Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1782: Bowen advent

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"your sister!"

"It's you!"

When seeing the appearance of the public account woman, Ning Tianlin froze. Immediately, it felt like 10,000 birds were rushing overhead.


"This girl looks like Bo Wen!"

When the girl was still in the Wa family, she looked like that.

Twenty-year-old, with a round face, but with an unsmiling face and frost all over it, at first glance, she would think that this girl is a very difficult person. But Ning Tianlin knew that the other side had a fiery heart in the cold appearance.

"I should have thought of her."

Ning Tianlin was a little speechless, realizing that the other party and himself had the Holy Spirit response. He was his Holy Lord and the other party was his own Holy Spirit. As long as the other party left the Dai people, he would immediately be telepathic. s position.

It's just that he was a little strange, why didn't he feel each other?

But Bo Wen felt him?


"Ning Tianlin!"

Just as Ning Tianlin circled in the void, preparing to ask where the combat power system Bo Wen was, a figure of a pretty woman appeared directly next to her, and then he caught her off guard by surprise.

It was only when he turned back that an afterglow disappeared, and then he saw nothing.

"Okay, come out!"

"I know it is you, Bowen."

Ning Tianlin is a little speechless, how old are these people, and still playing this.

It should have been 300 years since the birth of the earth.

For the Dai people at this age, he is still a small child, but for the earth people, he is already an old man.


"You can't find me if you know me."

In the void, Bo Wen murmured, the space was rippling, and then appeared directly in front of Ning Tianlin.

I saw Bo Wen at the moment, wearing a pale red dress, which stood out against her. She was quite tall, fair-skinned, and the stars on the earth. At the moment, she was smiling behind her hands, looking at Ning Tian forest.

"Hello brother."

Bo Wen's clear voice spoke, with a coquettish taste.

"Little brother, I am your Holy Lord, not my little brother!"

Ning Tianlin is speechless. At this age, he has been a heavy man on the earth. He doesn't know how old his grandfather is, but he is still a little brother.

"Okay, don't call it brother, it's called Ning Tianlin."

At this time, Bo Wen called his name directly. However, he still stepped forward in three steps, grabbed Ning Tianlin's arm directly, held it in his arms, and complained, "Ning Tianlin, I miss you so much, why didn't you find me for so long?"

"I'm so boring to stay with the Shes."

Ning Tianlin was speechless for a while, and it was almost two or three hundred years since the last departure. He was also preparing to wait to grow up to the level of Star Warrior to see her, but did not expect that she came here.

"Don't bore me."

"Just leaking my position and letting me take a good rest."

Ning Tianlin flicked his opponent's forehead with his fingers, feeling soft.


"Who told you not to come to the Shes to find me is a punishment to you!"

Bo Wen snorted, "Oh, my brother Ning Tianlin, now a big man in the universe, even the 58 masters of the universe, even the nine segments of the universe, died in your hands. Yes, it's amazing. "

"Who can be your opponent."

"What if they found you, they killed them."

Bo Wen walked out of the Dai people. The first thing was to first learn about Ning Tianlin and see how he was doing recently. Although he knew Ning Tianlin's location, he couldn't come immediately because he had something to do.

I just didn't expect that the news of Ning Tianlin's beheading of 58 universe masters was too big. Even the whole universe was talking about Ning Tianlin's affairs, and she soon knew.

This time she couldn't help it anymore.

Even if the patriarch blocked it, she would come to find Ning Tianlin!

Fear of what hurts him, what will happen.

"I'm right, little brother. I didn't expect the little brother to be so powerful now."

Bo Wen smiled proudly.

"How can you be great, it's Xinghuang Jiuduan!"

Ning Tianlin just felt even more speechless. The combat power of Bowen had already reached this point by leaps and bounds. You know, it was the King of Stars two or three hundred years ago, and it is now the Nine Stars in the wild.

Realm is even higher than yourself!

This speed, I am afraid no one in the universe can match.

However, Ning Tianlin also knows that this is the creation of her Bowen, not only for her own reasons, but also for the blood of the Holy Spirit of the Dai people to awaken in her body. Before long, she is destined to become a member of the Dai people. The existence of the Lord.

Although the Dai people now also want to win the wind and rain, but more roles are in the position of princesses.

Because above her, there is also the Dai patriarch!

It is also the existence of a master of the universe.

However, the Dai people are rare races, and there is no need for resource disputes. The territory they occupy is not very large, and the space is blocked all year round. Therefore, few people will pay attention to them.

The Dais are more neutral in the universe.

But in fact, few people know that during the World War I, his Dai patriarch also participated. However, hundreds of millions of years have passed, and few people think of him, and he went in alone and did not follow the big army.

So almost no one knows that he was bloodbathed on earth.

"Ha ha."

"My nine star fields are gifted, you can't compare."

Bowen first got it, but finally he persuaded, "But with my current strength, I can kill the existence of the Lord of the Universe one or two paragraphs, but the higher, I will flash people immediately, no Like your little brother, even the master of the universe, Kudan, can be killed like a chicken! "

This is also the place where she admires Ning Tianlin. Now it is also Xinghuang, and it is Xinghuang section, but she can kill the eighth section of the universe master. She couldn't do it at all.


"You can also kill the Lord of the universe."

Ning Tianlin's heart is also shaking. It seems that as the Holy Spirit of the Dai people, it must have inherited the countless secrets of the Dai people. Otherwise, he cannot fight at a low level and advanced, and also cross the big realm of the universe master.

"Just your breath, why can't I feel it at all?"

"You are my Holy Spirit, what's going on? '

Ning Tianlin was a little puzzled. She could not feel it after she entered the Dai tribe. After all, the Dai tribe was their base camp, with thousands of mysteries, but now she stood in front of herself, and she could not feel her existence.

He wouldn't believe it to be true unless he saw it!

It was only a short while later, he hesitated, "Can't feel it in the Dai people?"

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