Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1779: Ning Tianlin in open crotch pants! (Fifth)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"Is it true or false?"

"Okay, okay, okay."

The nebula warrior hung up the phone, his face full of excitement, and then mysteriously called those scattered diners to the past, as if he found a new continent, said nervously.

"The latest news! The latest news from Ning Tianlin! It will definitely make you doubt that the violent life has disappeared!"

The onlookers were all unbelieving.

"Come, who did you lie to, who can know the news of Ning Tianlin, even the masters of the universe don't know"

"What friend was the one who just talked to you just now, and rush him out. It's really no brain. You can just talk nonsense. The key is that you believe it. I don't think your brain is bad.

"Even if it's true, I'll call you to tell you? Don't hurry up with the news to the big clan chiefs and earn a fortune."

All kinds of contempt and ridicule bombarded the nebula warrior, you believe when we are stupid.

"Don't believe me, don't wait for me to tell the news and crack your face!"

The Nebula warrior is also flushed. I wanted to get better at this restaurant. Who knows that he was beaten before he started.

He never thought of reporting such a matter directly to the patriarch, because it was 99% possible, but there was still 1%, which was not necessarily accurate.

If the patriarch was disappointed by one percent, he would not know how he died.

For this level of him, he just added fuel and jealousness to this kind of thing, and never dreamed that he could turn around by this.

As I said, I took the communicator out of the space ring. The communicator is basically not used for them. It is completely the same as a chicken rib. My own method can replace it, and it is more Safe, not afraid of being stolen or eavesdropped by others.

It's just that some ordinary residents are still using this, after all, it is still much more convenient.

The Nebula warrior felt that the communicator screen was still too small, and projected him directly into the void.

Not only can everyone see it, but also Ning Tianlin on the edge.

"what the hell?"

Everyone is stunned, this is a universe search interface.

What to search for?

"Search the public website of the Universe official website: dare not play games."

Alas, how is this a public account that has just been registered, and the avatar is still a woman?

Nebula warrior was also a little panicked. This seemed to be a little unreliable, but he still nodded.

Because his friend, with his family's life guarantee, even vowed to the heavenly laws of the universe!

Moreover, there are many fans of this public account, especially at the moment it is increasing at a very fast rate. That speed is like the eruption of cosmic magma.

"A secret about where Ning Tianlin, the public enemy of Ning universe, is now!"

The first message surprised everyone directly.

This topic is too old-fashioned, it is outdated and not eye-catching at all, it must be those messy connections after opening.

Even the Nebula warrior was a bit unbearable, and he began to disbelieve.

"If you want to watch this article, please pay 10,000 yuan."

Nima, there is still a charge, it must be fake. When you pay, you must have nothing in it, and you will only fool those people with silly money.

But in this situation, the Nebula warrior is also a tough rider. If he does n’t click, he is a person without a brain. If he clicks, he is a stupid person with more money.

"go with!"

"Stupid X!"

"What kind of friend are you?

Everyone directly sent scornful eyes, even Ning Tianlin, who was hiding in the corner, laughed.

How can anyone play himself with such a boo.


The Nebula warrior still gritted his teeth, chose to pay, and kept cursing his friend. "What kind of internal staff in the big family, if not for relationship, what level of your own IQ, do you have no points in your heart!"

But thinking of the other party's vows, he still gritted his teeth,


At this moment, the Nebula warrior is no longer paying more money but less face, fearing that he will be joked for a long time this time, and nervously chose "agree to pay".

And everyone around him looked at him with a mockery.


Really paid at this time!


The light curtain flickered, and a figure appeared on the light curtain.

Because this figure is very small, not even half a meter away.

Everyone was stunned.

Who is this?

Who is this child?

But how to see it, it really looks like Ning Tianlin.

Wouldn't it be a picture of him as a child?

Two years old.

Wearing open crotch pants, wearing a small hat, running pictures in the mud, even *** opened crotch pants exposed.

"I rely!"

"Who did this!"

Others haven't responded yet, but Ning Tianlin was shocked. Because this photo is really my own.

And it was filmed on Earth.

It's his baby picture!

But how could this be spread?

He never showed this picture!

This kind of photo is only in his home, but not many friends! This is the memory of his childhood.

"Did they discover the earth?"

"The home was found?"

Only in an instant, Ning Tianlin thought of this possibility with cold sweat, and even quickly asked the combat system, "Someone found the earth?"

"Is the planet safe?"

At the same time, his mind flashed and he contacted the second **** of the earth. Only when he saw that the earth was fine and everything around him was okay, was he relieved.

Some were even uneasy. They searched the earth thoroughly with their hearts before they really relaxed.


Nothing is wrong, everything is fine.

Just what is going on, how is this privacy thing here!

"Ning Tianlin, really Ning Tianlin!"

"This child is really Ning Tianlin!"

Someone has determined.

Because the child's outline is very similar to the current Ning Tianlin. Although there are some changes, they are also changes of growing up.

Very normal.

"This is a picture of a two-year-old child from Ning Tianlin!"

"thanks for watching."

Soon, the photo disappeared and the screen turned off. Instead, please pay attention to the promotion interface of "Dare to Play Games" on the official account of the universe.

It even said, "If you want to read the following, please continue to click."

"what happened?"

"This is really Ning Tianlin?"

Countless people were shocked. Is this really Ning Tianlin? But they couldn't help it, they didn't believe it. This was obviously a picture of Ning Tianlin's childhood.

This kind of photo is not for anyone who wants it!

Definitely has a very close relationship with Ning Tianlin.

She even knew where Ning Tianlin was!

"carry on!"

"Hurry on!"

Note: The fifth change today. You don't pay attention to the public account, and I can only do that. .

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