Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1764: You collusion (fifth)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Ning Tianlin isn't dead, it's not a bad thing!"

At this moment, the three elders of the black robes of the mechanical clan looked at each other with some excitement.

Although he was afraid of Ning Tianlin's methods and news that he was not dead, does Ning Tianlin's death not mean that the origin of their mechanical clan still exists?

Maybe they do not need to destroy the tribe?

And save!

"Ning Tianlin, we are the three elders of the Mech clan. Previously, my clan had no intention to offend, and trouble you to surrender to the roots of our mech clan."

"Since then, you and my tribe have written off all your grudges. The three of us left here immediately, and since then, we will never do anything detrimental to you again, how?"

The three black robes glanced at each other and nodded each other. One of their eyes knew what the other was thinking.

A moment later, a master of the universe among them secretly preached to Ning Tianlin.

It was no longer a few cold voices, but a little compliment, especially staring at Ning Tianlin, wanting to hear him say yes!

It wasn't that the three elders were aggrieved, and they didn't want to do that either. They only said such softening to the patriarch of the mechanical tribe in their lives. But at the moment, they have to do so. Because the opponent's hands control the fate of the mech clan.

Nine You Lan Ji and Nine Yang Hong Ji, who could give birth to the origins of the mech clan, were taken away by Ning Tianlin and disappeared.

At that time, they all felt that they would be destroyed together with the fall of Ning Tianlin.

But now that Ning Tianlin hasn't died, it doesn't mean that the nine blue owls and nine red owls still exist. As long as they get it again, their robot people can immediately give birth to new life.

They do not need to destroy the mechanical clan.

For this, they are willing to pay a great price!

Even with you Ning Tianlin, you don't have to be an enemy!

After all, the fate of the ethnic group is the most important thing. What is the matter of beheading you Ning Tianlin? Their mechanical ethnic group will eventually disappear into this universe, which is too costly. They don't want this to happen.

If it wasn't for the siege of Ning Tianlin that year, the patriarch had not realized that the origin had disappeared. Otherwise, he might not have been siege of Ning Tianlin at that time, but would help him escape in secret.

Compared with an enemy, ethnic group is the most important!

But the key to all this is to build on the agreement of Ning Tianlin. Otherwise, even if they show sincerity, they are useless.

If Ning Tianlin only wanted to destroy their mechanical clan, they could only force Ning Tianlin into submission.

But they are not sure they will be Ning Tianlin's opponent.

After all, Ning Tianlin killed all the masters of the Temple of Wandering! The master of Wudian Temple, that exists at the same level as the patriarch. Doesn't this mean that Ning Tianlin also has the strength to kill their patriarch?

Although they live in abundance, they have also heard Ning Tianlin's horrific record. Although the Lord of the Universe is very strong, he is nothing in front of Ning Tianlin. The opponent who cuts the universe is like cutting vegetables!

In addition, the Lord of the Universe has no way to take him, just like how the Lord of the Universe besieged him so much last time. The King of the Tower of the Nine Scrolls has confirmed the death, and the other party is not standing still. .

This is also the place they are afraid of. If not, seize Ning Tianlin. If you do n’t pay, you have to pay. If you do n’t pay, die!

"What do you think?"

Ning Tianlin laughed in his heart. He was not polite to the three black robes, nor did he use the subtle and mysterious methods to send it out. Instead, he used his voice directly. The cold smile was filled with unmatched killing.

"In this way, the three of you, each hit three punches at each other first."

"Having the opponent a half-dead is the same as the **** of war Yang Yang just now. After that time, I will consider what you say."

Ning Tianlin showed a meaningful smile, and his face was full of irony.

And the three old men in black robes were instantly ironed in their faces. They are not fools, how can they not hear the endless irony in Ning Tianlin's mouth. One hundred percent, they bombarded their three punches, and Ning Tianlin ignored them.

What's more, they will not surrender what they want. Didn't hear what Ning Tianlin just said, was he thinking about it, but no confidant reply!

Obviously, this thing is impossible to be good.

But for the roots of the Mech tribe, they must strive for everything.

"what happened?"

"What are they talking about?"

And the Lord of the Universe, watching Ning Tianlin talking to the three mechanized black robes, couldn't help but be surprised.

Obviously, these three black robes were just discussing with Ning Tianlin, but they were rejected by Ning Tianlin.

But what can you discuss?

Still so mysterious?

Transmitting sound by secret method?

The black robes of these three mechanical clan are really unreliable. Before starting the war, they wanted to discuss things with the other party. Obviously, they wanted to betray their rhythm. Inevitably, the distance from them all was pulled Far away.

Otherwise, they will really fight, what if the three of them punched themselves in secret?

"Ning Tianlin, don't go too far. If you insist on refusing to return it, then our clan will only have the strength to ask for it." One of the black robes again secretly preached. At this time, they don't care what these "teammates" are thinking.


"What about the power of the clan? Then I will destroy you!" Ning Tianlin sneered again, holding the palm of his hand, and Fang Tianhua Ji appeared out of thin air.

"Why, you three, dare to fight me?"

Ning Tianlin pointed his finger directly at the three black robes.

Since he dares to appear, he is not afraid of all the siege of the Lord of the Universe, but he is not in the middle of killing chickens and tamarins. He will kill the three mechanical clan in the crowd of many Lord of the Universe!


"The three of you come first!"

The Lord of the Universe was overjoyed when he heard that Ning Tianlin directly pointed his finger at the three mechanical families.

When you are tired, maybe they can pick up some fishermen's benefits.

And who made you dare to spread your secrets!

Obviously, I wanted to discuss some things with Ning Tianlin, and then betrayed them. Fortunately, Ning Tianlin didn't agree, and pointed his finger directly at the three mechanical families.


"You just got stuck here, it has nothing to do with us, you have to take responsibility for this matter."

Another Lord of the Universe hummed.

They are disgusted with what the three masters of the universe of the universe have just done and want to trade in secret. This is where they are!

Waiting for it will really fight, they will never help them!

"Responsible for your paralysis!"

The three black robes shouted directly.

When I was about to ask Yang Ye, why didn't you say we left him here? We should first ask him. Now, when we are facing Ning Tianlin, we should be the first?

You really do a good abacus.

Without you, you are always in charge when you harvest the fruits of victory!

They are sure, if they can really defeat this Ning Tianlin, then they will have them when they pick the fruits of victory!

Note: The fifth change ends today. I went to update the book "Super Invincible Family Owner". It has more than 400,000 words and can be slaughtered.

Public number: dare not play games.

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