Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1772: Encounter with Yang Yan (third)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Ning Tianlin is alive, he is not dead!"

Soon, the video released by the combat system was spreading on the Internet at an alarming rate, and it was extremely explosive!

One person beheaded and killed fifty-eight masters of the universe, including the peerless existence of the eighth master of the universe!

My goodness!

Why is he so strong?

Is he crazy for revenge?

Did you avenge what the Lord of the universe did to him?

How can he be so strong? A warrior in the realm of astrology can kill so many masters of the universe!

Is it really relying on the strength of the four-layer nine-revolver tower?

It's just how he did it, how could he have so many nine-revolving towers all at once, and there was only one Tashan King famous all over the world at that time, but there was only one!

Even now, many people are guessing that this Tashan king is likely to be part of this group of Ning Tianlin. One hundred years ago, he lied to the Lord of the universe and lied that Ning Tianlin was dead, but he Actually alive!

Now she even gave her nine-round revolving tower to Ning Tianlin, and it was precisely because of this that the site of the holy place of the human race disappeared and disappeared!

It must be his traitor, and Ning Tianlin did everything!

For a time, countless voices in the universe could slay Tashan King to death!

There are only a few people who doubt whether he is already dead or killed by Ning Tianlin. After all, when you were the King of Tashan, you were sure that Ning Tianlin was dead. Then the first thing Ning Tianlin returned was Is to kill King Tashan!

Killing him, Ning Tianlin also won the Nine Runners to the tower!

King Tashan did not send it, but was robbed!

However, this speculation was soon drowned in the sound of the Internet. It is possible, but the probability is extremely low, so many masters of the universe cannot kill the King of Tashan, including the top of the mechanical and zerg races. No master can do it, what is he doing Ning Tianlin?

It must be the same foul!

"Ning Tianlin is not dead."

"He didn't die!":

The Demon Lord of the Mechanical Clan, when he saw the video, he was directly disheartened, and smashed an extremely precious ornament he liked at hand.

How could he not die!

Why is he alive!

So many masters of the universe saw it then!

Especially when he saw all the three elders of the mechanized clan fall, even when there was no residue left, he was shaking with anger! You must know that the elders of the three masters of the universe, the eighth elders, are his most powerful men and the best helpers hidden in the dark.

But now, they are all dead!

This also means that their mechanical family is only the master of the universe in the number of masters of the universe!

Is this to make him the commander of the bare pole?

But also soon, he sighed, and raised a cloud of hope in his heart, because since Ning Tianlin was not dead, it means that Jiuyou Lanji and Jiuyang Hongji are still in his hands, as long as he finds him, These two things are begging to come, then their mechanical clan still has hope!

Not endless!

"But can this please ..."

There was a bitter smile on the corner of the demon's mouth.

How did this universal video spread?

Of course he released it from Ning Tianlin! You know, only Ning Tianlin was alive at the time, and the rest were dead!

And he dares to release this thing, just to explain that he is not afraid of anyone! Demonstrating to them! Maybe it won't take long. If he doesn't look for him, he will come to you!

Especially when I thought that Ning Tianlin had killed him and the peerless master of the same level, the demon master had a scalp. If the other party can really use that kind of move, that does n’t mean that he is demon. In the eyes of the other person, the spirit master is actually dregs!

For a while, the demon master thought of all kinds of possibilities and thought about too many things.

And at the same time.

The Zerg, Mu, Mech, Dai and many other universe masters, watching this sensational video, are all staring at their eyes, and after a long time they spit out a cloud of spit. This Ning Tianlin is really already Can you stop growing up?

What should they do?

They have stood on the opposite side hundreds of millions of years ago and cannot be changed again.

Damn it!

It's the only option they can think of!

For a time, the masters of the universe of all races were rumbling, fearing that Ning Tianlin would suddenly come by their side and kill them silently. After all, the other side has a stealth technique that the Lord of the Universe cannot find.

Especially when they think of the existence of the nine-round reincarnation tower, their scalp is numb.

This thing, in the hands of Ning Tianlin, is completely a big killer.


"Nine runners tower!"

"Find another layer of the Nine Runners Tower, maybe with it, you can bless yourself!"

Some lords of the universe think that these are eyes bright, because now only in this case, maybe they can protect them from being killed by Ning Tianlin.

How is the King of Tashan now? No one knows about it. It's all their own speculations. Maybe he found something wrong early on. Then he used the nine runners to hide the tower in the void.

After all, it is true that the Nine Runners Tower is difficult to break!

If it were not for the suppression of the heavens at that time, then the nine-round reincarnation tower would probably not be broken.

"Yes! As long as you find this, maybe you can resist him Ning Tianlin!"

At one time, many masters of the universe were dispatched in the dark, searching for the Nine Runners Tower in a large area, more earnest than ever. But there is no specific place for this kind of thing, which is so easy to find.

Otherwise, billions of years have passed without a single layer of this world.


At this time, Luo Chenmu moved around and found another void with a wave of his hand. Although his breath was still a little bit weaker, he was much better than the **** of war Yang Yang at the time and gave it to the body of Manzulu The supply was released.

He still has some admiration for this **** of war.

In the case of uncertain life and death, he did not hesitate to expose the trace that has been hidden for hundreds of millions of years, and forcibly went to the Temple of Wandering to resurrect himself he did not know.

Although this kindness was not endured, but this heart, he Ning Tianlin took down.

And at that time, facing so many joint attacks of the Lord of the Universe, even if he chose to explode, he did not want to be captured by the other party, and did not reveal whether he was alive or not. This mind, he Ning Tianlin took note.

"Ning Tianlin!"

The **** of war Yang Yan also directly called Ning Tianlin's name.

Although the two met for the first time, Ning Tianlin looks like he saw it from the stars more than a hundred years ago. He also knows that Ning Tianlin is from the earth and he is authentic. Earthling.

But one is billions of years ago, and the other is within these hundreds of years.

In other words, Ning Tianlin knows the specific location of the earth today.

(3rd today)

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