Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1848: Ao Ming (4,000 words)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

An insane anger almost washed away his reason, trying to suppress the anger in his heart, hurriedly exchanged the best healing medicine from the combat system, and smeared it on the Wanzu.

The medicinal powder is spread on the scales, and it is scattered, with a strong healing effect. It flows along the blood flowing toward the wound and disperses toward the body of Wanzuan.

Glancing at the magic sand soldiers below, Ning Tianlin's eyes had become blood red at this moment. The whole body's energy was surging and the palm of his hand was gripped.

"Give me all to die!"

A roar rang in the void in the mouth, and Ning Tianlin's figure suddenly burst out. As if the arrow shooting the sun, it penetrated the obstacle of space and flew towards the area below.

"Well, the weird cricket last time could save you, but this time, you're dead!"

With a sneer, he looked at the weird cricket that was not badly injured. The faces of the magic sand soldiers below were all embarrassed.

The huge spiral of energy in his hand reunited and condensed out. The terror energy contained in it was indistinguishable from the previous one.

"go with!"

Under the control of the magic sand clan soldiers, the huge energy spiral body once again brought the sound of breaking through the sky, and blasted towards Ning Tianlin, who was about to blast.

Blood-red eyes stared at the energy body that was constantly enlarged in the eyeballs. Ning Tianlin clenched his teeth tightly, holding Fangtian Huaji in his hand desperately, and the essence of his body was running crazy.

"Nine Emperor Star Records!"

With the sound of the drinking, a mass of compressed energy almost reaching dozens of feet appeared suddenly in front of Ning Tianlin.

The surface of the energy body is overflowing with colorful colors, and the horror energy directly shakes the surrounding space into nothingness. The different energies in the internal number are continuously compressed and fused. The violent sound of energy energy comes out from it. After reaching the limit, just wait for one The contacts will detonate completely.


With the heavy bombardment of the energy spiral, the huge and unmatched energy in the compression suddenly exploded in its central position, dispersing the energy of the white spiral body.

After the compressed energy dissipates, although the energy spiral body is full of scars, the direction it can move forward has not changed, but the force and speed are slower.

Although the energy in the energy spiral body has been offset by more than half, it still diffuses in the whole area of ​​Ning Tianlin and bursts again soon.


Ning Tianlin, who had long been smashed by the aftermath of the battle, shattered his body. The minced meat that burst the void had not yet had time to condense and form again, and based on the original fragmentation, it was completely crushed again.

The white spiral body was under the control of the magic sand clan soldiers below, and firmly locked the area where Ning Tianlin was only in the most central position.

Within the spiral of energy, there were sounds of explosions of different sizes, one after another, like a series of lighted firecrackers. Every sound sounded, which meant that Ning Tianlin once again exploded a piece of ground meat.

After a moment, the entire spiral body, even a complete piece of minced meat, is gone, replaced by the small particles diffused in it.

Even if it does exist, it will still be exploded and broken again, and it will become a few smaller powders ...

"It is estimated that the goods are completely cold. They have been blasted into dregs. Can they still survive?"

"Sigh, it's terrible, but just looking at it here, I've got a goosebump ..."

With a somber look, he looked at the energy spiral in the void. After seeing Ning Tianlin's end, there was a hissing noise among the Mosha soldiers.

This tragic situation has made them all shocking. Even the most venomous frustration is nothing more than this ...

Because the magic sand soldiers were too afraid of Ning Tianlin's weird means, there was no good way to confirm whether Ning Tianlin really died, and the scene remained deadlocked.

At the moment, Ning Tianlin's face was filled with a touch of pain. To be precise, his face could not be used to describe it, because his physical body had already been broken into a dregs form.

"I don't believe it, you **** can kill me!"

Resisting severe pain, Ning Tianlin tried to gather those pieces of meat together, but every time a little bit agglomerated, he would be smashed again by the energy in the spiral.

With this repetition, Ning Tianlin did not have a better way at the moment, and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​condensing the physical body, while also continually thinking about the countermeasures.

"If the combat effectiveness reaches the Lord of the Universe, this will not be the case!"

Ning Tianlin shook his head reluctantly. A large part of the reason he was able to leapfrog was to rely on combat effectiveness and other secret methods. The pure pure combat power was not as powerful as outsiders seemed.

It is precisely for these reasons that there is no way for this energy spiral body, no matter how powerful the combat array is, it is also aimed at the essence of the human body.

He would never be able to perform combat combat against these energy bodies, that would be equivalent to playing the piano against a cow.

"Well, Kudan? ..."

Ning Tianlin seemed to be thinking of something, and his heart trembled secretly. He had not reached the level of the Ninth Section of the Universe, but there was a real Ninth Section of the universe in his body!

There was no hesitation at this moment, glanced at the lonely fall, the space ring below the spiral energy body, attaching the consciousness to the nearest piece of minced meat, and took out a nearly transparent bottle from it.

The material of the transparent bottle itself is quite special, it is mainly used to hold the soul, so it is not particularly hard.


As soon as it appeared, because there was no protection from the space ring, it was directly broken by the energy in this energy spiral, and then a massive soul body was suspended.


As soon as it appeared, the soul body was sobbing. Obviously, the sudden terror of the outside world made him very uncomfortable. After a little adjustment, he barely adapted.

A pair of lantern-like eyes, looking at the surroundings vigilantly, found that except for him, some small powder was floating in it.

"What's the matter? My husband is still sleeping inside, why did he come out like this!"

An old voice suddenly sounded from within the soul, and what was spoken was pure Chinese.

"Who, who did it, come out to me!"

This sudden situation annoyed him, who has lived for hundreds of millions of years. After investigating, he found nothing, staring fiercely at this energy wall.

He couldn't understand the situation, and imagined that there might be various reasons why this situation might occur, and he was immediately shocked. It seemed to understand what came over ...

"Is it!"

"No way..."

"Oh, I guess ..."

There was a long sigh in the nostrils, and after a touch of regret of humanity appeared on his face, he shook his head helplessly.

Before his soul body entered this soul-gathering bottle, the earth man named Ning Tianlin once promised to condense his flesh to him, and then he would go to earth ...

However, in this situation, it has nothing to do with condensing the flesh at all, and it is impossible to be on the earth. It is clear that it is trapped in some powerful killing tricks.


"It's a little familiar with the smell of this minced meat, like I've met somewhere ..."

After confirming the original owner of the breath, the soul body was more certain of the thoughts in his heart, and he couldn't help smashing his mouth and saying.

"Ah, what a pitiful child, what a **** thing that has been done. It was turned into a scum!"

"It's really sinful, you've already become dregs. They haven't let go, but they will continue to blast ..."

For this kind of scene, even the soul who has lived for hundreds of millions of years can't help but utter a tongue, wondering in his heart if he is old. Is everyone in the universe so fierce now?

"That's it for the whip dead scene!" The soul continued, after a moment of groaning.

"Also, for the sake of us both from the earth, when the old man recovers, he will help you revenge!"

Seeing his own soul body, he shook his head again helplessly. He wanted to get revenge, but it still seemed a little distant. He had to condense his body first.

At the same time, I was secretly glad that he was the soul body at the moment. The soul in this universe is very scarce, and if you want to survive for a long time, the conditions are very harsh.

This has also led to the fact that few offensive and defensive tactics involve energy that can harm the soul, even if there is, but for the level of the Lord of the Universe, the damage will not be great.

Most of them are for the flesh, just like the current spiral energy body.

"Oh boy, I didn't expect you to fart like this, my husband is waiting for you to condense my body."

For condensing the physical body, the original hope of the soul body was not great. Otherwise, he would not be able to stay on the top of the moon of the blood race until he met Ning Tianlin, and had been relying on the Nine Runners Tower to nourish the soul .

But after getting the assurance from Ning Tianlin, he had some hope, and the strange means shown by the latter made him feel that the other party was not lying.

At this moment, Ning Tianlin was struggling to climb out of the space ring. His space ring was huge, and he was in a state of extremely small debris. This distance took him a lot of time.

After coming out, Ning Tianlin was already a little irritable. When he heard that Six-toed Mixed Dragon Long Ao Ming was saying that he had farted, he immediately passed over.

"Can you talk, you're farting, your family is farting!"

"Well? Who's talking ..."

Previously, Ning Tianlin's consciousness all condensed on the piece of minced meat in the space ring, so Ao Ming only found the remaining breath of Ning Tianlin outside.

This sudden sentence surprised Ao Ming, but he immediately reacted, and felt that the voice seemed to have been heard before ...

"Tianlin, you haven't farted yet? That's great!"

After confirming that it was Ning Tianlin's voice, Ao Ming's face also passed a touch of ecstasy, and he was glad that Ning Tianlin was still alive.

"What does it mean that I haven't farted yet? Do you really want me to fart?"

Ning Tianlin was a little mad at being angry, and it sounded as if he was looking forward to hurrying to fart.

"Uh, uh, uh!"

"Old man didn't mean that ..."

Ao Ming, who also realized that he was wrong, hurried a few subconscious flail, and his old face was full of embarrassment.

"Tianlin, where are you? How did I see you?"

Ao Ming searched for Ning Tianlin's figure in this energy spiral. In addition to the scattered meat everywhere, he still had the terrifying horror energy. He who understood it, said with a smile.

"You think it's like your soul knows where, except for this minced meat, where else can I go?"

Ning Tianlin said rudely. In this case, he can only cling to one of the small pieces of ground meat. Nao Ming also knew the consultant's question and clearly wanted to see him look ugly.

"Hey, you all look like this, your temper is still so hot, young man, don't speak so aggressively ..."

Ao Ming didn't have the slightest dissatisfaction because of Ning Tianlin's swearing. In his tone of speech, he had a smile of gloat.

"Rush? Hehe, try to be bombarded with **** and see if I have such a good temper!"

Ning Tianlin slightly teased back. If he changed to another person, under such an offensive, it would have died out long ago, and he could still live tenaciously, which would not have been easy.

"Boy, what kind of cruel man have you caused, and they have blasted you into dregs, don't you want to stop?"

Ao Ming, who came out of the ghost jar, wanted to find out what the situation was. However, Ning Tianlin at that time did not have any response, and now hurriedly asked in order to come up with a countermeasure.

"Hum, who messed up?"

"I'm afraid to say it will scare you to death!"

As for Ning Tianlin's words, Ao Ming hummed disapprovingly. He is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of millions of years. He has never seen anything powerful, and it is rare to be scared.

Because Ning Tianlin was in a state of minced meat, Ao Ming was not sure what his realm was, but he remembered that he was a Star Warrior last time.

Ao Ming believes that it is different from Ning Tianlin's realm, so the natural vision is different, and the star warrior is difficult. From the perspective of the universe master, it may not be anything at all.

"The old man doesn't care about this with your junior, you tell me the truth, what happened outside."

"The old man promises that he won't laugh at you. You are still young and will experience more storms in the future ..."

Ao Ming believes that Ning Tianlin is just making up mysteries. There is nothing in the universe that can scare the Nine Masters of the universe.

"Ah, it's awkward to lean on the old and sell the old."

Hurrying to stop Ao Ming's words to continue to teach, Ning Tianlin took a breath and said softly.

"In fact, there is nothing outside, just some lords of the universe are siege together."

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