Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 517: Invincible Group is from my family

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Ha ha.???"

Ning Tianlin laughed. He really wanted to tell Shu Yishan that there is indeed a ghost in this world. But after thinking about it, forget about it. When this kind of thing happened, she didn't let her know.

Otherwise, she would not dare to sleep alone in the room.

Always suspicious.

Those who watched a horror movie and couldn't sleep well for three days still don't need to know.

"But Tianlin, can you tell me what exactly is your family doing?"

Now that she has decided to marry Ning Tianlin, Shu Yishan certainly wants to know many things. After thinking about it, he looked at Ning Tianlin's glasses seriously and asked him. I don't want to explore the secrets of their Ning Tianlin family, I just want to have a simple understanding.

Otherwise, she can't know nothing.

"Doing business." Ning Tianlin smiled. He already had the answer to such a thing, and at the same time emphasized again, "a big business."


Shu Yishan nodded, but did not ask what business it was, but still hoped that Ning Tianlin could take the initiative to explain to her. Ning Tianlin did not disappoint her, and continued, "You can check it online, Invincible Group."

"Invincible film and television, invincible medicine, invincible machinery, invincible cars, invincible live broadcast, etc., are all opened by my family. However, they have only recently entered the market, and you may not have heard of them."

Ning Tianlin didn't dare to say too much. He is an invincible group. As long as he enters a field, he must sweep everything and win the championship. He must have the most cash-rich technology in the world, talents with advanced intelligent robots, and huge funds Cash flow, nothing can stop it from expanding!

After all, these are all about the essence of the future. When he Ning Tianlin left the earth, the money he made was all realizable! When you go out, can you increase your combat effectiveness by relying on this invincible group!

Although I haven't made any money now, it's all upfront investment, but it won't be long before we start to make a profit!

Moreover, Ning Tianlin did not know if Shu Yishan had heard of the invincible group, so he did not have a high profile.



"The Invincible Group is yours!"

It was only Ning Tianlin's words that shocked Shu Yishan. She never imagined that now, the invincible group that has caused a sensation across the country, no, and a worldwide sensation, is actually her boyfriend's home!

You know, today's invincible group can be described as well-known!

A few days ago, the national government announced in a high-profile manner that it had cooperated with the invincible pharmaceutical company of Invincible Group to develop a good medicine for treating AIDS, various types of cancer, and many terminal illnesses!

Dozens of diseases have been diagnosed as terminally ill in the past, and those who can only recover slowly by themselves, or wait for death, can now be treated!

It can even be said that at present, there is no such thing as terminal illness, as long as you can afford it, everything can be cured! Even if your leg is broken and your arm is broken, there are advanced biotechnology treatments! Can create a brand new creature arm for you!

And all this is related to this invincible pharmaceutical company! The invincible pharmaceutical company belongs to the invincible group!

There is also invincible live broadcast, as long as the Internet is available, it has information about it. It is a live broadcast with gorgeous 3d special effects, which is extremely real. Through this live broadcast, it is completely face-to-face, not just watching the screen blankly!

Moreover, this invincible live broadcast seems to have acquired a lot of live broadcast platforms across the country. What bettas, pandas and the like have been acquired! Even many overseas have been directly acquired!

All said that this invincible live broadcast platform, to build a global live broadcast! Not just China! To make the world's live broadcasts available here!

Not to mention today's rumoured invincible car companies, I heard that they can make cars flying in the air and swimming in the sea! The technology of fuel and steel has been solved, and it will be completely available in less than two months! I even heard that there are already sample car interviews! And accept local reservations!

Able to switch sea, air, and air trinity!

Most importantly, this invincible car company, and invincible machinery, have close cooperation with the military! And this is also rarely acknowledged by the military!

Some responsible media have summed up the subsidiaries under the Invincible Group, which has reached as many as 38! Can be described as facing all walks of life! And each subsidiary is extremely huge, just like the Big Mac, just take out one, and you can dominate one field!

This invincible group has just appeared less than two months ago, and it has already been listed on the Fortune Global 500 by a wealth list! It's just that no specific assets can be seen, and even it is still expanding. Therefore, we have reservations about the invincible group!

But it is obvious that this invincible group is the master who can compete with many powerful companies in the world!

And his boyfriend's family turned out to be the helm of this invincible group!


Shu Yishan just felt a little bit spinning. My boyfriend's family can be said to be a rich man! Moreover, being able to cooperate with the government in all directions shows that the relationship is by no means ordinary!

No wonder that at the airport, even the army people came out!


Ning Tianlin nodded, "It's not my home, and in the future, there will be you too! This invincible group is our common!"

Ning Tianlin doesn't care about these. In the future, he will leave the earth, and all real estate and industries will be left to his family. Only the cash will be turned into energy, unless he sells some real estate.

"I have it too?"

Shu Yishan was stunned. She never thought that Ning Tianlin would say such a word. She never thought about this issue. From the bottom of her heart, she never greeted Ning Tianlin's money.

"of course!"

"You will be my wife in the future, and of course I will have your share."

Ning Tianlin touched Shu Yishan's show very seriously. "When you get married, if possible, you put a name on the school, you don't have to go, and you are in charge of the invincible group."

Invincible Group, many of the principals now are advanced intelligent robots that Ning Tianlin exchanged from the combat system. Slowly, they need to change to close people. Parents, Shu Yishan, can participate if they wish.

"But I can't do anything. I can't help anything when I go."

Shu Yishan has no objection, but in her heart, she thinks more about how to help her boyfriend.

"Rest assured, you can learn." Ning Tianlin smiled. "Someone will teach you. No one will have anything as soon as they leave the school, so you have to take your time."

"Oh." Shu Yishan nodded his head, a little hesitant, but suddenly, thinking of online speculation about the invincible group, he asked Ning Tianlin, "Tianlin, invincible group, is there a League of Legends power behind it?"

(End of this chapter)

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