Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1746: Isn't it from there?

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"you know me?"

Six-toed mixed Tianlong frowned, and looked at Ning Tianlin in an incredible way.

The young man knew himself.

How can it be.

The other party was just a little baby boy, and he had been there for many years, even though it was the existence of the universe, how could he know himself?

Even the Soul Eater Scorpion, as the master of the universe, did not recognize who he was! How could this young man!

"What about understanding?"

"What if you don't know?"

Ning Tianlin pretends to be mysterious, "Let's talk, King Yin Yang, King Tashan, King Yan Luo, which one is your old friend?"

Since the other party has lived in the nine-round reincarnation tower, only these three places are most likely, which also means that he must know one of these three-toed dragons.

"who are you!"

The six-toed mixed dragon's jewel-like eyes shrank, and he began to look at the humans very carefully. Although the counterpart is very similar to the appearance of human beings on the earth, this is nothing.

If the other person just turns into a creature like Earth's human just because they know themselves, after all, he feels an incredible breath from him.

This breath is simply not something human beings can have! Wasn't it ruined long ago? If it weren't for this breath, he might have thought that Ning Tianlin was a human.

It was this atmosphere that made him extremely unsure.

How can this thing live in the world!

"I seem to be right."

Ning Tianlin nodded in his heart, "It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is, who do you know of these three people!"

Because only in this way, he can determine whether the six-toed dragon is an enemy or a friend.

If it's from Earth, it's really interesting.

"Moreover, you are just the soul, and the things behind you are impossible to get, and it doesn't make sense to stay here."

Ning Tianlin directly pointed out the events on the first floor of the Nine Runners Reincarnation Tower. Although he didn't say it clearly, the other party must know.

The master of the universe, Nine Duan, must know this thing!

"It seems you know a lot."

The six-toed mixed dragon became more nervous.

The reason he is here is not to let this thing fall into the hands of others, but he is a ghost and cannot smelt on his own.

He is waiting.

Waiting for its owner to recover, he came down here and took the thing away.

If he is not watching here, the King of Soul Eater and Scorpion will fuse the nine revolving towers. At that time, even if he is killed, he may not get the tower!

Because it is very likely that the other party is not convinced, when the death, the nine runners tower was destroyed!

Especially the young man just killed the Soul Eater and the Scorpion King. If he broke into this place, he might not be able to stop him.

After all, he is just a soul, no body!

If it hadn't been in the first floor of the nine-round reincarnation tower, and it had a spirit that nurtured the soul, it would have already disappeared in the billions of years.

"A lot."

Ning Tianlin nodded. "And I can tell you clearly that the nine-revolving tower behind you is mine."

"You can't stop it."

He was extremely confident.

The opponent doesn't have any physical means. As long as he opens the invincible golden body, he can easily fly past him.


"Try it!"

Six-toed mixed Tianlong snorted coldly.

How arrogant he has been for billions of years, now he is threatened by a few hundred-year-old boy.

He felt that he could kill each other with a fart.

"Try it, try it." Ning Tianlin smiled. "Then I'll stand here and let you fight for ten minutes. You can hurt me and lose my hair."

"If it doesn't hurt, then answer a few of my questions!"

Ning Tianlin also has a lot of questions here. He always feels that the other party is likely to come from the ancient earth.

Or related to it.

It is possible to come from King Tashan, but the probability is really small. After all, Tashan King is only the Lord of the Universe, and the other party is also the Lord of the Universe.

If it is really a holy place from the King of Tashan, then the two of them will join forces.


"I don't know the height and height of the boy, really arrogant!"

"I'll take your word!"


After that, there was a huge cage mouth, and a purple transverse shock wave rushed towards Ning Tianlin's body.

Where the shock wave passes, the surrounding space is somewhat distorted. In particular, this shock wave is not an entity, but a direct attack on the spiritual consciousness of man.


It was only when the shock wave reached Ning Tianlin's body that he was directly blocked by the flashing golden light.

It is even more incredible to make the six-toed mixed dragon look pale.

How can it be!

Even the body of the golden bell can only block physical attacks, not mental attacks. The blocking of spiritual attacks can only be blocked by spiritual knowledge.

How is this going!



The six-toed hybrid Tianlong unbelievably launched more than ten mental attacks in a row, but each time, Ning Tianlin was easily blocked by it.

Even he used super fighting power to compress the space. Ning Tianlin couldn't help it.

"You ... who the **** are you!"

It was just that the six-toed mixed dragon did not give up easily, but held it for more than ten minutes before asking Ning Tianlin inconceivably.

"Still, it doesn't matter who I am." Ning Tianlin, who was in the invincible golden light, shook his head pretendingly. "Now, it's time you answered my question."

"King Tashan, King Runner, King Yan Luo, who do you know?"

Ning Tianlin asked directly.

"Everyone knows," replied Six-Toed Dragon. Although he refused to accept it, he was not the kind of person who ran into trouble.

Never before.

No future!

"Sure enough! It is a strong man who survived the ancient times!" Ning Tianlin nodded in his heart and continued to ask, "Which nine-round reincarnation tower did your soul condense?"

This is what he wants to know most.


The six-toed mixed dragon dragon shook his head directly.

But this answer made Ning Tianlin brow and anger directly!

Do you play with me?


In this universe, there are only three places of these nine-round revolving towers, you tell me not?

Is there a fourth one?

He Ning Tianlin now has three in his body, and two in the hands of the runner king and the yin and yang king.

The other four, the first and second layers have no confession, and the last two layers are shattered and turned into cosmic dust.

You tell me that you are not?

"and many more!"

"Become cosmic dust!"

Inevitable, Ning Tianlin frowned, as if thinking of something.

The other two floors of the tower were damaged, and before they were damaged, it turned out that they also existed! Could it be that these six-toed dragons are condensed in the two towers that have not been damaged?

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