Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1838: Patriarch

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After Wanzu spit out the space rings of those soldiers, Ning Tianlin roughly estimated that there were about 110 space ringers in total.

At the moment, his body flickered again. With the prompt of the combat system, he came to a secret room in the Hun Cang branch, and all the huge wealth accumulated during the billions of years was collected into his space ring.

Wu Ningxuan has become accustomed to Ning Tianlin's disappearance again. He doesn't take those things very seriously, just things outside his body.

He was more curious that the space ring on Ning Tianlin's body could fit more things, and would he really not be burst?

Not to mention, the things that Ning Tianlin had installed in the space ring before them were the short time they were together. Ning Tianlin fully packed all the belongings of the eight branches ...

However, Wu Daoxuan didn't go to ask Ning Tianlin too much. He knew that everyone had his own secrets, but this Ning Tianlin seemed to be secret all over his body, and no one was normal.

"Senior, things are done, let's go."

With the appearance of Ning Tianlin's body again, Wu Daoxuan's thoughts were pulled back. After a bitter smile, he shook his head helplessly, only to feel that this Ning Tianlin was too mysterious.

The two turned around and walked towards the branch. At the same time, for the sake of safety, with the help of Ning Tianlin Dan Yao, their breath was completely hidden.

Then their bodies slowly floated to the void, and after a while, they turned into two black spots and disappeared into the distance.

Shortly after the disappearance of the two Ning Tianlin, the shielding array method deployed in this muddy branch became weaker and weaker until it completely lost its effect ...

... At the same time, the magic sand clan headquarters.

In the depths of the Cangmohaisand, in the uniform yellow sand, many strange and huge stones began to appear.

Just behind these chaotic rocks, there is an extremely magnificent castle, where the most mysterious and powerful headquarters of the Mosha clan is located!

Perhaps it was also because of receiving an order in advance and implementing martial law. Now the gate of the castle is closed, and the heavily armed Mosha soldiers are patrolling around the castle.

Even in the sky above the castle, more than a dozen large black birds are hovering back and forth, and the magic sand clan generals on the birds' backs are looking down sharply.

And constantly scanning outside the castle, even the boulder in the distance is no exception, is also within the scope of scanning.

Any wind and grass movement will be discovered by the magic sand clan generals on the bird's back, and the judgment will be made in time.

If an abnormal situation is found, the dark bird directly hissed in the void and issued a warning sound towards the castle.

If Ning Tianlin were here, they would find that the overall strength of the guarding soldiers in this ancient castle is definitely stronger than those previously destroyed by them.

And among these guarded Mosha clan soldiers, there are occasionally mixed with some weird generals with strange costumes.

These weird generals are all indifferent, standing like pillars on the ancient fortress, and within hundreds of feet around them, no other Mosha soldiers dare to set foot in them. Obviously, those soldiers are quite afraid of these. A magic sand general with weird clothes.

They were all selected by the patriarchs themselves, and they formed the most intensive guard of the castle, which was responsible for the security of the castle. This is also the toughest guarantee for the Mosha clan headquarters except the patriarch.

At this moment in the distant sky, a small black dot suddenly appeared, and in the blink of an eye, it was the sharp wind of the carrier, which burst into the direction of the huge ancient castle.

Shortly after the black dot appeared, it was discovered that the dark bird above the castle, under the signal of the Mosha soldiers on its back, issued a loud hissing noise.

Suddenly, with the sound of alarms, all the guards were alert, and some of them had raised their weapons high, ready to shoot the inmate at any time.

When the figure was about to reach beyond the hundred feet of the castle, it suddenly stopped in mid-air. After the body bent downwards, there was a bit of cold drinking, wrapped in energy and passed forward.

"The leader of the Hun Cang branch, Cang Li, meet the patriarch!"

Hearing this sounded like a thunderous thunder, drinking through the desert, and the siren around stopped abruptly. The guarded soldiers also returned to the original designated area of ​​responsibility, and everything seemed to be trained.

Among the spacious and luxurious halls, a figure is larger than that of other Mosha people, sitting on a large seat directly above the gloomy face.

The gloom on the face of the Mosha tribe suddenly stretched slightly, looking up outside the hall, and a black shadow shot in lightning.

"Finally one came back alive ..."

Seeing the figure entering the hall, the one on the seat couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

During the year, seven of the eight major divisions of the Mosha clan had lost contact with the headquarters completely.

For these millions of years of warriors, one year is nothing at all. At most, there are cases where they have not been contacted for several years.

So, at the beginning, I did n’t pay much attention to these. Just a few days ago, after the Hun Cang branch found that the situation was wrong, they sent a message to the patriarch and said that they would be able to go to the headquarters.

As a result, after some investigation, all the senior leaders of the Mosha clan were shocked. All the branches that had lost contact with them were all like stone sinking into the sea, completely silent.

This hasn't happened at all in hundreds of millions of years, and the branches haven't sent any signal for help before.

The culprit that led to all these troubles is like disappearing out of thin air. No breath can be detected, and the elite soldiers sent out are all there.

What makes this angry even more is that just a short time ago, the only Hun Cang branch had completely lost contact, and before that, there was a period when the Hun Cang branch was completely blocked ...

No one knows what happened at the time.

"Master Patriarch ..."

The figure entering the hall was slightly bigger, and the slightly lowered head was faintly showing a fierce breath.

A thin piece of clothing was draped over the body at random, and it was a bit messy at the moment. Obviously, this was caused by the speed of the road.

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