Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1768: How come he has so many treasures! (Fourth)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


Just a moment later, this side of the world has condensed into a layer of frost, making everyone's blood even more stagnant!

"Ning Tianlin, you are endless!"

The three mechanical clan black robes all burst into tears.

How else can I fight?

Not much has been done, and the combat effectiveness has fallen to this point. Although it is still the level of the universe master, it is not as good as 5% or even lower than in the strong period. In particular, this Ning Tianlin is exactly the kind of Xiaoqiang who can't fight, they won't die if they kill!

"do not care."

"Anyway, you have to do it!"

The three black robes glanced at each other, and rushed forward, exposing their diarrhea.

At this moment, Ning Tianlin looked at the other with a sneer, his mind was surging, one to three. Although the opponent's combat power had weakened sharply, after all, he was still the Lord of the Universe, so he played against each other. He is not an opponent.

But he dares to come here, but he already knows it.


The essence of the body suddenly runs to the extreme, and the vitality slowly emerges from the body. His hands were constantly tumbling up and down, with various mysterious knots, and the surrounding air suddenly fluctuated and began to converge.

"Record of the Nine Emperors"! "

The three elders of the Ji clan were completely shocked when they saw the four-story golden-yellow tower heart of the Nine Runners tower rushing out of Ning Tianlin's body and entangled on its surface.

"How is this possible?"

"Fourth floor! It's a four-story nine-revolver tower!"

"Having a nine-round reincarnation tower is enough to take a big step in strength, and Ning Tianlin did come up with four layers, this ... How is this possible!"

Even the more than fifty Lords of the Universe were frightened.

how can that be!

Four floors and nine runners tower!

Although from the appearance, you can't see the first layer, but all of this really shocked everyone.

Four floors and nine runners tower!

The King of Tashan was just a layer!

"Is King Tashan really a companion with him, and gave his layer to Ning Tianlin?"

Soon, someone remembered the initial guess.

Ning Tianlin and Tashan King are associates. Over a hundred years ago, it was Tashan King who deliberately released Ning Tianlin. Now it seems that this Tashan King is Ning Tianlin's accomplice, but it is likely to be the other party's men!

If not, the Nine Runners reincarnate the tower, and he will easily give away?

Inevitably, the masters of the universe are looking at each other. This Ning Tianlin, will not be the first person in ancient times?

A hundred years ago, they eliminated this possibility, but now, they rise up in their hearts!

Because they all know that the nine-round reincarnation tower that King Tashan obtained in that year was obtained from the other party. If Tashan Wang really is the flag arranged by the other party, is he now seeing his deceased person and returning the nine-round runner to the tower Gave it back to him?

You know, they wo n’t believe that Ning Tianlin killed Tashan King and took this thing into his hands!

Because all the masters of the universe know that in the space of the nine-round reincarnation tower, his tower mountain king is the **** and the invincible existence, and no one will be his opponent! But now, if there is one of Tashan King in the four-story nine-round reincarnation tower, it does not mean that he gave it to the other?

In an instant, they all directly attributed King Tashan to the ranks of traitors. If you see it next time, you must peel all his skin!

And if King Tashan is still alive, if he hears these remarks and conjectures, he will certainly crawl out of the grave and kill these people!

I send your sister's!

I wo n’t send the Nine Runners to the tower if I send your sister!

"Nine-revolver tower on the fourth floor ..."

When some people are shocked, more people have their eyes glowing, and their hearts are greedy. If they can get the four-tiered nine-revolver towers in their hands, then they, including their ethnic groups, may soon be able to stand on top of the universe. .

Inevitably, they hoped that Ning Tianlin would be beheaded at this moment, so that the four floors and nine runners towers would be obtained by them, even if they were divided, only one floor would work.

The most greedy in his eyes was the three people in the black robes of the Mech clan.

Because they suddenly realized that to solve the crisis of their ethnic group, on the one hand, they found Jiuyou Lanji and Jiuyang Hongji from Ning Tianlin, and on the other hand, they could find any layer of the Nine Runners Tower!

Their mechanical clan all live there, and it won't be long before they will have a soul! In this case, the reincarnation of yin, yang and yang will continue, and their people will never die! Even from Yang to Hell, new life will be born.

Although the total amount will not increase, but it is another new student is not!

However, the thought of all this is related to Ning Tianlin in front of me, because whether it is Jiuyin Lanji, Jiuyang Hongji, and Ninth Reincarnation Tower, they are in the hands of this young man, and they find the Ninth Reincarnation Tower from the outside It ’s not as good as grabbing from Ning Tianlin!

After so many years, I haven't seen anyone who has other nine-revolver towers!

Except for Ning Tianlin's pervert!

In particular, their hearts were shaking, and they felt that Ning Tianlin was sent by Heaven to be unhappy with their mechanical clan, otherwise, why is this so? The young man who gave them the robot race despair was the young man in front of them, but everything that could save them was also on this young man!


In the face of such horrible writings as Ning Tianlin, the three chiefs of the aircraft had the mood to eat shit. Why do you always give us such a big "surprise", isn't this something that kills people! Don't know how much grievances we have!

Could not help but kill the heart more prosperous!

I just want to give the result in front of Ning Tianlin!

However, the spirit of the three of them in the combat formation method slowed down too much, otherwise, in the face of such treasures, they will have to win even if they have died.


Ning Tianlin, who did everything, didn't care about the opinions and shock of the people around him.

He dared to take out the four-story nine-round runners back to the tower and he would not be afraid of anyone!

No one here is his opponent!

Even if the Lord of the Universe came here, he dare to fight one!

When he didn't get the "Record of the Nine Emperors", he would retreat, but now, anyone can fight!

Even in the face of the siege of the Lord of the universe more than a hundred years ago, he will not shrink back and fear!


The power of the four souls emerged from the heart of Ning Tianlin's eyebrows, and then the power of the four souls, like long snakes, each penetrated into the heart of the golden tower.


The four golden tower hearts are also changing rapidly, and the power of the soul flowing out of the eyebrows continues to shuttle until it is completely merged.

Note: The fourth change today.

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