Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 392: I want the HD version!

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In a simple sentence, the eyes of the audience fell on Ning Tianlin and Shu Yishan involuntarily. Now, in this situation, is it the offending people?

"Park Lili's contract, our boss has spoken, no longer signed!"

Regardless of whether Taiyue Jing has answered or not, the man on the cell phone still speaks loudly, "You Ma is hot in South Korea, and we have a TV show in Huaxia, what an international superstar!"

"You are so **** good! You can really put gold on your face! We‘ Invincible Pictures ’hold her as a horn. If you do n’t hold her, she is a shit!”

Invincible Pictures?

What the **** is this invincible film?

When did this movie industry come out of an invincible movie industry?

The onlookers, except for shopping guides, are all identified, and even five or six of them have inextricable relationships with the film industry, but they have never heard of any invincible film industry.

This invincible film industry, such a cow B, a person in charge, dare to say that the Korean superstar is a shit?


But at this time, a tall young woman with light makeup took a sip of air, because she thought of something, because she heard from insiders that the original Bona film that occupied half of China ’s entire movie market Industry, seems to be acquired by what "invincible film industry"!

It seems that the news will be announced recently, but was delayed by the sudden emergence of the League of Legends.

Is this invincible film industry the one on the other end of the phone?

Also, what is the relationship between these two young people and the boss of this invincible film industry? In that case, the fun would be great. Those who can buy Bona Films, the funds of Invincible Films must be more than 10 billion yuan!

What relationship do you have with this boss? A star is really nothing! Really said it was blocked.


"say something!"

"Scolded by me? I won't put a fart?"

The person in charge on the other side of the phone had just been taken care of by the boss Shen Hao. Because this matter was well-trained, he just spilt all his anger on this Thai agent, but he never thought that the other party was really a mess!

Those who were scolded almost sprayed shit, and didn't even say a word!

Mixed with Koreans, she is a girly girl with no blood.

The audience who heard the call was wronged by the Thai agent. He didn't speak, his teeth were gone, and his mouth was full of blood.

"Tell you, Taiyuejing, you'll pretend to be dumb! Hurry up and take back Pu Lili and return to South Korea. Don't come to China to confuse in the future, don't let me see!"

The person in charge on the phone did not respond for a long time, and shouted again, "Our boss has spoken and blocked! People who have no brains such as Pu Lili, have made our Chinese money, and dare to steal our stuff!"

"Let's come to Huaxia even with no bright spots! Get out!"

"Provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked! Don't hold me back!"


After speaking, I hung up the phone directly, and pressed the hands-free mobile phone, and a "beep" sound came out instantly!


"This population is really good!"

After seeing this scene, Ning Tianlin couldn't help but give a thumbs up for this person in charge. So many words of swearing were finished without a breath. Talents are really talents!

He just made a phone call to Shen Hao, who is the president of Bona Films. The last time he was assassinated by Cangmen, he finally sent a bodyguard to save him.

Today, all the shares have been acquired by Ning Tianlin, but they are only responsible for external operations.

This time it was a coincidence. The combat system told Ning Tianlin that this Pu Lili just wanted to continue to develop in Huaxia, and wanted to lean on the big tree of Bona Films, an advanced actor.

"Who are these two young people?"


Onlookers agreed that these people are related to what invincible film industry, and they should be mixed in the entertainment industry.



But at this time, with traffic, some onlookers on the Internet, WeChat and QQ both rang, and even the browser or something automatically sent push messages.

When I saw the screen content title, I was immediately drawn to the past.

"Shocking! South Korean celebrity Park Lili opened her room in high-definition video! Face is clear! Confirmation is undoubted!"

"Big and powerful! The popular star of the Korean entertainment industry, Park Lili, and the board chairman of Lele Group are out!"

"South Korean star Park Lili, playing a waitress and husband! The husband is actually the chairman and general manager of the Tiantian Group, and the relationship between father and son!"

"The Korean entertainment industry has added another incident! The protagonist is the popular star Park Lili, simple and crunchy! Two waitresses and husbands!"


One after another, the headlines about Pu Lili have exploded the mobile phones of countless people. The main thing is not only in Huaxia, but also in South Korea, in Japan, and in places known as "international superstars", they have exploded!

Especially the original video streaming out is high-definition ****! That's called clear, that's called visible!

"My aunt, you dogs B, you know how to play mosaics! What mosaics are played in key parts! If you are full of sight, send some mosaics to fool us!"

"I said, I never thought that Park Lili turned out to be this kind of person! I am still a fan of her! I really want to say aloud, I'm sorry! Please seed, please Park Lili's original HD video, begging! I Coming soon! I'm going to face the screen and shoot her! "

"Please find the complete works! Please arrange the resources! Please kneel down! Email XXXX, kind people ask for sending!"


Soon, the entire network is discussing this Pu Lili video, high definition, ****, everything is visible! Countless gospel!

Only at the scene today, the onlookers who saw all kinds of push messages have changed their faces, because they are very clear, who is the driving force behind all this! It is these two young people!

But this energy is too terrible!

You are invincible film or something, OK! But what is this QQ, what is this WeChat, what is this 380 browser! What's going on with this browser?

How can you report such things at the same time?

It can be so great to affect so many large websites at once!

The main thing is that this plot is still ongoing! This Pu Lili was still lying on the ground in front, her face was swollen! How come so fast, so many negative reports about her came out.

It has nothing to do with the two people in front of them, they will not believe it!

Note: Chapter III ends.

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