Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"sucker Punch!"

The flash of Ning Tianlin, the spirit of the body was also surging, Fang Tianhua halberd infused with fierce energy, banged straight at the head of the giant wolf.


Fang Tianhua's halberd intersects with the wolf's skull, and flesh and blood suddenly splash, and the sound of clear penetration sounds.


As Fangtian Huaji was withdrawn from the giant wolf's head, the wolf's head that was supposed to fall was stuck with the only flesh left at the neck.

At the same time, blood and a little bit of minced meat spilled, and the green grass below was stained with a layer of scarlet. The entire scene has been almost rendered into a hellish scene.

Ning Tianlin stared blankly at the blood and remnants of several giant wolves on the ground, and gently wiped away the blood on Fang Tianhua's halberd.

Afterwards, under the engulfing of Manchuria, only a patch of scarlet left on the grass, and the traces left by the impact during the fight, scattered scattered evidence that there was a fierce battle here.

Subsequently, the back of Ning Tianlin gradually disappeared here, and continued to be swept away toward the southwest.

When it appeared again, Ning Tianlin was already sitting on a rock next to the waterfall, and Bewen, who was next to him, was leisurely sunbathing there, which was very pleasant.

"Bowen, do you plan to continue enjoying yourself here, or do you set off with me now?"

Looking back at the look of the girl in Bowen, Ning Tianlin said with a smile.

"Hey, at first glance you don't understand what it means to enjoy life, and you know how to fight and kill all day."

Bowen twirled his lips, thinking of being able to stay here for a while, but when she saw Ning Tianlin's gaze from time to time, she chose to leave here first.

"Brother Tianlin, let's go, we can't delay the business."

When I stood up, when I was about to leave with Bowen, a violent energy fluctuation and the roar of the beast suddenly burst into the sky like a thunderous sound.

Listening to the roar of the beast with violent energy, Ning Tianlin's face also changed slightly, staring closely at the sky far away.

There, it was the place where the violent energy came out, and with the eyes overlooking, Ning Tianlin seemed to dimly see a figure appearing there.

"Silhouette? This is the first person I have met since I entered the Nine Sacred Land. What will he do there?"

With narrowed pupils, Ning Tianlin swallowed a spit, and said secretly in her heart: "And just before that beast roar, obviously the combat power will not be too low, but just like this level of spirit beast, how can it appear in this marginal area?"

On the blue sky, the violent energy fluctuations continuously make a sound like a thunderous sound.

Even if Ning Tianlin was far away from that place, she could not help feeling a little buzzing in her ears.

His eyes were tightly staring at that area. The energy pressure from the sky even made him feel a sense of danger.

"The coercion of the Lord of the Universe Nine Duties!"

Ning Tianlin murmured in his mouth, after initially feeling the terrible power caused by the fighting between the two sides, it has been determined that the feeling will only arise when he fights with the Lord of the Universe.

Standing next to Ning Tianlin, Bo Wen frowned and looked at the battle far away, asking softly: "Brother Tianlin, the battle over there seems to be very fierce, so strong energy fluctuations, I just I've seen it in the old roar. "

"What? Are you a bit uncomfortable, surprised?"

Leaning his head, looking at Bo Wen's extremely cautious expression, Ning Tianlin laughed suddenly, and it is no wonder that Bo Wen would have such an expression.

The terrifying coercion of the Lord of the Universe Nine Levels is no longer as simple as a complete crushing of strength for the warriors of Nine Stars.

But that's only for other people. Even if Ning Tianlin is a star warrior, with the full use of various methods and mysteries, it is enough to let the existence of the Lord of the Universe Nine Duan go away.

Although he was still reluctant to admit that the other party was strong, Bo Wen still nodded and said with a bitter smile.

"Looking at the coercion generated by their fighting, I think that my fighting power is just a house play, and they are little witches before them."

"Hehe, they are estimated to be old monsters who have lived for hundreds of millions of years, and you are only a few hundred years old. Your potential is much greater than them."

"When you step into that level in the future, you will definitely be more arrogant than their fighting power, because you have the most noble blood in the roar, which is not for everyone."

Ning Tianlin said with a smile, for Bo Wen's future development, he still has high expectations.

"You're right, although I am now shocked by the power created by their fighting, but I am not bad, and I have always been on the road to becoming a strong one!"

I heard that Ning Tianlin nodded in relief. Bowen had used her talents for the rest of her time, otherwise she would not be so young at such a terrifying speed. Reached Xinghuang Nine.

"How about thinking about the battle of the nine masters of the universe?"

Ning Tianlin raised his chin to the distant battlefield and looked at Bowen.

"Can we really look over?"

Bo Wen heard Ning Tianlin's words and was a joy first. If she can see the battle of the top powerhouse, it will be very helpful for her cultivation. This level of battle is rarely seen outside, but Then he asked a little bit worried.

"If we pass by, they won't be noticed by them. It's not good, it's too dangerous, or we won't go."

"You look down on me too, right?"

Ning Tianlin waved his hand and took out the hidden Qi Dan that was exchanged from the combat system for hiding breath.

Because it is to hide the breath near the Lord of the Universe, the price of Yinqi Dan is also a little bit expensive, but for Ning Tianlin now, it is only nine dollars.

Ning Tianlin didn't take it. He was super stealth. After Bo Wen swallowed a pill, the breath of the two of them was completely hidden in an instant.

"Let's go, take this little girl with you today and see what is the battle between the real strong and let you feast on your eyes."

Ning Tianlin smiled lightly, took Bo Wen's body forward quickly, and then ran away in the direction of the battle.

Not only for Bo Wen, but Ning Tianlin also wanted to go and see what kind of existence the two sides in the battle actually had, which would also allow him to learn more about these nine holy places.

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