Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1744: Is this thorn my tonic?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Just kill it like this, I don't know when it will be."

As more and more Soul Eater and Scorpion beasts rushed to death, Ning Tianlin couldn't help looking at the layer of poisonous clouds hovering above the herd, covering the sky.

He didn't expect that there would be so many Soul Eaters and Scorpions.

Totally endless.

In the outer universe, although you can see all of them, there are hundreds of them, but now, they are unstoppable!

Did he enter the old nest of Soul Eater and Scorpion?

"But these creatures are fear and trouble for others, but for me, they are delicious."

Ning Tianlin snorted coldly, and waved his right hand, directly releasing the figure of Wanzu.


Immediately after appearing, Wanzuyu screamed and raised his head in the sky, his body rising into the air, revealing the excitement and hunger for the poisonous beasts in his eyes.

With the permission of Ning Tianlin, Wanzuan had almost no stagnation, and his body flickered directly to the soul-stealing scorpion beast!

Immediately, the herd immediately became turbulent, and the poisonous clouds in the air began to move, and the direction of movement was exactly the direction in which Wanzuo stormed away.

"In the eyes of other warriors, this poisonous cloud can corrode the soul and cannot be contaminated at all, but in the eyes of Wanzuyu, this is a big meal!"

Wanzu trembled for a while. After a short while, the body suddenly expanded and stopped when there were millions of feet.

The whole body straddles the void. As soon as it looks up, the giant mouth suddenly opens, and the horror suction bursts out from the body. It diffuses like a whale sucking water. A suction makes the poisonous cloud around the giant mouth **** into the body instantly.

The soul-stealing scorpion beast immediately violently stirred up. They were also instinctively afraid and fearful of the existence of horrors such as the Wanzu.

"I'm really wanton!"

Watching Wan Zuyu desperately devouring their souls, a soul-stealing scorpion with a combat power reaching the realm of star waste, rushed towards Wan Zuyu.

There is no disdain in his eyes.

A worm in the second stage of Xingzhou, he is not in his eyes yet!

He is a realm of star desolation, and in the past, he can definitely kill the other party directly!

It was only when his body was approaching Wanzu that he changed his face, because he felt that his fighting power had fallen sharply, even less than 10% of the original!

In particular, the eyes of Manchuria turned out the light of Medusa's eyes. Although he did not petrify him, the combat effectiveness dropped a lot.


When he wasn't close to the other person's body, he was directly swallowed by Wanzu, and swallowed it.

Nothing else, because Ning Tianlin's figure blended into Wanzu's body.


But at this moment, at a distance, a terrible breath came far and near, coming directly into this world.

It was the horror breath that Ning Tianlin felt was the master of the universe.


At the same time, Ning Tianlin also controlled the Nine Runners Revolving Tower, allowing three servants of Xinghuang Nine to drill into it.

After all, it is the existence of the Lord of the Universe. If he wants to defeat the opponent, he also needs to borrow the bodies of these three servants.

"Who are you? Come to my tribe and wanton!"

This is a very large Soul Eater Scorpion, which is much larger than all just now. Scarlet eyes, the size of a planet, looked down at Ning Tianlin, showing anger.

This outsider has killed many of his people!

Damn it!


"I'm here to destroy your people!"

Ning Tianlin sneered, his figure flickered, and he became the body of the ghoul again, and in an instant, all the secret methods were used.

Like the strong man who killed the Lord of the Universe in the last five stages, his combat effectiveness has skyrocketed more than 160 times, reaching the Lord of the Universe, almost two stages!

And the combat power of this soul eater and scorpion king has fallen to less than a paragraph! It's only a few feet higher than Xinghuang Jiuduan!

"How ... how is that possible."

The Soul Eater Scorpion King's face changed so much that he couldn't believe his own change. How could this be happening, his combat power had even weakened to this point!


It's just that Ning Tianlin would care about these, and there was a politely popped-out palm that was imprinted on the back of this Soul Eater Scorpion King.


Suffering a heavy blow from the raid, Soul Eater Scorpion King spit a dark brown blood spout from his mouth.

Especially as soon as this dark brown blood fell into the void, due to the strong corrosiveness, it made a loud noise, and the area under him was also a fester.

The Soul Eater Scorpion King was severely hit, a roar from his throat, his body swelled and opened instantly, and in the blink of an eye, the already extremely huge body became even more exaggerated, and it was a starry giant monster.

Blood-red eyes stared at Ning Tianlin, a huge scorpion tail with a length of millions of meters, and shot at him.

"Will I be afraid of you when you are big? Silly."

Seeing this, Ning Tianlin sneered, facing up to the huge scorpion tail that cut through the sky.

"Fang Xiangtiandi!"

As the fingerprints changed, Ning Tianlin ’s body began to swell sharply. The strength contained in her body also increased rapidly, and the combat effectiveness was doubled directly.

Let the scorpion tail pierce through the body without any blood coming out.


The Soul Eater and the Scorpion King couldn't believe his eyes. What he attacked was just an afterimage of the other party.

He is obviously only astral realm, but now, how so powerful!

There are afterimages for myself!

"Fang Tian painted the halberd!"

Ning Tianlin's face remained the same. After the expansion of the body, the giant hand gripped the huge Fangtian painting halberd. The huge impulse contained in the halberd directly cut off the scorpion tail.


The severe pain from the tail caused the Soul Eater Scorpion King to make a scream, swaying frantically.

Even behind the tail that had been severed, a blue poisonous spur was fired quickly and flew towards Ning Tianlin.

However, Ning Tianlin did not hide, allowing the stinger to enter the body.

Because to others, this may be a fatal thing, but to Wanzui, it is a tonic!

It can devour poisons and grow!

"How can it be!"

Seeing that his most powerful method failed, the soul-stealing scorpion king's eyes were completely inconceivable.

You know, this gloomy stinger is the essence of his life! Not to mention the realm of Xingzhou, the second section of the Lord of the Universe, all of them will fall to the ground and die!

But now, the other person is just like nothing else! Even intoxicated look in his eyes!

Is he a life stinger? Why it feels the same as tonic.


But he hadn't recovered from the shock and screams, a giant halberd had appeared above his head.

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