Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 255: Spit and spit

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Hello, sir, what can I do for you?" Soon, tall, slender stewardesses came over and asked politely in English.

"My friend is sick and wants to throw up. Get me two plastic bags." Smith looked anxious,

"Okay, wait a minute." The stewardess glanced at the black man with a very bad complexion, and quickly turned around, ran back to his clothes room, found three bags, and returned to Smith.

"Tom, here." Smith walked away, passing the plastic bag to the black man. As soon as the other party took it, he vomited, and the strong rancid and sour taste of the food quickly made the surrounding air smell bad.

And Smith beside him also waved his hands and pinched his nose, trying to drive the sour taste out. In this case, how could he sit on the seat next to him, and Xun could smoke him to death!


The black man was obviously dizzy. In less than ten seconds, he vomited a lot. The whole plastic bag was almost half full.

"flight attendant!"

"flight attendant!"

"Someone is sick, fast! Fast!"

Just then, a middle-aged woman screamed in the distance, and saw an old man beside her, leaning on the seat, leaning on her seat, her face pale, and wondering what was going on.


"Go to the medical team!

Soon, three or four stewardesses ran in the direction of the old man, and even the stewardess who had just taken Smith's plastic bag, walked quickly in the direction of the women shouting. Airsickness is airsickness, and there is no way to die. It is totally incomparable with that!

Being trivial, the stewardess was still able to distinguish.


The old man was uproaring, and the black man didn't stop. Within a minute, he spit out all the plastic bags. If he didn't use it again or twice, it would definitely overflow.

"****! Tom, you can't vomit slowly! You're almost overflowing!"

Smith covered her nose in disgust and shouted to the black man. The stewardess just gave three bags in total, which can be used once and for all, but Smith was worried that the plastic bags were not strong enough, and he put these three plastic bags directly Together.

"Stewardess, plastic bag, get me another plastic bag," Smith cried.

Only this time, because the stewardess and the medical team were responsible for the old man over there, some of them could not take into account the needs of this Smith, and shouted several times, the black plastic bags were almost full of vomit, this stewardess Haven't come over yet.


The white Smith could not help yelling, and then went to the front to find a plastic bag. Otherwise, the black Tom would definitely spit on the ground. At that time, let alone the entire VIP cabin would be stink. It was himself, no Fa An sat safely in his seat!

It was only about two minutes later that White Smith walked back, holding the plastic bag that the stewardess found for him, and was going to hand it to Tom, but was surprised to find that most of his fellow black Tom had less plastic vomit!

"Tom, you have replaced the plastic bags you found, and I found them for a long time!" White Smith said in an atmosphere that he would not say a word to himself if there were any plastic bags.

"No, I couldn't find a plastic bag." Black Tom said weakly. "I couldn't bear it just now, and I was worried about spitting on the ground, so I vomited the vomit in the plastic bag into my belly."

"After waiting for a long time and you don't come, I can only spit and spit."

Talking, the black Tom looked up and looked helplessly at Smith.

"You ... you mean, you drank the vomit in the plastic bag, and then ... then vomited?"

The white Smith stared at the black man in an incredible way. At the same time, he felt his stomach was rolling and felt something was about to spit out. Especially when he saw the yellow vomit stained on the corner of Tom's mouth, he couldn't help it anymore, "Wow" He vomited himself!

Disgusting, how can this Tom be so disgusting! Spit and drink and spit!

The white Smith was standing, not even noticing that what he spit out splashed on the leather shoes of a person next to him, even on the legs of his pants. Or, he noticed, but didn't care.

Yellow people, vomit and vomit, spit!


And the middle-aged man who was spit out with a shoe and even was splashed with trousers and legs, his face changed, I don't know if it should happen, after all, the other was a tall foreigner.

But then, I glanced at the young man next to me, and thought of the other six or seven bodyguards who took guns and dared to kill everyone. I didn't think about it. I just got up, and turned around with anger. A slap was thrown on this white man's face.

The whites who did not respond at all were aggressive.

"Blind your dog's eyes, alas, dare to vomit on Grandpa's feet! The main thing is, will Tamar say a sorry, a foreigner, or should I teach you to be a man?"

What started was Shu Yishan's father, Shu Jingguang. If it had been the case, how could he dare to do so, even this VIP cabin has not been here, and even the plane has never been seated! To speak out loud here is definitely not the courage!

But in his bones, he is the kind of master who is easy-working and hard-working. He used to be afraid to be tough, but now he is not the same. He is sitting beside his good son-in-law, and he dares to kill everyone! I asked you if you were afraid!

"Teach you paralysis!"

What Shu Jingguang did not expect was that this white man could speak Chinese, and at the same time, he swung at Shu Jingguang's face, even with the black man next to him, and threw the plastic bag in his hand. Some stood up staggered.

Fighting father and son, fighting brothers, not to mention the two of them together.

And the two stood up, directly higher than Shu Jingguang, even with the strength of the body, they can not be compared.


It was just that the white man's fist had not been hit by Shu Jingguang's face, but was stopped by a more powerful hand. A black man reached out and firmly held the white man's hand.

He wanted to struggle, but the opponent's fist came with a lot of strength, like a steel hoop, holding him firmly.



"Let it go, let it go!"

The cold forehead of the white Smith's forehead came with cold sweat. He thought that his strength was already good, but he did not expect that the power of this big man in black was more powerful than him. Moreover, at this time, beside the big man in black, another six big men stood up one after another, all with expressionless faces, staring at him indifferently, making his heart jump even more.

He didn't notice that there were so many people in the other party! And each person's face was written with the words "Do not be born".


"Dare to hit me!"

"I don't see who my grandpa is, he really eats leopard gall!"

When he saw that his son-in-law bodyguard was in his early days, Shu Jingguang was even happier.

Note: At least five changes today, this is the first chapter. The next chapter is around 11 o'clock. Recommended tickets, monthly tickets! !! !!

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