Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1963: He defeated you!

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The flesh and blood flew from the chest, and a choppy wound was cut off instantly. The flesh was blurred and the bones were exposed.

The plump of scarlet blood burst out again and scattered on the ground.


When the body of the war **** Yang Yan fell fiercely to the ground, the whole central square was quiet again.

"Are you dead this time?"

Everyone stared at the war **** Yang Yan who was lying on the ground.

They saw a stream of scarlet blood continuously flowing from the body of the **** of war Yang Yang.

The **** of war, Yang Yan, has a weaker breath of life!

Five seconds!

Ten seconds!

Twenty seconds!

One minute!

After a full minute, the God of War Yang Yan is still lying on the ground, and the vitality in his body seems to be stagnant at any time!

The crew soldiers all breathed a long sigh of relief.


The God of War Yang Yan is dead!


In this scene, the demon king frowned suddenly.

Will not!

It is absolutely impossible for Yang Yan to die so easily!

The true power of that chill knife is the best he knows. He will suffer serious damage without fail, but he will never die!

With this strength, he can still control well!

If he really died, he wouldn't get the cultivation secrets of the eye of the soul. He wouldn't do such a stupid thing!

"Yang Ye, you are still the strongest ancient earth, but you are lying dead on the ground!"

There was a thick scum on the demon king's face.


He took a step forward.

"You get my king!"

After a roar, the Demon King's eyes suddenly turned, looking at Hei San, and his eyes flashed coldly.

"If you continue to pretend, I will slaughter one of them until all are slaughtered!"

"Haha ..."

A loud snoring sounded.


This sentence made the black third-class people sorrowful one by one, and instantly turned white!


At this moment, the life and death of the God of War Yang Yan is unknown, and the demon-like demon king is pressing hard!

The God of War Yang Yan is in danger!

The two dark and light sections of the Black Temple will be completely destroyed!

"What to do? What should we do!"

There was a deep despair in everyone's face, and the power of the Demon King made them feel powerless.

However, they did not have the slightest fear, a pair of decisive eyes and pupils, directly facing the demon king's killing eyes.


Watching Hei San's expression of desperate death, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of the demon king's mouth.

"Is that so scared of death?"

"Well, then the king will fulfill you one by one!"

Then, the demon king turned around, a little bit of energy overflowed, and a cold knife formed.

"The first one is you!"

With a wave of the palm of his hand, the Demon King wanted to kill Ao Fuhui!

It was just when his palm was just raised.


A loud cough sounded!

This cough sounded like a thunder blast, which blew in everyone's ears.

Looking at them with all their eyes, they suddenly saw a **** figure crawling slowly.

not dead?

The God of War Yang Yan is not dead!

They looked different, and couldn't believe their eyes. They were so severely injured that they could stand up alive!

There is joy, anger, worry, and evil!

Da da da!

In the shocking eyes of everyone, the standing **** of war, Yang Yan, went towards the Demon King step by step.


Scarlet blood was flowing on his body, and every time he took a step, his body could not help but shake, but in his eyes, the color of excitement grew stronger and stronger.

This is the second blow, and the last blow!

"Come, go on!"

"I still ... can hold it!"


This sentence fell, and the soldiers of the clan raged again.

This person, afraid of being fooled by their clan, even the road is unstable, even dare to take the initiative to find the hack!


They've never seen someone so active in seeking death!

Especially the Demon King, he was hesitant among his murky old eyes.

Is it hacking or not?

He, he is really afraid of killing the **** of war, Yang Ye!

However, if you don't split it, where is the face of so many people in the face of so many people, fierce name, face, why?

However, just as he hesitated, the voice of the war **** Yang Yan passed on again.


"Monster King, you have no guts to seduce, hybrid! Grandpa, I'm standing here, you're going to chop again!"

"Why, you dare not? You are so scared? Then get out of here!"

Provocative words flowed into the ears of the Demon King from a distance.

"good very good!"

"Since you like being abused so much, then the king will satisfy you again!"

At the moment, the mad energy overflowed, instantly condensing into the third spirit cold knife on the right palm of the demon king.


The cold knife of the carrier's voice of breaking through the air, once again in the direction of the **** of war Yang Yan, fiercely split.


The **** of war, Yang Yan, was once again split out.

"Do not!"

Hei San and others screamed sternly, and they were desperate one by one.


Suddenly, smoke and dust splattered, and the place where the God of War Yang Yan fell was smashed into a large pit.

It seems that there is a place for burial!

At this moment, no one believed that the **** of war, Yang Yan, could stand up again. He had already been hit badly and was split again three times.

Even if luck isn't dead, it must be a waste!

However, only the demon king knows that Yang Yan will definitely stand up!

Because, just at the moment of releasing the Qi Han Han Dao, the strength in his hand was a lot of timely.

Otherwise, the third vigorous chill knife bursts out full force, enough to let the seriously wounded **** of war Yang Ying die on the spot!

He still has this confidence!


I saw a blood-stained palm slowly sticking out of the large pit, and then a flesh-limbed figure crawled out.

Again ... Yang Ye, the God of War, he is not dead!

not only.

"Monster King, you are really a seedless thing, even if you stand to do it for you, you dare not force it!"

The eyes of the **** of war Yang Yang stared directly at the demon king in front of him. The dark eyes contained Morin's intention to kill.

Just now, he was gambling with his life, betting on the current Demon King, and was afraid to put him directly to death!

It turned out that his bet was correct!

Three cold Qidao, that means the demon king, with the dark spots covering the body, mobilized three spirits!

In this way, the demon king is no longer scared, and the **** of war Yang Ye has the opportunity and means to come back!

Just hearing this, the Demon King's face didn't have the slightest annoyance, but there was a thick sensation on the corner of his mouth.

"Well, do you want to anger the king? Let the king give you a happy death? That is impossible!"

Hearing that, the **** of war Yang Yan shook his head.

"Rage you? You're wrong!"

"I'm really giving you a chance and letting you kill me, but you don't cherish it, so don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"

Ha ha!

This sentence, when heard by the demon king, was nothing more than a provocative word, not even a threat!

There was a flash of undisguised greed on his somber face.

"Do you think you can win the game with these black spots of different sizes on the king?"

"The idiot is dreaming!"

"You know, you are now badly wounded and defeated. As long as the King searches your sea of ​​knowledge and gets the secret cultivation practice, everything will not be a problem!"

After that, the Demon King stopped talking nonsense, his eyebrows flickered brightly, and a sharp sense of abruptness suddenly shot out.

call out!

And the goal of the **** of knowledge is the spirit of the **** of war Yang Ye!

But just then.


The dark spots faltered again, and the monstrous death gas broke out from the Demon King!


Just when the **** of knowledge was about to cover the **** of war Yang Yan, the blood of the Demon King spurted out!

Adding black and red is eye-catching!

"How could this be?"

The drama struck him so that the Demon King had to forcefully withdraw his consciousness.

His face was horrified, a pair of frightened eyes and pupils, staring at the direction of the **** of war Yang Yang.


He was sweating coldly and couldn't believe the changes on his body. The dark spots at this time had invaded his body and eroded the veins!

"Do not..."

"Will not!"

"My King does not operate the eye of the soul, and will not completely explode the dark spots!"

However, seeing this scene, the pale-faced God of War, Yang Yan, a thick disdain appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's a shame that you got the eyes of the soul by chance! You thought you wouldn't trigger the dark spots without running the eyes of the soul?"

"Really fearless! Haha ..."

A smile full of jokes came from the mouth of the **** of war Yang Yang. Then, his pupils shrank and he sank.

"I'll show you, you can't practice the evil results of mystery!"

After saying this, the **** of war Yang Yan shook his palm, and the French method was decided.

Click! Click!

The demon king's entire palm covered with dark spots burst his bones, and then under the death, he quickly rotted!

The smell of strong smell is coming!


"Damn, don't!"

The demon king was terrified.

He suddenly found that the arm that burst and rot was the right arm he used frequently to use the cold knife!

"How can this be?"

But now, he couldn't stand to think about it.


This deep pain in the bone marrow was aggravated again, as if to crush and tear the Demon King Shengsheng, making him tremble all over.

Just then, another joke came.

"Monster King, you fur cultivator, you are so disappointed!"

I saw that the corner of the mouth of the **** of war Yang Ye appeared a radiant arc.

"The eyes of the soul contain the mysteries of the universe, are ever-changing, and the benefits are endless. What is needed is constant meditation!"

"And you, when you practice, you are too eager to kill, eager to achieve success, even if you have the risk of exploding at any time, it is stupid!

"No, you're talking!"

The Demon King feels that his cognition is being subverted!

At the moment, he was desperately anxious, and he was going to kill the **** of battle Yang Yang crazy!

Just, just mobilized the essence of the body.


Another black and red blood spurted!

"Monster King, but I really have to thank you for your stupidity, otherwise I would not have had such a good opportunity!"

"Just when you and me, when Jin Mang collided, what I was running was the true secret cultivation method, and you were the other way!"

"This is doomed to your defeat!"

Although the **** of war, Yang Yan, was seriously injured, his words were sharp and vicious, and he went straight to the stupidity of the demon king.


This scene, as if a child doing something wrong, is being reprimanded by an adult, making everyone look horrified.


Machine soldiers, all stunned!

In their eyes, their patriarchs were invincible, and their moves were always the upper hand, but at this moment, they were in a terrible condition!

how can that be?

It's weird and scary!

"Is it really ... Is the king wrong? Really stupid?"

The Devil King's face was incredibly thick, and on contemplation, he felt only scalp tingling.

"When Jin Mang was facing the blast, the rolling Jin Mang released by the King suddenly trembled, and the color gradually thinned. In a hurry, the King took Jin Mang back into his body ..."

"And the strangeness of the king's body was formed in that stack!"


At this moment, under the direction of the war **** Yang Yan, Ao Fuhui, who had the most complete combat power, moved forward.

"Senior Yang Yan!"

After that, after Au Fuhui steadily supported the **** of war Yang Yan, the latter continued to speak.

"Monster King, you're wrong, you shouldn't force your eyes on the true master!"

"Otherwise, I will not be your opponent!"

"But you make mistakes again and again, and you have put the golden mansions in the eyes of the soul into the body, and those golden mans contain the true operating rules of the eyes of the soul"

"A legitimacy, a rudeness, the combination of the two, how can they not back off?"

The **** of war Yang Yan stared at the Demon King, with thick ferocity in the corner of his mouth.

"Unknown circumstances, you mobilized the essence of your body three times to kill me, which will only exacerbate the spread of dark spots!"

"For the first time, the dark spots are in the body and can be expelled!"

"The second time, the dark spots are **** and can be ruled out!"

"The third time, the dark spots are in the veins and cannot be changed unless you break the veins!"


This heavy sentence, like a heavy drum, slammed in the heart of the Demon King fiercely.

A rush of remorse came to his heart!

It was a win-win situation, but he was messed up by himself!

This **** eye of the soul, **** Yang Yan!

The demon king was so angry that he looked venomous, with scarlet eyes and eyes, staring fiercely at the direction of the **** of war Yang Yang.

I saw, the **** of war Yang Yan trembled, and the black eyes were rolling and killing.

"Now, it depends on how I defeat you!"


This is impossible!

The Devil King's face is incredible!

What about dark spots like a body?

As long as he does not run on the veins, the physical body of the Lord of the Universe is destined to be invincible here!

"You are seriously injured and dying, and you have no fighting force at all. Why do you destroy the king?"

"As long as the King takes you back, he will find the secret method, except for the dark spots!"

However, the **** of war, Yang Yan, turned his corner of his mouth and shook his head.

"You're wrong, it's not me who defeated you, but ..."

Speaking, the **** of war Yang Yan pointed at Ao Fuhui around him!

"It's him, defeat you!"


This scene made everyone stay.

Ao Fuhui, the defeated spirit king?

how can that be?

Although the demon king was backstabbed by the eyes of the soul, it still exists in the eighth stage of the universe, and only the fourth stage of the universe master.

It's crazy to dream!

The demon king on the opposite side burst into laughter after a while!

"Well ... a joke!"

"Yang Ye, do you want a master of the universe to kill the king in four stages? Are you sure you did not let him die!"

"The physical gap is not something he can make up for!"

Only at this moment, Ao Fuhui was convinced. His eyes were burning, his eyes glowed with excitement!

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