Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1832: Martial law

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

During this year, after Ning Tianlin knew the specific coordinate locations of the branches from the combat system, the two of them did not delay for a moment and ran all the way.

In addition to experiencing extremely harsh environmental problems, and had to choose to walk, the rest of the time also chose to fly at low altitude.

Today, this part is the Cun Cang part, which is also the last of the eight major divisions of the Mosha clan. At the moment, the remaining seven divisions, except for the broken buildings left behind after being affected by powerful fighting energy, are all A dead silence.

Every time a branch is visited, the first thing Ning Tianlin needs to do is to use super stealth to sneak into the branch, and then use the matrix method to completely cover the branch, and isolate any information from the outside world.

After doing this, they rushed in first, and selected the most powerful horizontal branch leaders to kill them. After succeeding, they and Wu Daoxuan shot down the remaining members who had been frightened.

With their lineup, none of the above seven divisions can compete with them, all of them were killed.

If it is to give the strong among the eight divisions a chance to gather together, it is estimated that the two of them will also avoid their edge, and then find a chance to slowly figure it out. After all, if you want to add up the number of the strong among the eight tribes, That's too much.

In addition to destroying each branch, on the way, all the scattered Mosha soldiers they met were the same as those of the branch members. Before they could send any help signal, they were killed by the two. Killed completely under the power of Thunder.

In the case of constantly exchanging the replenishing essence and elixir from the combat system, the two of them continued to advance continuously, except for the battle, which was on the way to battle.

In total, there are approximately 600 Masters of the Universe, all of which are converted into the belly of the family of ten thousand people. Among them, there are more than 70 generals of the magic sand clan of the nine masters of the universe.

Not to mention the treasures in these magic sand people's space rings, that is, the crazy wealth accumulated over billions of years in those branches, is already extremely rich.

None of these were unexpected, all of them were included in the space ring by Ning Tianlin. Except for the accidental accident of Cane Gui, nothing was left.

This year, the record is not rich, which also makes Ning Tianlin's energy points once again reach an extremely terrifying number.

"The eight major tribes are indeed the backbone of the Mosha clan, but there are only a few left in the end, haha."

Wu Daoxuan couldn't help but sigh, each branch was seated by the ten masters of the universe, Jiuduan. This powerful branch should have existed like a golden soup, but it was still a terrifying means in Ning Tianlin. China, one by one, only this last one is left.

"Senior Wu, this eighth branch of Hun Cang has arrived." Gaze turned to the front, Ning Tianlin said.

Hearing that Wu Daoxuan's face was also cautious, and his eyes glanced over the towering city walls not far away. Above the city walls, dozens of Mosha soldiers were constantly patrolling with sharp weapons.

Sharp eyes, carefully scanning every prescription position that can be seen, as long as any creatures other than the magic sand clan break in, they will be killed by their devastation.

A magic sand clan is patrolling in a designated area with each other interspersed with each other, leaving behind a series of traces of footsteps where the squad went.

"Looking there? All of your 120,000 points of spirit are up, who would dare to be lazy and execute directly by military law!"

Facing the wild wind, a seemingly leading Captain of the Mosha clan shook the sharp weapon in his hand and said cursingly.

"Captain, what's wrong? Why did our Hun Cang branch suddenly begin martial law during this time, and no one will let it out?"

A Mosha soldier, his eyes flashed through the open desert, and asked with some doubts, but he had already shifted several shifts. He used to patrol at most two times in the morning, middle, and evening. This time turned out to be five days a day. Squad patrol.

Hearing the soldier's question, a dozen nearby soldiers also cast their doubts on the leader of the team.

Obviously, their status is not very high, and they are not very clear about the meaning of some of the above leaders. They only know that they follow orders.

"Huh, what's the matter? Speak out and scare you."

"It's been several months. None of the soldiers sent out by our branch have returned. This has never happened before."

Because of the captain's sake, he always knew more about the other news than these soldiers, and loved to show off in front of them.

After all, looking at those soldiers who also had incredible eyes, paused and continued to say proudly.

"Also, according to the information above, it seems that the Lingcang branch nearest to us can't be contacted now ..." The captain hummed slightly with a somber expression.

I heard that the faces of the surrounding magic sand soldiers suddenly changed, and the soldiers sent out did not return. Perhaps it was because of some delays that they could not contact the Lingcang tribe. How is this possible?

You need to know that although each tribe does not interfere with each other and there is little mutual connection, but each branch has ten masters of the universe and nine generals guarding it. How can it be said that the connection can't be connected.

"So, during this time, we are in the martial law period, and we are protecting you, and I have also received news that the leader of our branch, sent to General Ling Cang to the Ling Cang branch, has not yet returned. "

The soldiers around knew the terror strength of General Cang She, who was the second person besides the leader. Even if he did not return, it was a bit unreasonable.

"Also, our leader has already gone to the headquarters to find the patriarch. The fastest thing is that we should be able to arrive in three days."

Speaking of the patriarch, the leader of the Captain Mosha tribe has a madman-like piety on his face, as if it is the **** in his heart.

"As long as our leader can arrive in the headquarters safely, then the patriarch will have a way to solve these problems.

"When the patriarch gathers all the strong men in our clan, no matter what race they come to commit, they will let them come and go, and regret messing with our magic sand clan."

"At that time, we won't have to martial law here anymore, and you will all work harder and stick to it for a few more days."

The lead captain smiled helplessly, raised his head, looked at the desert in front of him, carefully scanned it again, waved his hand and sighed.

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