Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1759: Meizu Unlimited

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Now, there is no hope at all ..."

After knowing that the trident youth had cracked the ebony king hidden in the dark, he knew that the trouble was serious.

The tumbling breath made him lose the strength to commit suicide.

Especially at this moment, there are so many universe masters all at once, they are aggressive to bring him to justice.

He knew that his hope of escape was completely gone, and the possibility of even being forced to read the memory was very high.

He even had some regrets. Why did he explode just now? He had to pull a few backs when he was dead. It would be better if he committed suicide. Now his blood is flowing, and he is even controlled by other universe masters. Gone.

If this continues, the news that Ning Tianlin is not dead is likely to be discovered by them.

Now more than a hundred years have passed, Ning Tianlin has not appeared, it is likely that he is hiding in a certain place, waiting for the next rise, and because of his own sake, the entire universe is likely to find Ning Tian crazy. forest.

He didn't help him, but hurt him.


At this time, a coercion directly came to him, and the three gods thought gathered, and they would not get into the mind of the Trident youth.

The hands are still the three black robes just now. The other side just blew himself up, preventing them from reading the memory, and now it is not an opportunity.

Even the Trident youth closed his eyes and stopped struggling, which was impossible to hide.


But the next moment, he didn't wait for the influx of spirits from each other, but the angry roar of the three black robe elders of the mechanical clan, "Wang Wumu, what are you doing!"

"You know what you are doing!"

"Why stop!"

The three elders in black robes were angry and asked what was on their mouths, but they also knew why the ebony king blocked himself.

Aren't you afraid that you will find the earth first after getting the memory of the other party? Or reading the memory and killing the trident youth directly, that does not mean that only they know the traces of the earth, and no one can follow them to grab the reward resources issued by the Lord of the Universe for this task.

"Ha ha."

Ebony smiled, "Why do you say?"

"Although you were the first to discover this Earthling, it was me who took the initiative to stop him from exploding! To read the memory, it should be my first."

With that said, it is necessary to let go of the divine thoughts and sink into the mind of the trident youth.

However, in the next moment, not only the three black robes shot to block, but the stone armor, holy light, and undead on the side were all blocked.

At this time, how could it be that you alone read each other's memory?

Such things, of course, should come together!

If they are not here, it's fine, but they all show up at this moment. I don't know what it means to be half a person.




The mind and the sea are intertwined, and this world is instantly caught in a spiritual struggle. Zlazila even collided with lightning-like brilliance.

"All right."

"Is it interesting to do this?"


At this time, a stone man, who is also the eighth segment of the universe, shouted and shook the spiritual consciousness around him. "When will I do this to read the memory of the other party?"

"Are you leaving time for the young man to recover?"

"This time is still competing with each other?"

"Let me say, let Meizu use Fascinating Dafa and ask where the earth is, what is his relationship with Ning Tianlin, and if there is any news that the Earth people are alive, let this young man tell us not. ? "

"At that time, we will know the location of the earth together, who will find it bad even if he finds it first?"

The stone man had a loud voice, and the entire void that was shaking was humming.

And with his words, everything around him was stopped, all you look at me, I look at you, know that the stone man is accurate, so if you go on, you do not know how long it will take to read this young Human memory.

"it is good!"

"I think this method works!"

"Let Meizu charm him and ask us all we want to know!"

Someone nodded quickly and echoed.

This is no way out, and it is good for most people. Especially at this moment, the trident youth is weak and easily be charmed.

At that time, if they want to know, they just ask.


"I agree!"

"me too!"

Soon, most people nodded in agreement, but four of them frowned, apparently very dissatisfied with the proposal.

These four people are the three black robes of the mechanical clan, and the ebony king who controlled the self-explosion of the trident youth.

Why is this?

It was they who left the Trident youth here to stop him from exploding. Why do you enjoy the fruits of victory with us?

It's not fair!

They want to oppose it, but they also know that this is almost impossible, and if they continue to entangle this way, they will be the public enemies of all the masters of the universe.

Obviously, in the face of such great interests, no one is willing to compromise, and has not given you a great fight, it is already worthy of you!

"it is good!"

Suppressed for a moment, the three black robes took a long breath, said a good voice, and nodded their heads. At this point, there was nothing they could do.

Only that.

At that time, it will depend on who has high combat effectiveness and who comes first to the earth and spreads the news.


The ebony king, finally, could not help but snorted coldly. He knew that this matter could only be so. He now dares to oppose it. He is definitely the enemy of all the masters of the universe, and they will even besiege themselves.

If you don't agree, you must agree.

"it is good!"

"Now that you agree, then Meizu King, please start!"

The stone man laughed, and said to a seductive woman.

She is the king of Meizu, the charm of charm, countless in the world.

"Ha ha."

"That little girl is ugly."

The Meizu king also knows that it is not a time to be affectionate, and he smiles around. "Then let's talk first, what is the first question we should ask?"

"Has Ning Tianlin been resurrected, what happened?"

Meizu asked the people around him.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"I agree!"

"I agree"!

Someone kept thinking and nodded after a while.


This is a very important question everyone wants to know.

After all, when he found that the young Trident was in the area of ​​the Temple of Wandering, he had already performed the resurrection.

Although Ning Tianlin himself was not seen at that time, he might have been resurrected and disappeared when they came!

This is not impossible!

Note: In order to celebrate the launch of the WeChat public account "Dare to Play Games", we should also respond to everyone's requests for more and more, half a month for five days! Last time added ten chapters, this time five chapters a day, lasting half a month!

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