Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1877: Pretend to be a ghost (4000 words in 2)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Woohoo ..."

Hearing the horrifying wind breaking from the storm, Ning Tianlin's complexion changed slightly, and the operation of the Nine Emperor's Star Records suddenly accelerated.

"Double, double, triple, quadruple ..."

The sound of cold drinking rang quickly in Ning Tianlin's heart, and his breath soared to six times at this moment!

Under the super-enhanced blessing, it increased by 50% again.

The mighty force spurted out from the palm of the hand, turned into an energy wind, growled and slammed into the palm print, collided fiercely.


A terrifying explosion sounded above the square.

The terrible air waves that were looted directly directly flew out the eight huge stone pillars that had lost the shackles of iron chains, and threw them into shock, throwing them again into powder.


And Ning Tianlin's footsteps were also a dozen steps back, only barely offset the strength of the air waves.

With a dignified color in his eyes, the strength of this old man with black gauze is stronger than he imagined.

"The strength of this old guy is almost at the peak of the nine masters of the universe. Don't bump into him!"

Seeing Ning Tianlin being shaken back, King Jinwu quickly said.

"Jinwu King, you go to rest in the ring of Kid Space first."

"This old thing, I will cut it!" Ning Tianlin said in a deep voice.

It was said that the Great Emperor Jinwu was a stunner, and his strong man at this level naturally knew that there was a space ring in the universe that could store living things.

Although the number is extremely scarce, it is bound to be Ning Tianlin's. Otherwise, he will not be allowed to let him in.


Immediately nodded, the Emperor Jinwu didn't hesitate, but turned into a streamer and swept into Ning Tianlin's space ring.

If he is in his heyday, it is not difficult to defeat the black-shirted old man, but now he is extremely weak, and his original ten or six strength may not be able to be exerted.

Not only can he not help Ning Tianlin at all, but it will also become a burden. If the Ning Tianlin had taken the help to stop him, I am afraid he would also be injured.

"Now, let go of your fight!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes were full of emotions, and the militant mood was also inspired by the old man. Today, no matter who is blocking him, he must also take the emperor Jinwu to leave this ghost place.

He has the confidence to kill anyone who blocks it!

"Ha, are you finally going to desperately?"

The old man in black shirt glanced at the space ringer in Ning Tianlin's hand, and couldn't help sneering.

At the same time, the mind left by Ning Tianlin should be strengthened, because he knows that the space ring is also a treasure, which can carry living things!

Before he had probed carefully, he had already discovered two rare treasures. Ning Tianlin's combat effectiveness is lower than him. What's the difference between this and nothing?

It just takes more effort.

Although he knew that Ning Tianlin's combat effectiveness was not as simple as it appeared on the surface, it was not difficult for him to figure out one or two from the time of the confrontation.

"The old man would like to see it too. But now there are people who can be the descendants of the earth. The domineering power of the earth?"

The random hit just now, the old man of the black gauze was mainly based on temptation and did not do his best, so he did not think that Ning Tianlin had room to fight back in his hands.

"Isn't that domineering, it's not up to you."

"But there is still the domineering of cutting your stuff!"

Ning Tianlin's face was indifferent, and the combat formation in his body was used more slowly. He silently shrouded in the old man in a black shirt.

"Well, your mouth is pretty hard. You're still so young. It would be a pity if it fell like that."

The old man in black sighed, and smiled calmly at Ning Tianlin's arrogance.

I think that young warriors should be so fierce, how can they be warriors if they are afraid of them? Then a touch of Tao.

"In time, it will definitely make you a majesty of your old husband."

Such a peerless genius like Ning Tianlin, if he uses the secret method to control well, it will definitely be a big killer to fight the Quartet in the future.

"You can't fight, just get out of here!"

Ning Tianlin sneered at the words of the old man of the black gauze, never paying any attention to it. The reason why he listened to the old man's ink was to gain time for the layout of the combat array, and now he is almost at the end.

The combat effectiveness weakens the formation, reducing the opponent's combat effectiveness by 50%.

Coupled with the super-enhanced blessing, this 50% has been increased by half, reaching 75%!

Nine paragraphs of the universe, weakened by half, that is, between the sixth and seventh paragraphs of the universe, and another 25% reduction, that is, about five paragraphs of the universe!

At this point, the formation of the formation, the old man of the black gauze has not officially started, its combat effectiveness has been reduced by half!

"That being the case, the old man will do you!"

The old man with black gauze snorted. As long as he took the opponent off the spot, he had some time to adjust slowly. Immediately, the open palm suddenly clenched and started to mobilize the essence in the body.

"Well, what's going on?"

He had just moved and felt the changes in his body instantly. He just felt that his body was weak before he knew it. He was able to hit 10% of his strength with one punch. Now it is estimated to be about 50%.

The strong man at his level immediately understood the reason for this strange phenomenon, which was why he was trapped by the combat formation method.

This kid, even in such a short time, laid out a combat array.

Moreover, it is not a matrix method, he can obviously feel that there are at least two kinds of matrix methods superimposed on him.

The way of the formation method, he also researched on his own question. The shielding formation method outside the cage was arranged by himself.

He can arrange the formations to help practice, the formations to confuse the opponent, the defenses and auxiliary formations ...

But this esoteric fighting force formation method, the old man in the black shirt has not really touched it, only know that once it is locked, it is difficult to get rid of it.

If you want to crack the formation, you need to find the formation, but the combat formation and the caster claim to be one, and the formation is in the body of the caster.

However, the closer the trapped person is to the caster, the more unable to escape from the scope of the combat formation method. Unless the mystery of the combat formation method is truly grasped, there is almost no solution.

"No wonder this kid will be so arrogant, he has such a hand!"

The old man's face was suddenly dignified, and there was a touch of faintness on his face.

It is beyond his expectation to be able to learn combat formations. For ordinary formations, it took him tens of thousands of years to learn.

This Ning Tianlin is only a few hundred years old, and he can fight with combat skills. How did he do it!

"Oh, even the old man has some way to admire you."

Without waiting for the old man in the black robe to react too much, Ning Tianlin's eyes flashed, the Medusa image of the human snake has been transfigured and condensed into the eye pupil.

The huge snake head vomited a scarlet long core, and at the moment when it was condensed successfully, it shot out a mysterious ripple, and pierced the past in the surprised gaze of the old man of black yarn.


"Eye of Medusa!"

The old man of black gauze recognizes this thing, it is the symbol of the Medusa family!

You can petrify the moment when the combat effectiveness is lower than that, and the combat effectiveness drops by 10% in the moment when the combat effectiveness is higher.

Two eyes, that's 20 percent.

My heart was shocked again, this Ning Tianlin even had a means!

Immediately, he sneered, and he could not break the battle formation. The eye of Medusa would not trap him anymore, he could break it!

"Ice spirit!"

This elixir was also obtained by the old man in a black shirt under an occasional opportunity.

To make this elixir, the most important material is the tears of the Medusa family, which are then combined with other materials and continuously smelted.

The Medusa family is too secretive and rare in the universe. With each appearance, it will cause mad battles by countless powerful people.

The old man in black shirt also met a Medusa in an auction, but it had no effect because her eyes had been forcibly removed.

Perhaps because of this reason, that piece of Medusa will be used for auction, and a piece of scrapped Medusa will naturally not attract anyone else's attention.

But the old man in the black shirt took the Medusa away in the eyes of others, because he had seen the introduction of Medusa from a secret history of the universe.

Although the Medusa family is **** and cruel, their tears are extremely pure and can break all falsehood.

In particular, an attack on Medusa's eye can play an absolute role in resolving it, and a lifetime of Medusa will only produce a tear.

It is precisely because the tears are so rare that the old man in the black shirt made a cold spirit.

I don't know how many years have passed. He didn't think that this medicine could be used until he saw the eyes of Medusa in Ning Tianlin's pupils.

"Coo ..."

Without the slightest hesitation and distress, the old man in the black shirt swallowed the elixir directly.

Suddenly, a soft and weird breath spread in the body of the old man in black shirt. The 20% combat power that had been suppressed previously recovered instantly.

"Boy, the old man has lost the patience with you."

"I will know all the secrets of you after I have been solved!"

The old man in the black shirt still had the idea of ​​slowly cleaning up Ning Tianlin, but at this moment, he was afraid, because Ning Tianlin's weird means were too many, which made him more and more disturbed.

While he still has half of the combat power, he must quickly make a decision. If not, he has a hunch. If he goes on like this, the person who is beaten down will be him.

"Medusa is ineffective!"

The sudden change also caused De Ning Tianlin's face to change slightly. This is also the first time he has been cracked by the other party since using the eye of Medusa.


The old man in the black shirt spread his palms, his five fingers trembled against Ning Tianlin, and then five sticky black mists burst out from his fingertips.

Then, in a burst of rattling, it condensed into a strange black iron chain. The iron chain was tangled in the air, and a piercing sound directly penetrated the void.

"Wow ..."

A blink of an eye appeared above Ning Tianlin's head.

The sudden lightning offensive could not allow Ning Tianlin to think about Medusa. The silver awn on the sole of his feet flickered, and he took a few steps back with a thunderbolt.

At this moment, he and the old man in the black shirt were fighting one litre and one lowering, and they were in the middle of the middle of the moment, each of them maintained at about five stages of the universe master.


The iron chain was stabbed severely from the air, then passed past Ning Tianlin, and smashed into the hard ground fiercely, with a slight shock, and the surrounding road surface suddenly cracked a gap.

"Hum, see where you hide!"

The old man in sneer sneered, his fingers flicked, and the iron chain leapt like lightning, like a poisonous snake, with a strong energy, sweeping away to Ning Tianlin's whole body.

The iron chain is made up of energy, the attack speed is extremely horrible, and the aftermath looms the void, making Ning Tianlin defense invincible.



In the face of the offensive of the old man in black shirt, Ning Tianlin held it in the palm of his hand, and Fang Tianhua's halberd flashed and moved. It was his body condensing into a dense halberd shadow defense, taking down all those chain attacks.


Another iron chain struck Fang Tianhua's halberd heavily. The horrible force was directly caused by Ding Tianlin's feet, rubbing a deep mark on the ground, and then gradually stabilized. It was faint.

"What a pleasure!"

In a situation where the realm is not much different, she responded to the enemy with pure fighting skills and made Ning Tianlin addicted.

Rough confrontation, Ning Tianlin also roughly figured out the opponent's attack methods, the dignity of his heart, also eased a lot, if he wants to successfully kill the black shirt old man, although it is not easy, but not difficult.

Because he had other means, he didn't use them.

"So young, I have to say, you are really a genius in a genius!"

The gloomy color on the face of the old man in the black shirt became more prosperous. He thought that the opponent was forcibly improving the combat effectiveness, and he could completely use the combat experience to crush the opponent.

However, I did not expect that the opponent has a combat experience that is completely incompatible with his age. It is just that the savage means of killing cannot be possessed without the tempering of the corpses and blood.


The old man in a black shirt who did not dare to care or delay, the feeling of uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense, his body suddenly leaned forward, like a beast about to eat,


With a sloppy cold drink, the old man in black shirt stepped forward, the space squirmed, but his figure disappeared instantly.

"Well, pretend to be a ghost!"

As soon as the old man in the black shirt disappeared, Ning Tianlin noticed his movement, a dry palm pierced out of the space beside him, and then pinched it against his throat. Come over.


The withered palm seemed to be weak, but the space where it passed was directly marked by a dark space mark.

Ning Tianlin sneered and stepped back. The Fangtian painting halberd in his hand was almost instantaneous, and he severed the past.

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