Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1775: Universe Announcement (first)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Maybe Ning Tianlin came from the Qin family, or the Qin family helped in this matter. What is impossible?"

Road members of the machinery family.

They shouldn't care about this, whatever the patriarch ordered, they did just that.


For a while, the entire mechanized clan began to mobilize for war and was ready to take action on the Qin family.

However, this is destined to take a short time, after all, waging a war among ethnic groups requires a long time to prepare.


After completing all this, the Demon Master of the Robotic Family flashed and appeared directly in a void.

And there, someone was waiting for him quietly.

"Devil Lord, how about it, when will things be discussed, and when will they be put into action?"

Standing opposite the Demon Lord was an old man wearing a brocade, and a yin-yang picture on his brows slowly rotated and kept flashing.

Not others, but the yin and yang king of the human race.

Like the Demon Lord, it is the existence of the nine masters of the universe.

"I have already begun preparations before the station. I just hope that by then, you will rule the people and talk."

The demon Lord snorted.

He knows that he is almost trying to make a hide with the tiger. After all, the other party will dominate the human race, and the power will increase greatly. It can even be said that the human race will directly become the first race in the universe at that time. After all, all races in the universe know that the human race itself is very powerful.

The reason why it does not have a unified universe is because the human race is divided into several factions, and there are five masters of the universe. If united, I am afraid no race in the universe can block.

Even Zerg is hard!

At that time, their mechanical clan may not be able to please.

But the terms offered by the other party were too tempting, and he could not refuse.

"Of course."

The yin and yang king grinned. "You saw it too. I have vowed to the sky and won't lie to you."

"As promised, I will do my best!"

After speaking, the void twisted, and the yin and yang king disappeared directly into the starry sky.

The demon master disappeared after staring at the other person's body.

half year later.


A planet developing martial arts combat power, although technology has developed a part, but it is in a relatively primitive stage, only a little more powerful than the Earth hundreds of years ago, and all martial arts, almost despise this technology.


A woman in a crimson shirt landed not far from a main city on the planet, and then quickly walked towards the gate of the city, wanting to make a random turn first.

Out this time, she has traveled a lot of planets and has seen too many places that she has never seen before.

The longer she walked, the more things she experienced and the broader her knowledge.


Soon after entering the city, her gaze was drawn to a bulletin board.

There were many people gathered there, and some voices like "Mechanical Clan", "Ning Tianlin", "Qin Family", "Companions" could be heard faintly.


The woman, dressed in crimson color, rushed forward to check, and there was a notice on the screen floating on the bulletin board, and the content of the notice was exactly that.

"Ning Tianlin, Earthling!"

"Three hundred and forty-two years old, Xingzhou Realm!"

"Enemies of the entire universe race!"

"Together with the human family Qin Jia, conspiracy to invade all races in the universe, now a warrant is issued against him. Anyone who finds Ning Tianlin's location and immediately reports will reward 100 million universe coins! Help him become the master of ten star fields!

"If you can capture and kill, help him become the master of the universe!"

"Including the detection of Ning Tianlin's associates, there are rewards!"

The following are also densely packed.

And at the bottom right of this announcement, the first paragraph wrote the machine family, followed by the human yin and yang kings, the wooden family, and the small groups that continued to be densely packed below.

The Mu clan also joined this squad of the mech clan.

"The Qin family?"

"Mechans, Mu?"

This woman is not someone else. It is the apprentice Bu Yunyan that Ning Tianlin collected in the universe last time, that is, the one who was the first to cover the soul. Slightly wrinkled the day, why the master and the mechanical family on the bar again.

In these days, she has always been traveling in mountains and rivers, and sometimes it takes half a year to catch up in the void.

She really didn't know the world war that happened more than half a year ago!

His master Ning Tianlin, even cut 58 masters of the universe!

"The Qin family of this people was actually linked to Ning Tianlin, I didn't expect it."


"What's this, who walks the universe and has no friends. The important thing is the reward! The discovery of the star field reward! What a masterpiece, if anyone knows Ning Tianlin's clue, he can immediately become the master of the star field ! "

The combat effectiveness of these people is not high, which is considered to be a very high reward.


"I'm afraid the news hasn't spread yet. I'm afraid you're all dead!"

"Haven't you heard of this? Ning Tianlin is a cruel and fierce devil. Wherever he goes, he is completely invincible, and all living things are dead. Moreover, the conditions of this announcement are good, but who can make Ning Tian Lin killed him, but he killed fifty-eight universe masters in a row. Who can kill him! "

Someone echoed.


"The master actually killed fifty-eight masters of the universe!"

When Bu Yunyan heard this, he took a sip of air-conditioning directly.

Isn't it?

The master turned out to be so powerful and killed the Lord of the Universe, so much!

Also, what kind of ghost is this astral level?

When the master left last time, it was Xing Xu, not even Xing Yuan, but now it is Xing Zhou. The speed of progress is too fast.

But she felt more happy.

Glad that my master has the ability to kill the Lord of the universe!

"So Ning Tianlin is all secondary. What we can do is look at his associates."

Someone continued.

"Take it down, Ning Tianlin's associates, can you reach it?" Some people despise, "Look, can we fight some autumn winds and kill the people of the Qin family?" The announcement said, An ordinary disciple who hunts down a Qin family has 10,000 universe coins! "

Someone started to think of these ideas.

"I don't know why the city owner dared to post such an announcement."

"If Ning Tianlin knows, he can wipe out the whole city with one move."

Some people worry.

"Then you don't know. Our city owner not only received the notice from the machine clan, but also expressed determination to the machine clan and was willing to retreat with the machine clan!"

"Large races like the family machine family have never looked at our planet before. At this moment, not only are they actively pulling, but also giving the city owner a lot of Western, not only gold and silver treasures, incense car beauties, but also exercises. How could you not be tempted! "

Note: The first change today.

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