Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 689: Sea monster

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

So this time, the middle-aged man just ran away from the coastline and ran to this place.

He wants to give it a try!

He could gain something in a place where few people came.

Alfonso, however, had one or two experiences of being away from the coastline. He even came here, so he took him with him.

"You can't go wrong."

"I came here by chance with my father back then! I remember clearly! Although there is no direction in the sea, but I live in the sea all the year round, I can't even recognize this!

This was called Alfonso's thin man. "My father was a fish all the way down the net! And the very precious three-meter-long blue tuna was caught here."

"Nothing wrong!"

This Alfonso talked of his father, and his face was extremely missed. Moreover, if it is not too far from the coastline, they will definitely come here often, and the fish here are too rich.

If you catch some, you will get rich!


"That blue tuna was caught here?"

There was a splendid light in the eyes of the middle-aged man, but he knew what kind of good price this extremely rare blue tuna could sell! Two hundred thousand and three hundred thousand dollars are the base!

At that time, Alfonso's father brought back one, what kind of sensation!

But this blue tuna is totally something you can't find! If the last one is caught, let alone the more than 100,000 owed by gambling, it will be a world change immediately after life.

but. . . . . . Don't gamble everything!

The middle-aged man glanced at Alfonso and sighed. This boy, the family was considered a rich overnight, asking for money. But his whole family, like himself, has got into the habit of gambling.

It didn't take long before I owed a lot of debt.

This time he promised himself that if he was lucky, he would have to share a slice of him. Otherwise, he wouldn't take risks and drive himself so far off the coastline. Even this total of six people are made up of gambling ghosts who owe a village!

It's all about desperation!

"It's from here!"

"I'm sure!"

This Alfonso has a dark body and affirmation in his mouth, but he also has some doubts in his heart. It shouldn't be. Why is this happening? I have been off the net several times, why not even a fish made up!

This is offshore, and it shouldn't happen!


It's just abrupt. The entire tens-meter-long brown hull was shaken violently, and even everyone on the board was a cricket, even this Alfonso, couldn't grasp his body shape and directly on the board. Charged for several meters.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Everyone was stunned, their faces changed, did they hit the reef and hit the reef? This violent turmoil should be the reaction! But how could there be a reef here, and they wouldn't knock a hole into their bottom.


"No reef!"

"The boat is still moving!"

Alphonso shouted, already lying on the side of the boat. Because he saw that the ship was still moving and didn't stop. If it hit the reef, the ship couldn't walk if it wanted to go!

"Yeah, the ship is still moving, not the reef!"

The crowd was stunned, indeed, not a reef, but what would it be, the violent bump just now, but it really existed!


But just then, the whole hull was shaking again, and it was more severe than before. This time three people directly fell to the deck and rolled back and forth.

And this time they were holding the hull! More prepared than just now!


"What the **** is going on 1"

The middle-aged man's face changed greatly, almost roaring and asking. There is only one explanation for this situation, and that is that they are really in trouble! And it's no small thing!

Especially at sea, maybe it will be terrible!



It's just abrupt, the entire hull starts to move fast, and at speed, they don't know how much faster they are sailing at full speed! As if there were creatures dragging them on the sea floor!

And shaking left and right, irregular!

"what happened!"

"What the **** is wrong!"

The whole hull fluctuated violently, and the speed changed. All the fools knew that something had happened. Almost everyone, lying on the side of the boat, looked into the sea in horror, wondering what was there.

But in the depths of a blue sea, except for darkness, only darkness remained.


At this moment, a very loud, overbearing roar came from the sea, shaking the viscera of several people, and it was very uncomfortable! Even the eardrums of several people have to be shocked!

In particular, everyone can hear, this roar is mixed with deep anger!

If they can see below the sea, they will find that a giant snake-shaped creature over 40 meters long is caught by their fishing nets! Their ship was rushed forward by this giant snake-shaped creature!

"Sea monster!"

"It's a sea monster!"

"We encountered sea monsters!"

Alfonso's mouth was bloodshot, and his eyes were frightened. He almost yelled at the roar just now! He felt so far that his internal organs were shaking back and forth.

Sea monster!

This sound is the sea monster's fault!

Those of them who deal with the sea all the year round know that deep in the sea, there are terrorist creatures. Maybe they will come out from the sea and attack humanity! Big octopus, big squid, these are the scary ghosts that hang around the mouth all the year round!

"Sea monster!"

"We have encountered a sea monster!"

This middle-aged man was also terrified at first. After all, this legend about sea monsters is more terrifying than sinking a ship. It is fun, especially their huge size, which is a nightmare for all seafarers!

But soon, the middle-aged man's complexion changed, and even in his horrified eyes, he gradually emitted a fine light, and it became increasingly hot.

Sea monster!

Shit sea monster!

Aren't you bigger?

Big octopus! Big squid! Great Water Margin!

Not all fish in the sea!

I have weapons in my hands, I'm afraid of you!

The middle-aged man is even a little quick to breathe. This time, if he can kill a giant sea monster and take it back, he will not make a lot of money! What do you care about $ 100,000! What blue tuna!

Sea monsters are worth more than any creature!

Moreover, there are still many weapons in their cabins! Their country has no restrictions on weapons and can be purchased privately anywhere! Especially those who go to sea all year round have some heavy weapons!

When it's okay, you can kill some sharks on the sea!


"Fight it! Give it a try!"

Middle-aged people look a little excited, chance! Maybe this time, God gave him a chance!

(End of this chapter)

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