Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 736: Chiyan Black Dragon leaving

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"A man appeared on the snake's head of this Hachiman serpent!"

Xu Fu's body, whether it is relative to the Chiyan Black Dragon or the Eight-Big Snake, is small and pathetic, almost the same size as the boast on the body. But satellite systems throughout Asia are staring at this picture.

As long as there is a change, you can always notice it!

Moreover, the angle became closer, and the light curtain became larger. Soon, Xu Fu's figure appeared clearly on the light curtain.

You know, with today's technology, an ant can be amplified by a satellite, not to mention Xu Fu!


"Who is that?"

"This guy is amazing!"

"In this case, you can come to the head of this Hachichi serpent!"

Countless people were amazed and shocked by the situation, not only the person who appeared, but also how he appeared! It's no different from appearing out of thin air! It was as if he blinked and the other party was already there.

But at this time, the screen cannot be played back, and everyone can only bury this problem in their hearts.

"Who is he?"

"Is it the hero of the League of Legends? Isn't the League of Legends finally working?"

Many people speculated. Many people, including Huaxia, think so. Because today's world can have this ability, I am afraid that is the hero in the League of Legends!

Only they have such superman fighting power!

Especially the dust in the other's hands, it is easy to make people feel that he is a Chinese!

That dust is generally the patent of the Taoist!

"Old ancestor!"

"It's the ancestor!"

"Old ancestors are going to shoot too!"

"Long live Dongdong!"

"Long live my ancestors!"

The Emperor Dongzhang, as well as that of the high-ranking Prime Minister, also recognized who this young man was at the moment, and it was their ancestor, the master of the yin-yang shrine! The true guardian and creator of the East!

Xu Fu!

"Kill it!"

"Kill this black dragon!"

"We humans are saved!"

Many people are shouting excitedly at this moment. The Chiyan Black Dragon and the Hachio Serpent stalemate, and they won't win or lose for a while. If this time, the Hachimansu Serpent will come back with such a help, will you definitely be able to kill the Chiyan Heilong!

By then, the entire human race will be saved!

Especially this young man, as well as the dust in his hands, does not seem to be a simple commodity! Didn't see this dust, the glittering, almost flashed the entire screen!

"Not a hero!"

"There is no trace of this person in our system!"

"He is not our hero!"


An extremely large base.

The lights are brilliant.

Shi Xiaojun stared at the screen, doing analysis.

Hundreds of heroes behind him also stared at the young man on the screen, shaking his heart. Because only they have the fighting power, they know what this unexpected young man means, that is fighting power!

Absolute fighting power!

Without absolute combat power, it would not even appear on the screen in a blink of an eye! They didn't even see it just now!

Moreover, this Chiyan black dragon almost destroyed the entire earth. The coercion of the huge body exudes the fear that ordinary people will explode in front of them! Of ordinary combat effectiveness, standing between these two horrible creatures, I am afraid they are not stable!

The combat effectiveness of this young man is absolutely tight!

I'm afraid the dust in his hands is not a simple commodity! It is a super powerful combat equipment!

"This human being appeared on the head of the Yagi snake, but the other person didn't have the slightest brain, or even stretched out the snake letter to lick it. It is likely that they knew each other!"

Several heroes gave a guess, and Shi Xiaojun nodded his head. This situation is indeed very likely. Generally, creatures are stepped on their heads and will definitely show different looks. And after analysis, there is nothing unusual in the eight heads of the eight-variable snake!

There is even a warm and happy color!

Not bad!



Although Shi Xiaojun knows that this term may be a bit inaccurate, it is just like meeting an acquaintance, and it is not an ordinary acquaintance!

"It's just this person, isn't it from Tianlin?"

As the person in charge of controlling the League of Legends today, Shi Xiaojun also has good fighting power, but this is not bad, and it is only relative to ordinary heroes.

He once asked Ning Tianlin whether this black dragon was an opponent of this all-human disaster. Because he wanted to do something to rescue all humankind and embarrassment!

He is the leader of the League of Legends, and it is necessary and responsible to take the lead for all humanity!

Otherwise, the whole world could really be ruined in the hands of this black dragon! This is the case even for many Yingxiong heroes, and they all moved their hearts! Human beings are going to be destroyed. Do their heroes still make sense?

However, "Ning Tianlin" answered him, and none of the heroes of the League of Legends is the opponent of this Chiyan black dragon! The other person sneezes, they can spray them to death!

They didn't go up to save humans, but they were meaningless to die!

This matter, he "Ning Tianlin" has his own opinion!

At the right time, he will solve this Chiyan Black Dragon!

"Is this the right time for Tian Lin to say?"

Shi Xiaojun was puzzled for a while, because at this time, it was a golden opportunity to kill the black dragon. It's trapped. If someone comes forward and kills it, it's definitely possible!

"But if this person was not sent by Tianlin, does it not mean that there is another powerful force hidden in this world?

Shi Xiaojun thought of this possibility and was shocked because it was not impossible! He turned out to be just an ordinary person and knew too little about the world and the earth.

Maybe there is really a powerful person. Now, take a shot to help the earth through this difficult time.

After thinking about it, he sent his doubts to Ning Tianlin in the form of information. But the message was like a sinking sea, and no reply was received.


At the same time, on the light curtain, the golden light shone, and the young man on the head of the Yaqi serpent, like a god, swung the dust from his hand fiercely. Even the entire light curtain was golden, and many people who shimmered closed their eyes involuntarily.

Even the Chiyan Black Dragon, which was entangled with the Eight-Big Snake, showed a little panic in his eyes, and it was almost on the earth that he showed this expression for the first time!

Because it feels the breath of death from this light!



Crazyly swinging the body, the scarlet eyes were already bloody, struggling desperately, trying to break free from the entanglement of the Chiyan black dragon. But unfortunately, the Hachichi snake is also doing the last blog, and he trapped it with a huge body!


Crossing space and time, Xu Fu's dust, like a death sickle, must be stroked on the Chiyan black dragon, and even the Chiyan black dragon gave up the struggle for a short time.


But at this time, there was another buzz between heaven and earth.

I saw a silvery white light that crossed the sky and appeared in this space in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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