Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 726: A bunch of scum!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


Unlike the battle of words in the online world, the combat system responded to the clamor of these countries, only responding to two words, and it was issued through the League of Legends official website. It dare to arrange such a plan, of course, everything is ready.

Give Huaxia a nuclear bomb?

See if your nuclear bomb can fly out of your country!

A group of stupid!

It still seems owed!


With the announcement of the words League of Legends, the whole world exploded! Countless people thought of too many possibilities, but never thought that the League of Legends was so scornful!

Hit them hard!

This is obviously not looking at these countries!

Not only do not give explanations, they are totally contemptuous towards them, but also scold them as stupid. Is it really not afraid that more than two hundred of them will unite to attack you in China?

We are not destroyed by the Shenlong, let's destroy your Huaxia first!

One day.

Two days.

Two and a half days.

The eyes of the whole world are focused on this Huaxia, because until now, the League of Legends has not revoked the word "stupid ratio" from the official website, and in half a day time, they have reached the limit dates of these countries!

The League of Legends still has no action, they will launch a joint attack!

Even in the past two and a half days, military rectifications were being carried out around the world. If Huaxia did not agree, they would send troops. Before this dragon came, they would destroy Huaxia!

Isn't it World War III! You will not let us live, and we will not let you live!

Of course, Huaxia has not been idle during this period of time, actively rectifying military preparations. Although Ning Tianlin, who is posing as a combat system, has promised the chief, this is a group of black people, how many deaths come, even the League of Legends has sent many heroes to guard Bianguan, but the head is still a bit uneasy.

Because at this time, it's really about the National Games!

A little careless, the country does not necessarily exist!

Three days later.

Twelve o'clock in Beijing.

"Go to war!"

More than 200 national coalition forces led by the United States and Russia have officially announced an attack on China!

The Chiyan Black Dragon's attack didn't arrive, but the whole world was in chaos!

"Indo, Russia" and other countries that have borders with Huaxia have sent land troops to attack on the ground. Without territorial borders, they have begun transporting soldiers using transport aircrafts.

Even the technologically advanced American emperor, and a bunch of followers behind it, have begun launching long-range missiles and the like against Huaxia.

You will not let us live, we will not let you live!

I just misunderstood you. You Huaxia really ca n’t send League of Legends. League of Legends does not listen to your command. They will also pull you back!

"Not good! Missile failed! It's out of control! God! It flew towards us!"

In less than three seconds, all countries that launched missiles at Huaxia found that their missiles had lost control and instead flew back towards them! Just like the scene of the nuclear bomb that the US emperor fired in New York last time!




Hundreds of missiles rise in their respective countries! Bloom like fireworks!

"What's wrong! The aircraft electronics failed! All electronic systems are not working!"

Soon, the pilots of various helicopters and annihilated the aircraft found that their electronic equipment had failed and lost their heading. The soldier transport plane that went to Huaxia even fell directly from the air!

"Newspaper! Lost contact with Russia, Xiaori, Xiaohan and other countries! The network has no effect! Even the phone is unreachable! The radar also loses the signal!"

Less than a minute after the order was issued, the U.S. military command was frightened. They were just as blind-sighted as they were, and they lost all signals! As if back to the time of ancient war.

All Allies have lost contact!

And other countries are the same! Whether it is the ground, the sky, or the sea, everything that just touches the signal is useless!

Even the United States, Russia, Russia, and other countries were terrified to discover that their nuclear missile arsenals were automatically launched and targeted, and their targets were changed. All the troops going to Huaxia had comprehensive coverage!




Just a moment, all the troops who went to Huaxia were blasted into dregs! Even the aircraft carriers of various countries stopped on the surface and made targets! Into a pile of scrap iron!


"Okay ... good!"

The Huaxia base, and even the entire Chinese people, are watching all this, because the screen in front of everyone at this moment is live broadcast by the combat system!

There are even labels on the side!

Which country is this and how many people have died! What model and which country's missile shell was hit!


"Flying Mantis! Flying Mantis is out!

"And the seven-star ladybug!"

"And a hundred-meter snake!"

Many people even noticed that on some demarcation lines on the border of China, some terror creatures appeared, blocking the invasion of soldiers from neighboring countries! They are like tigers flocking into the flock, tearing up the army that has not been bombed!

"So scary League of Legends!"

"Is he going to fight the world with his own power!"

Countless Chinese people were shocked.

They were also a little worried that this time might really turn into a world war. After all, this time, China Huaxia was bullied by the whole world and was almost an enemy of the world. Even with the help of the League of Legends, I am afraid it will be a vicious battle.

But I never expected that things would turn out like this!

It turned into a one-sided situation!

It can even be said that these countries have no resistance at all! Information warfare, losing information control, is really no different from waste! Even the missiles were killed by their own launches!

"it is good!"

"Good job!"

And then, countless people boiled and cheered with joy, because in just a few minutes, they saw the balance tilting towards Huaxia, but now, Huaxia hasn't started!

And there was another scene where the combat system was not shown. It was a little girl with a tail, scarlet eyes open, and rammed through countless crowds. Every time, hundreds of lives fell!

She's been heard from the Amazon River!

These humans are more helpful to her than the creatures there!

Moreover, the vitality obtained by her killing will be attached to Ning Tianlin, letting Ning Tianlin lie down to earn it.

"A bunch of scum!"

Half a day later.

The dust fell.

Blood flowed into the river.

The entire earth has almost become a sea of ​​blood!

At this time, some surviving humans found that their network and television were available, but before taking a breath, four **** characters appeared on all screens, "A group of scum!"

(End of this chapter)

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