Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 738: Xu Fu commits suicide?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"League of legends!"

"This man must be the hero of the China League of Legends!"

"He is preventing us from killing the Black Dragon! All this is a conspiracy of the League of Legends!"

Too many people in Asia, such conjectures have erupted at this moment. After all, this person is from China! He's blocking the Black Dragon!

And you know, in the whole world today, only the heroes of the China League of Legends can fly in the air! Except for them, who can do it!

"This Chiyan Black Dragon is most likely released by the League of Legends! It's almost the same as the last Devil King!"

"No wonder it's been this long, League of Legends hasn't started! It turned out that everything was planned by them!"

"This League of Legends, so ruthless!"

"It is destroying the entire human race!"

Originally, the whole world had some doubts about how this Chiyan black dragon appeared. It can even be said that for thousands of years, no such thing happened in the human world. But less than a year after the rise of the League of Legends, the world has appeared as the Devil King, the flying mantis and the like, and is now even a black dragon.

What's your explanation for saying that this black dragon is not what it released!

Now that the whole world has become like this, it is likely that it was planned by League of Legends!

"League of Legends disbands!"

"Destroy League of Legends!"

"League of Legends should not appear in this world!"

Can't help but, the world has made such a call and swept the network in a moment, but it is only limited to the network. There is not much in reality, and there is no country. For this reason, it is trouble to send troops and find Huaxia!

Russia is gone. Today in Asia, China is already the No. 1 in military terms! Not to mention the existence of League of Legends!

They are just a few comparisons.

"Deputy leader, do you need to make an announcement in the world to explain it? Clarification of this matter has nothing to do with our League of Legends."


League of Legends base.

A heroine in charge of external affairs asked Shi Xiaojun.

Because if you really follow this conjecture, League of Legends is likely to be unpopular.

"no need."

"They think what they love."

"We League of Legends don't need to worry about them! We don't need to explain to them!"

Shi Xiaojun waved his hand and rejected the heroine's offer. And no one knows that he just consulted Ning Tianlin, the leader of the alliance, as soon as this happened. After all, this incident has a great impact, maybe it will be the prestige of the League of Legends in the world.

But clinker, "Leader Ning Tianlin" 's reply, surprised him!

What I said just now is exactly what Ning Tianlin said, and even said, "Unpopular? That is not popular in other Asian countries! It is not our China! This world, except for our China, are all aliens!"

"Not my people, their hearts must be different!"

"If it is not popular, then kill these aliens!"

"And only we Chinese are the true inhabitants of the ancient times of the earth!"

"It's time to return the pure land of the earth!"

Ning Tianlin's words made Shi Xiaojun startled because these short sentences revealed too much information.

"Non-My people, their hearts must be different", "Unpopular, killing is", is "Ning Tianlin" attitude to this matter.

Spicy and indifferent!

"What we Chinese people are the real inhabitants of the earth's sake era!"

Is there no white or black people on this earth before, only the Huaxia family? Are they all star aliens? The descendants passed down at that time?

"It's time to return the pure land of the earth!"

Such words are even more indirect proof that this matter is really likely to be related to their League of Legends. Even his good friend Ning Tianlin manipulated everything behind the scenes.

He is returning to the pure land of the earth!

Either way, it makes him a little incredible.

But if you think about it, nothing is said. He is also an angry young man. The centuries-old shame of the last century has made Chinese people in the world unable to look up! At that time, directly and indirectly, hundreds of millions of people died!

Now that you have the power to change everything, why not do it!

At that time, no one cared about the lives of our Chinese people, even comparing Chinese people with pigs and dogs. The Chinese people and pigs and dogs were not allowed to enter. They said that we, Huaxia, care about their lives at this moment!

After all, it's just one newspaper after another!

It ’s not that no time is up!

. . . . . .

"White up!"

"You are still alive!"

"And the flesh!"

In the void, Xu Fu stared at Bai Qi, his heart was shaking, his eyes were complicated. Come here, he really was fooled by him!

At that time, when he knew that the 100,000 Mountains was abnormal and could trap people's souls, he baited Bai Qi to commit suicide there, so that he could not be reborn as a ghost! And there, there are too many beasts' souls, it is very likely that their white spirits will be eaten by those beasts!

But I never thought that the 100,000 mountains is just a nail of the ancestor of the Wu tribe, which contains a lot of ancestor spirits! The Qin people, however, have a trace of blood of the Wu tribe!

Bai Qi's soul, not only was not swallowed by the beast, but quickly increased combat effectiveness!

Now, it was even given to the flesh by Ning Tianlin, standing in front of him!

"Ha ha."

Suddenly, Bai laughed. Looking at the most hated in this life, he could not eat his flesh, drank his blood, swallowed his bone, and smiled at the corner of his mouth. It's just that smile is so cold.


"Xu Fu, didn't you think about it? I'm alive from Bai Qi! Live in this world!"

Even the long sword floating above his head could feel the anger in his heart and shake constantly.

"You harmed me, the Emperor, and the entire Daqin! Such a great feud, any Qin nationality, can't wait for you to die!"

"You are here to help the mulberry, and you have lived for more than two thousand years, it is time to make a life for Da Qin!"


Speaking, the long sword on his head was automatic without wind, and the point of the sword pointed at Xu Fu, and he said coldly, "Today, I will not kill you! But I will take you to the first emperor and let him punish you!"

"You are most sorry, the Emperor, the entire Daqin!"

"You are the sinner of the entire Daqin!"

"I think the first emperor knows I will take you and will definitely treat you well!"

Although he has not seen the first emperor's face yet, in his blank heart, the first emperor is still alive and still waiting for his arrival at the tomb! Still waiting for him to create a great cause together!

Speaking, a sneer appeared at the corner of the mouth, and then the long sword in the air turned into a rainbow, rushing towards Xu Fu!


Like a sharp arrow, almost pierced the entire void.

(End of this chapter)

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