Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 651: Turns out to be an ice dragon!

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"this is?"

Ning Tianlin's eyes narrowed, because the round elixir alone gave him a very terrifying feeling, as if there was life, and this life is not ordinary life.

He even made him feel a fear!

"What elixir?"

"It's so amazing!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes had narrowed into a line, and he was a little bit excited, because he had felt an energy from this round elixir, extremely terrifying and pure energy!

With this energy, he will certainly be able to exchange a lot of energy.

"Who told you this is the elixir?" The combat system directly denied Ning Tianlin's idea. "In this furnace, a lot of medicinal materials have been refined, but they are not elixir."

"This thing, you should have heard it, called Dragon Ball!"

"What!" Hearing here, Ning Tianlin's face changed suddenly, and said violently, "Dragon Ball! You mean the ancient dragon in the legend?"

Ning Tianlin's body is a little embarrassed, because for any Chinese child, the dragon has a different look.

Holy, noble, inviolable!

"Apart from it, there is nothing else." The combat system directly gave a positive answer, "This dragon ball is exactly the essence of the ancient Shenlong that you recorded! It is also a huge part of the strength of a dragon."

"Although it is nothing in the universe, it is a treasure for you."

And Ning Tianlin already did not know what the combat system was talking about, because he was shocked by those four words, ancient Shenlong! In this world, there really are dragons! The kind of dragon that drives clouds and rain!

He originally thought that these were creatures fabricated by ancient people, but now it seems that they do!

"Of course!"

"What's impossible!" The combat system said, "It's like the Chinese zodiac, the other eleven, the chicken, the mouse, the tiger, each of them, and you've all seen them, but this dragon Why can't you believe it? "

"It just disappeared now."

"When you travel in the universe in the future, you will definitely be able to see it."

"Also! The remaining eleven species of the twelve zodiac signs exist, why do you doubt the authenticity of the dragon alone!" Ning Tianlin nodded, even with a feeling of sudden openness. Before, he really did not think so Too.

The ancients will not be so boring, they will treat a non-existent creature as a kind of zodiac alone!

"Dragon Ball!"

"It turned out to be Dragon Ball!"

After a brief shock, Ning Tianlin slowly stretched out his hand and touched the dragon ball suspended in the magma, but suddenly, he was in a stunned spirit.

"Good ice!"

He never imagined that although this dragon ball looked fiery, it felt much colder than the frost! Even Ning Tianlin felt that the frost that had condensed outside in winter was nothing more than a small witch.

"what happened?"

"How is this dragon ball iced?"

Ning Tianlin is a little bit unknown, so this dragon ball is obviously red, and the color of fire is the same, but how can it be ice! And it's the kind of ice that penetrates the bone marrow! Even Ning Tianlin suspected that if an ordinary person touched this dragon ball, it would definitely be frozen into a popsicle in an instant!

"What's weird about this," the combat system said. "It was originally an ice dragon's dragon ball. Its indication was red, just because it was immersed in magma all year round.

"Its surface is a layer of magma."

Ning Tianlin froze, "Ice Dragon?"

"Dragon Ball of the Ice Dragon?"

At the same time, he nodded in his heart, also, watching in the flaming magma, it must be red, just like a white ball, watching in a pot of ink, it must be all black.

"I can't think of Ge Hong, but luck is so good that I can meet the Ice Dragon and get its Dragon Ball." Ning Tianlin really didn't know what kind of picture was at the time. This Ge Hong could meet this. Kind of treasure.

What's more, Ge Hong did something innocent. If he mentioned the dragon in his book Baopuzi, many people would surely believe it, at least it would dispel the doubts of a lot of people.

But he didn't mention it, but quietly put the dragon ball here.

"What did he do with this dragon ball here?" Ning Tianlin was a little puzzled. What kind of treasure isn't he wearing around? Moreover, you Ge Hong is dead, and certainly will not be attacked by its cold air.

Since this place is your tomb of Ge Hong, why not put it next to you?

Doesn't that mean that funeral items are generally treasures? You Ge Hong has a dragon ball as a funeral, which is much better than the relatives of the emperor.

"Who said that this Dragon Ball was obtained by Ge Hong?" The combat system directly denied Ning Tianlin's idea. "This Dragon Ball was obtained by his Ge family ancestors by chance, and at the time, it was a whole Ice Dragon!"

"It's just that their Ge family hasn't worked out how to use this ice dragon. In the end, this generation of Wizards, Ge Hong thought of a way and put it into practice."

"Well?" Ning Tianlin was a little bit unknown.

"The Ge family is a family of alchemists, and they are quite proficient. But the host, you know, the ultimate purpose of alchemy at that time was longevity! This Ge family was no exception. They refined numerous elixir for the purpose of longevity. "

"But unfortunately, their Ge family has never had the ability to refine this elixir, and even after getting the whole body of the ice dragon, there is nothing they can do in a short time."

"And in the end, Ge Hong thought of an idea, which was to leave the soul and attach himself to the dragon, turning himself into a dragon!"

"Originally, this method is good. The dragon has a long life. If there is no external force, it can definitely live. But unfortunately, this Ge Hong's fighting power is not working. Although the soul can leave the body at any time with the help of elixir, but Can't fit into the dragon's body at all! "

"Because as soon as he enters, his entire soul is almost frozen! The power of this dragon ball is not something that his fragile soul can compete with."

"Its soul doesn't stay in the ice dragon's body for long! Not to mention controlling Dragon Ball and becoming a dragon!"

"So in the end, he rummaged through the classics and thought of this method, which is to use the power of natural fiery magma to expel the cold from this dragon ball! And supplemented by heavenly treasures, he will thoroughly refine this dragon ball! "

"On the day of true success, his soul can possess the ice dragon, and then control this dragon ball, immortal!"

"Originally, this method was feasible. If he followed Ge Hong's plan, he would be able to transform himself into a dragon and never die. However, unfortunately, he was countless, but he missed one thing, the human heart."

(End of this chapter)

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