it's just annoying. It's like the mosquito is buzzing around you, but you can't kill it.




A moment later, the sound of a metal collision appeared here.

Just three minutes later.

The sound of this collision became extremely dense.

Because the weapon cut on Ning Tianlin is no longer one, but it has reached five!

Five **** men jumped down beside him, wielding weapons and chopping him.

The highest combat effectiveness has reached the starry void.

ten minutes later.

Joining the battle, there is already a warrior of the astral level, and he is in the same realm with Ning Tianlin.

"If I guess correctly, this should be the warrior killed by Saint Luo's pen!"

At this time, Ning Tianlin suddenly sounded some introductions about the Saint Luo star pen.

The Saint Luo star pen, which was the weapon used by King Saint Luo in the past, can not only paint objects, but also drive things! Every soul that is beheaded by this will be his slave forever, for it to drive!

And in the area enveloped by the Saint Luo star pen, immortal!

The brilliance of Sheng Luoxing's pen can give it a true shape. It will never die, but it is just unconscious.

Pen is here!

They are immortal!

"That's it ..."

"If I guessed right, the endless blood-colored lines and this blood-colored cylinder, one is the pen hair of the Saint Luo star pen, and the other is its pen column!"

"Only in this way, these driven slaves will never die! And these slaves must appear within the scope of the Saint Luo star pen!

"Since it is within this range, then this Saint Luo star pen is a cylinder I guess!"


Ning Tianlin's figure flickered and turned into a streamer to shoot directly.

Although it is constantly spinning and vertigo, but now that he has a direction, he moves very quickly, and has been hovering around the pen and sinking.

When he finally reached the end of the cylinder, his eyes were shocked.

Because he found that a huge arm was shaking with his hand constantly!

Tongtian pen has been caught between three fingers by this big hand!

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