Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 745: It's 300 meters below!

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Having said all this, Bai Qi stretched his right hand forward, and the boundless air began to converge in front of him, and then he was slammed down, like a mountain, toward Xu Fubang!

Moreover, this boundless energy was controlled by Bai Qi, and fell only to Xu Fu's knees, ankles, shoulders, or elbows and other joints.



Xu Fu, who fell to the ground, only felt a sudden pain in his whole body, and it was only an instant. All his bones and joints were turned into flour, and the broken ones couldn't be broken anymore. Even with the mouth is involuntarily spurting blood.

Break your veins!


Xu Fu wanted to speak, but his mouth was full of blood and water, just one mouth, just grunting and pouring into his throat, but his eyes, staring at Bai Qi, full of resentment.

After this battle, his Xu Fu was completely gone, power, status, that is, all nine lives were killed by Bai Qi, only one left!

And it's still a stretch!

How can he not hate!

It was just that he didn't expect that Bai Qi was so fierce. Didn't he just say he took himself to the first emperor and waited for his fate? How could you be so seriously injured now?


Bai Qi snorted, but did not speak, but his mind flickered, and the long sword floating in the void danced again, then went straight towards Xu Fu lying on the ground like a sharp arrow.

In a moment, Qi Gen was submerged in Xu Fu's abdomen! Fastened Xu Fu to the ground!

In addition, Bai Qixuan's position is extremely accurate, one inch to the right of the navel. Although this position will cause severe pain, it will not let Xu Fu die, especially Xu Fu's physique is good. He persists for half an hour without any problems.

"Stay here first!"

"Wait a while, I will show you the first emperor!"

Bai Qi said, rising up into the air, chasing quickly in a direction ahead. Fast, disappeared between heaven and earth in the blink of an eye. At the same time, the global picture was interrupted and the live broadcast was over.

"It's over."

"We humans, it's over!"

Seeing Xu Fu completely subdued, and the Yachi serpent also dying, countless Asians showed desperate eyes, because it is likely that the escaped black dragon returned and continued to kill humans!

It ’s just that some people do n’t give up, their minds turn, “Huaxia!”

"Be sure to find a way to Huaxia!"

"It is only there that it is possible to escape this calamity!"

If before, humans thought that Huaxia was a place where it was possible to escape the disaster, but now, most people have turned this "possible" into "absolute", because no matter whether it is League of Legends or not, he absolutely It's Huaxia!

They don't believe that this can see Huaxia's destruction and disregard!

Coupled with the League of Legends that has never been shot, Huaxia, can definitely escape this disaster!

After all, it has now been proven that this black dragon raging on the earth is not the strongest! Someone can do anything about it.

"The first emperor is not dead!"

"Qin Shihuang is not dead!"

"The Emperor Qin Shihuang, an emperor of all ages, may be living by our side!"

And countless Chinese people have heard the last few words of Bai Qi, but want to bring this Xu Fu to Qin Shihuang to atone for sin! Regardless of his resentment between Xu Fu and Qin Shihuang, Bai Qi, one thing is clear, this Qin Shihuang was not dead!

He lives between this world!

For a while, countless Chinese people showed an incredible color.

Did the legendary elixir really refining successfully? Just so, why did the Da Qin go out until Xiang Yu burned the Afang Palace in the Qin Dynasty without showing up?

And what about today's Terracotta Warriors and Horses? Is it his mausoleum?

Soon, countless Chinese people were caught in this doubt. They are all guessing, if Qin Shihuang is still alive, where is he? For thousands of years, he really lives with us?

But there are still some people who are confused about Bai Qi's last move. Why doesn't Bai Qi take Xu Fu away and nail him to the ground instead?

Where is he going?

"what happened?"

"How can't I fix it?"

"Lost everything from Bai Qi?"

League of Legends base.

Shi Xiaojun is also a technical staff staring at the edge with some doubts. It stands to reason that with the current technology, it is completely possible to accurately determine the position of Bai Qi for live broadcasting.

Why are you interrupted suddenly?

And looking again, there was no news from Bai Qi.

This situation has never happened since he took control of the League of Legends. Just now, if he wants to find out where an ant is, he Shi Xiaojun is confident that he can do it.

But now, why is there no white figure!

"Is it the leader?"

Shi Xiaojun suddenly thought of this possibility, and was shocked in his heart, because it was very likely. It is estimated that only his good friend Ning Tianlin has such a means today.

And he has faintly realized that today's world pattern is caused by his friend Ning Tianlin.

Bai Qi's disappearance is likely to be his unknown means.


Ten minutes later, Bai Qi's figure had already appeared in the vast sea. And on his shoulders, I don't know when, there has been a smaller silver-white puppy with wings.

"Are you sure, that black dragon is hiding here?"

This is a small Japanese sea, connected to Xiao Han. It belongs to the common sea area of ​​these two countries. Bai Qi appeared here, brought by the small metal dog on his shoulder.


The metal dog did not answer, but flickered and flew up. It stayed on Bai Qi's shoulders just because its combat power was relatively low, only a few hundred, and its flying speed was far worse than that of Bai.

It stayed on its shoulders, just a ride.

And this little metal dog is not something else. It was Ning Tianlin's former bodyguard in black. At this moment, he transformed into a metal dog.


"It's 300 meters below!"

With that said, the metal dog's eyes shot out two rays of light and landed in the void, and a light curtain appeared in front of them. And there is nothing above it, just the black dragon who just escaped from Mount Fuji!

At this moment is curled up, surrounded by a sea mountain.


Bai Qi didn't hesitate to see this scene either, and God's thoughts protruded, straight through the sea water, and fell on the black dragon. And there is no hiding, even with the divine mind, in front of the black dragon, a wave was stirred up.


And the black dragon's body is also a clever one, and then he opened his eyes fiercely, and the scarlet eyes showed a vicious taste, just a little taste. In this viciousness, there was a faint panic.

(End of this chapter)

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